Number of connections to RabbitMQ when using Django with Celery on Heroku -
I understand what's happening between web-dyons, work-dyes and rabbitmq on my Heroki-hosted backend I am trying.
I have noted that I have more than 10 connections, although I am still using a web-dino and a woker-dino. I am using greenthreads (eventlet) and expect a connection to every web- or worker- Dyno.
This my methodology starts with Procfile: Celery-A-A-Prose Worker -B-L-Info -MaxCasperChild = 1000
In my case I can have more than 10 open connections:
here Also my list is being queued using qi ( celery
, not sure what the other two are):
I have tried to play with BROKER_POOL_LIMIT
and it is not able to help. Now, BROKER_POOL_LIMIT = 1
and the number of connections is 10.
Can this be due to an eventlet instead of normal owners?
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