javascript - jQuery toggle element class based on scroll percentage -
I want to convert var num to percentage instead of pixels in number. how can I do this?
I need it for my site: but they work with pixels, and my website works with% (for example, autoselling on the HD screen or full HD screen)
/ * dynamic top menu position * * /
var num = 150; // $ 150 ($) (window) .bind ('scroll', function () {if ($ (window) .scrollTop ()> number) {$ ('. Menu') pixels before modifying AddClass ('fixed');} and {$ ('. Menu'). RemoveClass ('fixed');}}); // Use scroll wheel for this Fridley demo
First, let me know It is a terrific solution to hear every scroll event and call addClass () or removeClass () is expensive every time. // End Promotion
Here is the answer to your question anyway:
var baseHeight = $ (window). height (); // For the body, use $ ("body"). Height (); Var num = .25; // This is the percentage of vertical scroll $ (window). Bind ('scroll', function) (if ($ (window) .scrollTop () / basehight & gt; number) {$ ('. Menu') AddClass ('fixed');} and {$ ('. Menu '). RemoveClass (' fixed ');}});
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