regex - Dart RegExp: single pass with multiple patterns? -
If I have a consortium of two or more sub-reggaxens, then search for a string of matches for a raggeon, So there is no way
For example, if I have the code:
var regExp = new RegExp ('ab | cd)'); Var matches = regExp.allMatches ('absolutely fantastic');
Search returns to two matches - but for me there is no way to know which sub-regeses match?
to find the answer for the branch.
var regExp = new RegExp ('(ab) | (cd)'); // bracket important var matches = regExp.allmatches ('absolutely fantastic'); Var M1 = Match. Fast; Print ( (1)); // 'ab' print ( (2)); // tap, has not been matched since the second term (cd) var m2 = match.last; Print ( (1)); // tap, as the previous pattern is not printed ( (2)): // 'AC'
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