java - Data not saving to different tables/objects -

I am using service for an Android app (using Eclipse ATT)

Students are trying to collect data from M users and are pushing them into two separate tables / classes (both respectively built in pars dashboard).

The form is normal, but the details of the student goes to the table enrolled students, and the text fields with the marks 'marks' in the class / table

However, the code is not in the second table Is left. Although it saves in the first table please help.

The code part is self explanatory. Here is my code:

Java file

  package com.parse.starter; Import android App Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.EditText; Import android.widget.Toast; Import com.parse.ParseAnalytics; Import com.parse.ParseObject; OnClickListener {Private EditedText et1, et2, et3, et4, et5, et6;) on the implementation of the public class ParseStarterProjectActivity Activity. Private button button 1; /** Called when the activity is first created. * / Public vs. Create (Bundle Saved InstanceStat) {Super. Contents (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.main); At 1 = (Editing Text) SearchVBIID (RIDAdactText1); Et2 = (edit text) findViewById (; At 3 = (edit edit) VVBIID (RID Edit 3); ET4 = (edit text) Find VVIBID (RID Edit Text 4); Et 5 = (edit text) Find VViBID (RID Edit 5); At 6 = (edit edit) VVBIID (RIDAditatte 6); Button 1 = (button) Find VVBIID (R.B. button 1); Button1.setOnClickListener (this); } @ Override Public Zero (see Arg 0) {// Automatically auto-generated method stub string name = et1.getText (). ToString (); String address = et3.getText (). ToString (); String Mobile = et2.getText (). ToString (); String digits 1 = et4.getText (). ToString (); String marks2 = et5.getText (). ToString (); String marks3 = et6.getText (). ToString (); ParseObject studentDetails = New ParseObject ("Student"); Parse object student = new parse object ("numeral"); StudentDetails.put ("name", name); StudentDetails.put ("address", address); StudentDetails.put ("Mobile", Mobile); Student.put ("marks1", number1); Student.put ("marks2", no.2); Student.put ("marks3", issue3); StudentDetails.saveInBackground (); Toast. Make text (this, "saved", toast. LNNHH_LOG). Show (); }}  


You forgot to call < / P>

  student.seaveInBackground ();  


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