objective c - IOS NSString decode not working -
I am getting a string from the internet but I can find a way to convert special characters and warn them Can be shown on cans This string is:
@ "Sorry, your search has no results"
I know that I work around to do something like this I can
[response string bearer's executions offstring: @ "\ u0027" with string: @ "'"];
But I wanted a solution that would work for any character
I have already tried several solutions but for some seam work I do not know why
You can do it like this:
< NSString * escapedStr = @ "Sorry, your search \" has no results "; NSString * unescapedStr = [NSString string withCString: [saved ctrringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] Encoding: NSNonLossyASCIIStringEncoding]; NSLog (@" Yoon Scascstadt =% @ ", unsecured STR);
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