ios - How do i get a CGBItmapContextCreate from a CIImage -

I have the following filter that is implemented when using UISlider. Exposure Filters = [CIFF filter filter name: @ "CIXPoserAdjet" keys and Payments: @ "Input image", ACImage , Zero]; [Exposure filter set value: [NSNumber Number for Explosion: _slider.value] KA: @ "input EV"]; Exposure value = _slider.value; Dispatch_Assic (Dispatch_Get_man_que), ^ {output image = [exposure filter output image]; The siege Image rf cgimg = [reference createCGImage: outputImage fromRect: [outputImage extent]]; _modifiedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: cgimg scale: 2.0 orientation: UIImageOrientationUp]; [_cropImageView setImage: _modifiedImage]; CGImageRelease (cgimg);}) ;;}) ; dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^ {exposureDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: (float) _sliderkvalue], @ "Exposure", null];});


I want to be able to get raw data of the image created to apply a Sepia filter. Sepia filter code:

  - (IBAction) Sepiafiltrbtnnpres: (id) sender {_slider.hidden = YES; Dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^ {_undoImage = [_impressImageCopy]; SepiaToneEffect * sepiaToneEffect = [[SepiaToneEffect alloc] init]; [sepiaToneEffect setImageWidth: imageWidth]; [sepiaToneEffect setImageHeight: imageHeight]; // Blurred image set Main thread Dispatch_asink (Dispatch_Get_Man_Kloo ()) ^ {NSLog (@ "% F", _modified image size.width); _modifiedImage = [Sepyatonfifire modifiedEzezThipia: _modifiedImage imageRawData: imageRawData withColorR: 112 color: 66 colorb: 20 depth: 0.5 ]; _modifiedImage = [global imageWithImage: _modifiedImage scaledToSize: sizeNeeded]; NSLog (@ "% f", _ modifiedImag e.size.width); [_cropImageView set Image: _modifiedImage]; // Create CIImage UIImage * aUIImage = _modifiedImage; CGImageRef aCGImage = aUIImage.CGImage; ACImage = [CIMI Image with CGI: ACGImage]; // Reference Reference = [CIContext contextWithOptions: Zero];}); NSDictionary * Amendment = [Object Endeavor with NSDictionary dictionary: [NSNumber Number Vithubles: Yes], @ "Sepia", zero]; [[Kashmir Dealgate Modifications] Adobacter: Revision]; });  


Is there a method to apply filters to filters? For example: Apply 1-exposure filter; 2-applied image applied after sepia risk.

"itemprop =" text ">

I managed to apply filters (CIFilter) filter over the method of the slider to write this code (CGContextCreate using drawing on bits) ( exposureSliderChanged: (id) this ):

  imageRawData = realloc (imageRawData, CGImageGetHeight (_modifiedImage.CGImage) * CGImageGetWidth (_modifiedImage. CGImage) * 4); Lokldata = Kgbitmapkantekstkreate (Imgrudta, Imagavidth, Imageheigt, Bitsprkmponent, Bitesperrov, Klrspas, Kkjimagelfpremaltipleedlst | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault); CGContextDrawImage (Sthaniideta, Sijiaraktmek (0, 0, Imejvidth, Imejhit), Sijimji); CGContextRelease (localData); CFRelease (localData);  


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