Center a character in svg -

I am looking to create a SVG file containing a single askie character ('g' or 'w') It will be closest to the centrifugal font centered within a 100 x 100 window, but it is not perfect ...

  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" standalone = "no"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "- // W3C / DTD SVG 1.1 / n" ""> & Lt; Svg viewbox = "0 100 100" xmlns = "" version = "1.1" & gt; & Lt; Text x = "50" y = "50" font-size = "100px" text-anchor = "middle" alignment-baseline = "medium" & gt; G & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Svg & gt;  

SVG does not have automatic vertical layout capabilities; You need something else to calculate the height of the box, such as Javascript or ...

It seems that you are embedting it inside a web browser, if so, you can use HTML Use the automatic layout capabilities to embed an HTML snippet with your code for your code, display: table-cell; With & lt; Foreign objects & gt; By using ; Vertical-align: Medium on content .


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