delphi - SQLite FireDAC trailing spaces -

I am using Delphi XE7 with FireDAC to access SQLite.

When I enter the data in text field, any trailing spaces or # 0 characters will be smaller

  / The following spaces do not come back / command the SQLite. FFireDACQuery.ParamByName (kSQLFieldScriptCommands) .AsString: = 'Command';  

Disable property This property is described as:


Removes the trailing values ​​from the string values ​​and zero bytes of the following empty spaces. / P>

And it seems that you want to store binary data instead of text. If this is correct, then better define your area data type as a fixed length binary string of 255 bytes (255 is the maximum length you use).

Parameter values ​​for fields that you will access in this way:

  Var data: Robeastressing; Start ReadByteDataSomehow (data); FDQuery.FormatOptions.StrsTrim: = False; FDQuery.SQL.Text: Include 'MyTableField values ​​(MyBinaryData)'; FDQuery.ParamByName ('MyBinaryData'). AsByteStr: Data =; FDQuery.ExecSQL; End;  


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