Compute the frequency of objects over time in Matlab -
I have two metrics, "status" and "track", each of which is 1000 to 402. 1000 represents 1000 objects, more than 402 time step "track" takes the integer 0-5, and the location moves from 0-200 to floating-point numbers. Track off-track of 0 is supposed to be used by Alt-object Objects:
indt = 1: ntimes plot (pos (indt, :), track (indt) , :), 'o', 'markerize', 18); Title (['t =' num2str (T (indt))]) axis ([0,200,0,5,5]) break (p) end
where ntimes = 402 , And starts at 0.5 cut off off-track objects located on axis 0. The problem is, I want to see a histogram of off-track objects, the position of the axes (so they need to bind) versus the frequency I am facing such a problem! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Does this mean you?
% Some Random Data: Pos = Rand (402,1000) * 200; Track = randie (6402,1000) -1; % Find all tracks: offtrack = track == 0; Get the position of% off tracks: positionOfOffTracks = pos (offTrack); % And this is a figure plot (); Hist (positionOfOffTracks (:), 20);
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