android - How to achieve ripple animation using support library? -

I am trying to add a wave animation to the click button. I was like below but it requires minSdKVersion 21.


  & lt; Wave xmlns: android = "" Android: Color = "? Android: colorControlHighlight" & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; & Lt; Size Android: shape = "rectangle" & gt; & Lt; Solid Android: Color = "Android: Color Score" /> & Lt; / Size & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Wave & gt;  


  & lt; Com.devspark.robototextview.widget.RobotoButtonAndroid: id = "@ + id / loginButton" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: background = "@drawable / rip" Android: text = "@ String / login_button "/>  

I want to make it backward backward compatible with the design library.

How can this be done?

original waveform setup

  • < P> The inherent wave in the scene.
  • Ripples that extend beyond the bounds of the scenes:
    Android: background = "selectablebestgroundbroadgroundborderless"

    In Java code, ? (Attr) for xml references.

Support ? Android: attr instead of ? Attr: Returns

    by using (or ? shorthand), so the API is available back to 7.

Wave with picture / background

  • The easiest solution to keep an image or background and overlaying wave View with a framelayout set with a wave setpref () or setBackground () .

There is no clear way to do this sincerely, though Nick Butcher posted the topic of wave with ImageView s.


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