Ruby on Rails Gem or Plugin Rails Version -

I am doing. The problem I am facing is an exception to this:

  c: \ zoo \ workers \ ruby ​​\ lib \ app.rb  

Where the following exception is raised on the line ~ 32:

  STDER [TID-2107944] Only Rail 2.3.x and Rail 3.x are currently supported. (RuntimeError) C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/lib/app.rb: 33: In C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/lib/app.rb: `build_app ': 16:` Initially' C: / Zoo / Worker / Ruby / Lib / Worker RB: 4: In `NEW ': C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/lib/worker.rb: 4:` Initially' C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/zoorack.rb: 30: `New 'in C : / Zoo / Workers / Ruby / Zurack RB: 30  

This is a problem for me because this app was running Rail version on the first 2.3. 4. I am going to work hypothesis that in any way can the train run plugins in a legacy mode? Does it have any meaning? I am thinking that Helicon Zoo does not support rolling back in this legacy mode before 2.3.4.

I've reserved the app,

is asking: Rails.version.to_s I'm getting: 2.2.2

'2.2.2 Looking for code base for 'I see that this project relies on ActionPack Lib version 2.2. .2.

In addition, do the Rail Plugin versions generally follow the 'Rail' version which they depend? Is it possible to run plugins that depend on the old 'rail' version which they go along with? The problem here was that I installed Rail 2.3.4 with Mani, but it was available on the Helicon Zoo Web site. Root directory with the project was copied version 2.2.2 of Rail. Actionpac is part of Lib Train. I was thinking that this was a separate library.


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