mysql - How to execute PowerShell script on Task Scheduler? -

I'm trying to execute my PowerShell script every 5 minutes to run. I tried to use Windows 7 Task Scheduler to run it but instead it opens my script on Notepad and does not include anything in my database

Below is my PowerHail V-2.0 script I do not believe that I have something wrong with my code (which I suspect) or there is no way that I can include it in my script to run it every 5 minutes, which Runs from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Here's how I've scheduled it:

  Normal -------- Run only when the user is logged on the trigger - ------ Trigger: every day at 8h56am - Description: After every trigger, every 5 minutes again indefinable status: active actions ------- Action: Start the details of a program: Path to the script  

Thanks in advance! POWERSHELL (Excluding connection):

  function ping_getUser {# Get online information about local hard drives only when you are online at the computer {$ workstation_list $ workstation in foreign currency ) {$ Command = $ connection.CreateCommand (); $ Order Connection = $ connection; $ Command.CommandText = "Include workstation_assored (username, hostname, online) values ​​(@ username, @ hostname, @ position)"; ### =============================================== Values ​​assigned as ============== ### parameters ### ===================== == ======================================= $ hostname = $ workstation; $ Test_ping = Test-Connection -CaptainName Hostname -Cora1-AreationCheckLinkIntroduction; $ Position = [bowl] (test-connection $ hostname -quiet-count 1-index silentlycontent); #if get TRUE user name if ($ test_ping) {TRY {$ username = (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $ hostname-Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ErrorAction stop | Select-object -ExpandProperty username); } Catch {Write-host "caught exception" - Front color red; Write - host "$ _" - red color red; } TRY {if ($ test_ping- and $ username) {$ username = $ username.split ("\"); $ Username = $ username [1]; Do not make $ Username; }} CAT {Write-host "Captured Exception" -Fast Color Red; Write - host "$ _" - red color red; } # If ping succeeds but no user is logged ($ test_ping- and -not $ username) # -eq "" {$ username = "no user"; }} #end if #if ping is not there, then the name of username is correct and for the position Falsei elseif (! $ Test_ping) {$ username = [DBNull] :: Value; } # And otherwise ### =========================================== ==================### Assign parameters with the appropriate standards ### =================== == ======================================== $ command.Parameters.Add (" User name ", $ username). Out-null $ command Parameter. Add ("hostname", $ hostname). Out-null $ command Parameter. Add ("@ position", $ position). Out-null ### ============================================ =================### Execute the command query ### ======================= ==================================== TRY {$ command.ExecuteNonQuery () | Out of naught; Write - host "successfully entered database"; } Catch {Write-host "caught exception" - Front color red; Write - host "$ _" - red color red; } ### ============================================== ===============### Clear parameter value ### ================================== =================================== $ command.Dispose () $ hostname = ""; $ Username = ""; $ Position = ""; $ Test_ping = ""; } Try #end} #Chat for each loop {Write-host "Exception caught" -AfmanCollar Red; Write - host "$ _" - red color red; } # $ Connection capture Stop it (); # Ping_test function ping_getUser #execute function  

Your scheduled task to powershell Exe should be called from a script file passed as an argument.

  powershell.exe -file c: \ path_to_your_script \ script.ps1  

The user under which executes the permissions required to execute scripts in the script All actions


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