gruntjs - Sass source maps with minified file (grunt) -

Using Sass with Sourcemaps works fine for me cached without CSS, but it does not do it using my minified CSS.

This is my last line of my main * scss-file:

  / * # sourceMappingURL = * /  < / Pre> 

I'm thinking; If I only make changes in the following, then it should work. But no!

  / * # sourceMappingURL = * /  

This is from my Gruntfile.js:

< Pre> cssmin: {build: {files: {'sites / all / themes / mytheme / css / mytheme-full-min.css':' sites / all / themes / mytheme / css / mytheme- {sites / All / themes / mytheme / css / mytheme-full.css}: 'sites / all / topics / mytheme / sass / mytheme-full.scss'}}},

(see more).

However, suffix-content-sauce and grunt-autofriver support source-map, so your best bet is probably to enable source-map on them and use nonproliferac CSS for debugging . To enable the script in Autoprefixer, simply set:

  option: {map: true}  


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