ios - Unable to get view controller size. Swift -

I'm new to Swift and I'm trying to use the following method to create SKSpriteNode in my gamecine swift The problem is that I need to get the size of the GameScene view from the ChainsawMaker class. It is my name. Close ChainsawMaker.swift:

  Import Spritekit Class ChainsawMaker: SKScene {class func longChainsawCreator () -> SKSpriteNode / long chainsaw long chancesway width = size. Method / 3  

occurs with error size. With / 3 which is not a member of the "Chansov Maker" type size

Any recommendations?

That's because you're calling without the class func longChainsawCreator () Has started an example of ChainsawMaker .

According to the documentation (), size is present in the form of a variable,


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