javascript - Angular.js : prettyPhoto URL redirected to defualt page mentioned in angular route -
When I click on any image companion with the prettyPhoto
plugin, the URL of the browser / # / prettyPhoto [residential1] / 0 /
and . Otherwise ({.}}
app.config (['$ routeProvider', function ($ route provider) {$ routeProvider. When ('/ home', {title: 'Home', templateUrl: 'partials / home.html', Controller: 'PageCtrl'}) Otherwise ({redirectTo: '/ home'});}]);
I can do something like I have described below, anything like: / prettyPhoto *******
should be redirected to / projects
. When in the document ('/ prettyPhoto [* anyArray *] / * anyNumber * /', {redirectTo: '/ projects'})
, It says: root Th (matched with $ location.)
path). If $ location.path contains unnecessary trailing slashes or is unavailable, the path will still be mailed and $ location.path will be updated to add or drop the follow-up slash to match the root definition.
In the path, there may be named groups starting with a colon : eg : name . All the letters are matched up to the next slash, and are stored in the $ root parachomes under the name given in the path of the path, path groups named can start with a colon and end with a star: eg . All characters are eagerly stored under the name given in the $ Root parameter, when the path that corresponds to the path may include optional name groups with a question mark: For example: Name.
For example, / color /: color / large code /: largecode * / edit / color / brown / large code / code / with / slash / edit and remove:
So if I use this, your code gets:
. When ('/ prettyPhoto:
Doctor: $ migration provider
I hope my answer will fit you :)
/ div>
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