extjs - Sencha Touch removing inline styles? -
I am loading a mask to cover my container which is working fine, though I have noticed that Inline styles in my I am using my mask: Code> container.setMasked ({xtype: 'loadmask', Id: 'mymask', message: ''});
And when I look at the element in the browser, the output is:
& lt; Div class = "x-mask x-loading-mask x-size x-floating x-paint-monitor x-size-monitor" id = "mymask" style = "top: 0px! Important; left: 0px! Important ; Correct: 0px! Important; bottom: 0px! Important; z index: 10! Important; "& gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;
Then after playing around, I managed to learn how to change inline styles. It seems that elements are setter methods, so I was able to run Ext.getCmp ('myMask'). SetZIndex (20);
You can remove custom classes such as mask clocks from the mask.
xtype: 'loadmask', id: 'mymask', msg: 'please wait ...', mask curl: 'microscope', // masks CLS default class x-mask cls Will replace: 'myMaskCls', // cls will replace the default class x-mask-msg
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