c++ - Setting a dynamic tooltip for QHeaderView item -

I want to do a dynamic tooltip for one of my header items in a QtableView.

Tooltip changes with content Alt key press I found some code related to using delegates in the following site:

In the same lines I tried the following part of the code: / P>

  Class HeaderToolTipDelegate: Public QStyledItemDelegate {Q_OBJECT Public: HeadToolTipDialGate (QObject * inParent); ~ HeaderToolTipDelegate (); Public slot: bool helpEvent (QHelpEvent * inEvent, QAbstractItemView * keeping in mind, constant QStyleOptionViewItem & inOption, constant QModelIndex & amp; inIndex); }; Bool HeaderToolTipDelegate :: helpEvent (QHelpEvent * inEvent, QAbstractItemView * Keeping in mind, constant QStyleOptionViewItem & inOption, constant QModelIndex & inIndex) {if (inEvent = keeping in mind!) Return false; If (inEvent-> gt; type () == QEvent :: ToolTip) {QVariant Tooltip = inInex.data (Qt :: DisplayRole); If (QApplication :: keyboardModifiers () == QT :: AltModifier} {QToolTip :: showText (inEvent-> globalPos (), QString ("AltKeyPressed"), keeping in mind); } Else {QToolTip :: showText (inEvent-> GlobalPos ()), Qestring ("AltKeyNotpressed", invoice); } If the QToolTip :: hideText () (QStyledItemDelegate :: helpEvent (inEvent, keeping in mind, inOption, inIndex)!); Back true; } Return QStyledItemDelegate :: helpEvent (inEvent, inView, inOption, inInex); }  

and then I see headerView horizontalHeader () -> Attempted to set the delegate to setItemDelegate (new header option) . But it does not work.

It seems that the item does not work for Delgate headerwish.

What is the correct way to get it?


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