Mixing up of Scala library supplied akka-actors.jar and application specific version -
The following SOF states that why the unauthorized method can not be found: TL; DR Scala boot loader, Skylab library version Akka
Although removing scala library version in favor of custom other issues Causes:
14/10/28 09:30:23 Spark information Security Manager: Security Manager: Authentication disabled; Ui ACL disabled; User with visual permissions: set (steve); Users with modified permissions: set (steve) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.typesafe.config.Config.getDuration (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / util / concurrent / TimeUnit;) at akka.util.Helpers $ ConfigOps $ .kka $ util $ helpers $ ConfigOps $$ getDuration $ extension (helpers scala: 125)
So it is not clear what is the right way to handle custom extra-actor jar.
The solution for this is a bit surprising. Scala interpreter no < / Em> is the way to go back to the Java Interpreter (yes Scala!) Program instead (drum roll ..)
The reason for this is that the Scala interpreter adds to various things - in this, there is no useful means of being surrounded by the Acka classes in the back office.
To run with Java, we must include $ SCALA_home / lib / * in classpath. After this - it works just fine.
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