preg split - PHP, identify dates and week days in strings -

I am trying to identify some strings and date of the day and put the data in another array . My problem is that the data comes in the array but not in regular order.

Example of data structure # 1:

  in Array ([3] = & gt; ziua de deminica 26.10.2014 Deminica 27.10.2013 // in the same line Notes of both dates [4] = & gt; Consum D Energy Electrics [5] => Mediu 6168 5407 [6] => Maxim 7233 6552)  

Data structure Example # 2:

  Array ([3] => ziua de miercuri 15.10.2014 // Note There are some more words in the first row [4] => Mercury 16.10.2013 [5] = & gt; Consum D Energy Electica [6] => Mediu 6573 6747 [7] => Maxim 7771 7892)  

Example of data structure # 3:

  array ([4] => Marty 14.10.2014 [6] => Marty 15.10.2013 [7] => Consum de energie electrica [8] = & gt; Mediu 6453 6754 [9] => Maxim 7551 7860) Example of data structure # 4:  
  Array ([4] = & gt; Gt; Duminica 04.05.2014 [6] = & gt; Due Minaca // Just note the line with the day of the week and the next line date is [7] => 05.05.2013 [8] = & gt; Consum de Energy Electica [9] = & gt; Medius 5265 4262 [10] = & gt; Maxim 6318 4873) Example of Data Structure # 5:  
  Array ([4] => Mercury between 12.02.2014 // Note Missing day of week and date [6] = & gt; Mercury 13.02.2013 [7] = & Consum D Energy Power [8] => Mediu 7274 7434 [9] => Maxim 8313 8401)  

All of these structures are repetitive I try to find a way to collect lines for Mediu XXXX XXXX and Maxim XXXX XXXX I do I want to create an array that should look like this ( let's take example # 1 ):

  Array ([0] => Array ([ Weekday] = & gt; Duminica [date] = & gt; 26.10.2014 [Mediu] => 6168 // Line first value [Maxim] = & gt; 7233 // Line before value) [1] = & Gt; Array ([work] = & gt; Duminica [date] => 27.10.2013 [Mediu] => 5407 / second value from the line [Maxim] => 6552 // Line to second Value))  

Is there any possibility of achieving this? I do not have any regedx ideas to split my data.

Thank you.

What can you do string using string, find it days and dates of the week Will be easier for:

  '26.10.2014 in ZIA de Dominica 27.10.2013', '4' = & gt; Consum D Energy Electra ',' 5 '=>' Mediu 6168 5407 ',' 6 '=> Maxim 7233 6552'); $ Pattern = '~ (? & Lt; dd 0> duminiica | luni | marthi | mariquri | joi | veneri | s [iii] mbata) \ h * (? & Lt; date 0> [0-9] ] {10}) \ h * (? & Lt; day 1 & gt; \ g & lt; day 0 & gt;) \ h * (? & Lt; date1 & gt; \ g  0 ;) *? Mediu \ (? & Lt; Med0 & gt; [0-9] +) \ (? & Lt; Med1 & gt; [0-9] +) \ H + Maxim \ (? & Lt; Max0 & gt; [ 0-9] +) \ (? & Lt; max 1 & gt; [0- 9] +) ~ xu '; $ Str = implode ('', $ arr); If (preg_match ($ pattern, $ str, $ m)) {foreach (category (0,1) $ i) {$ result [] = array ('weekday' => $ m ["day $ i"] , 'Date' = & gt; $ m ["date $ i"], 'medius' => $ m ["Made $ i"], 'maxim' = & gt; $ m ["max $ i" ]); }} And $ result = false; Print_r ($ result);  

Note that if you want to avoid getting the day to day and retrieving the date.


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