java - AspectJ Spring Boot catch method with boolean parameter -

I use ASTJ and spring boot when a method (boolean value) is called, then I log in a message Trying to do The aspects are working in normal form, but to catch, my expression should be wrong

It is working with (but due to catching in every way):

  @Before ("execution (* DFF .. * (..))")  

Also working (catching with only one parameter)

< ("* Execution (* DFF .. * (*))")

Now the problem:

  @ first (" Execution (* DFF. * (Boolean)) ")  


  @ First (" execution (* dfh ... * (H Waklang. Bullion)) ")  

it does not work any help? Must be between fault execution (* DFHB .. * (( my error I think ))

My files here (letter & amp; amp; amp; ;):


  package de.fhb.showcase; @Getter @Setter Show public square {Private string name; Private Boolean Live; Public Zero makeShowLive ( Boolean value) {Live = value;}}  


  package de.fhb.aop; import javax.inject.Named; import lombok Extern Java.log; Import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Apect; Import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before; @ Aspect @ Nominated @log public Check that the class CleanCodeAspect {@Before ("execution (* DFF .. * (..))" checks the public zero. Style logon () {log warning. ("You have used a method only with a boolean parameter." "Reactor it in 2 ways with truth, finally lie.");}}  

Your syntax is correct, check and check for yourself without checking me I think the problem is that the perpendicular interference with the eptechage, As described (follow the link to know more information). This could be another issue, but this would be my first condition.


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