python - Maya 2015 PyQt AttributeError -

  import maya.OpenMaya PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, as omUI import sip UIC import Om import maya. as OpenMayaUI as Cmds RpIcons_rc import maya.mel import as maya.cmds mail DEF getMayaWindow (): # ptr = omUI.MQtUtil.mainWindow () return sip.wrapinstance (long (PTR) QtCore 'as an example QMainWindow Maya main window go '.QObject) def toQtObject (mayaName):' '' Given the name of Maya UI elements of any kind, relating QWidget or QAction lands. If the object does not exist, there is no return '' 'ptr = omUI.MQtUtil.findControl (mayaName) If ptr is not: ptr = omUI.MQtUtil.findLayout (mayaName) ptr if no: ptr = omUI.MQtUtil .findMenuItem (mayaName) If ptr No return sip.wrapinstance (long (PTR) QtCore.QObject) uiFile = ( 'D: /rpGUI.ui') form_class, base_class = uic.loadUiType (uiFile) class myUIClass ( form_class, base_class): def __init __ (self, parent = getMayaWindow ()): Super (myUIClass, self) .__ init __ (parent) self.setupUi (self) self.connectSignals () def connectSignals (self) #methods : All "Connect" UI Signals "Print" Connect Signals "Dia Rnuai (): Global app Global WAN app = Kyutigui. XAP Win = My Ulysses () Win Show (Error) RunUi ()  

Error on the code

Error: Attribute Error: File C: \ Program Files \ Autodesk \ Maya2015 \ Python \ lib \ Site-packages \ PyQt4 \ uic__init __. Py Line 215: There is no attribute in the 'modul e' object 'QMainWindow' #

Then tell me wht is going wrong ?? Thanks

Try using Piceide ship with May 2015 Piceide.


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