c++ - how to use string variable in RcppEigen -

I'm new to RCPP and RQPegen. If this question is naive then apologize. "Eigen :: MatrixXd; using the Eigen :: map; constants map & lt; MatrixXd & gt;; here the code is compiled in R.,

  is required ( RcppEigen is required (inline) body & lt (as & lt; map & lt; matrixxd> gt; & gt; (x 0); constant map & lt; matrixxd & gt; y (& lt In the form, the map is & gt; MatrixXd & gt; & gt; (Y0)); Integer N = X.rows (); Integer P = X.cols (); ET NY = Vicol (); Matrix Add I , N); ISET IDT (N, N); Double SSE = ( Y. Transges (* * * Ix * (X. Transws) * X) * X (transitions) * Y) Return Op (N * Log (SSE / N) + Log (N) * P) ; "IC & Lt; - Sifaksfnkshn (sign (x 0 = "matrix", Y0 = "Matrix"), body, plugin = "Arseepiiijen") IC (x 1, y)  

where X and Y respectively Are,

  X1 < - Matrix (c (1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 , 2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1, 0,2,0,1,0,0,3,1, 0,0 , 3,1,0,0,3,1,0,0,3,1,0,0,3,1,0,0,3,1,0,0,3,1,0, 0,3 , 1,0, 0,3,1,0,0,3,01), 20.4, Bio = True) Y & LT; - Matrix (c (50,51,52,54,3,360,59,65,67,70,70,73,74,78,82,80,87,84,88,92), 20,1)  

I can run the code above successfully. But now I need to add some string variables and double numeric

  RcppEigen) is required (RCPP) (Inline) body & lt; - "// # include  using Eigen :: Map; Eugene :: Metrics Xd; using RCPP as :: Const Map  X (As & Lt; Map & lt; MatrixXd & gt; & gt; (x);); Const Map  Y (as in & lt; Map & lt; MatrixXd & gt; & gt; (Y0) ); String criteria = RCPP :: as in & lt; String> (Criterion 0); Double Sigma = RCPP :: as & lt; Double & gt; (sigma 0); Int n = X.rows (); Int p = X.cols (); Int nY = Y.cols (); Matrix Xd I (n, n); I.setIdentity (N, N); Double SSE = (Y. Transges (*) I * (X. Transzze (x) * x) * Exchanges * * X Transpos ()) * Y). Determinant; if (criteria == 'A1') {return rape (n * log (sse / N) + Log (n) * P);} If (criteria == 'A2') {return wrap (n * log (sse / n) + (2 * p * ny * n + ny * (ni + 1 }} / N -2 / N + N + 2;} If (criteria == 'A3') {return wrap (n * log (sse / n) + 2 * (2 + p) * (n * sigma) / SSE) -2 * (n * sigma / sse) * (n * sigma / sse)); } "IC & lt; - cxxfunction (sign (X 0 =" matrix ", Y0 =" matrix ", Criteria0 =" String ", Sigma0 =" numeric "), body, plugin =" RcppEigen ") IC (X1, Y , "A2", 0)  

but an error occurs.

  Error in compileCode (f, code, language = language, verbose = Verbose): compilation ERROR, created not function (s) / method (s)! Saigvin Warning: MS-DOS style detected path: C: / R / R -31 / 1/1 / ATC / X64 / Mekpaks favorite POSIX Is equivalent: / cygdrive / c / R / R-31 ~ 1.1/etc/x64/Makeconf CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" This warning closes: For more information about POSIX pathways, consult the user guide: http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using .html # using-pathnames filec2c6da05e50.cpp: 48 : 14: Warning: multi-character character constant [-Wmultichar] filec2c6da05e50.cpp: 51: 14: Warning: multi-character character constant [-Wmultichar] filec2c6da05e50.cpp: 54: 14: Warning: multi-character character constant [-vilticr] File Included in C: / User / LJH / Document / R / Win-Lib Rary / 3.1 / RcppEigen / Include / Eigen / C T: 305: 0, C: /Users/LJH/Documents/R/win-library/3.1/RcppEigen/include/Eigen/Dense: 1, C: / Users / Eljiac / documents / R / win-library / 3.1 / Arseepiiijen / include / Arseepiiiginforward H: 30, C: / u addition: Warning message: running the command "C: / R / R -31 ~ 1.1 / Bean / X64 / R CMD SHLIB filec2c6da05e50.cpp 2 & gt ; Filec2c6da05e50.cpp.err.txt 'status1 & gt; & Gt; IC (X1, Y, "A2", 0) Error: The function "IC" could not be found  

Any help would be appreciated.

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

Make these changes:

  1. Std :: string; and

  2. use criteria == "A1" (i.e. double equal and double quotation marks and body wire Insert single quotes around so that double quotes can be used inside it.)


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