ios - How to get PayloadUUID by server in MDM -

We are trying to send some commands to MDM in the IDS device. We have tested basic commands such as device lock etc. For example, for other commands such as an app that was being made as a kiosk app, that command was expected by PellodeUID, how was that payloadaid received? Normal "," credentials "," mobile device management "payload.

Please find the command given below by the server,

  public stable string getAppLockPList () {stringbuffer backstring = new stringbuffer (); BackString.append ("& lt;? Xml version = \" 1.0 \ "encoding = \" UTF-8 \ "?;);); BackString.append ("& lt;! DOCTYPE plist public" - // Apple Computer / / DTI PLIST 1.0 // n \ ""); BackString.append ("\" http: // \ "& gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; plist version = \" 1.0 \ "& gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; dict & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; key"; gt; payloadcontent & lt; / key & gt;); BackString.append ("& lt; array & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; dict & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; key> application & lt; / key & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; dict & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; key» identifier & lt; / key & gt; "); BackString.append ("& lt; string> & lt; / string & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; / dict>"); BackString.append ("& lt; key & gt; PayloadType & lt; / key & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; string & gt; "); BackString.append ("& lt; key & gt; PayloadIdentifier & lt; / key & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; string> & lt; / string & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; key"; gt; payloadUUID & lt; / key & gt;); BackString.append ("& lt; string> d7e27098ad530884664a98a6f93ab3796f97b "); BackString.append ("& lt; key"; PellVersion & lt; / key & gt;); BackString.append ("& lt; integer> gt; 1 & lt; / integer & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; / dict>"); BackString.append ("& lt; / array & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; key & gt; PayloadType & lt; / key & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; string> gt; configuration & lt; / string & gt;"); /*backString.append("<key>PayloadDisplayName</key> ";); BackString.append ("& lt; string & gt; ########## "); * / BackString.append ("& lt; of & gt; payload identifier "); BackString.append ("& lt; string> & lt; / string & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; key"; gt; payloadUUID & lt; / key & gt;); BackString.append ("& lt; string> d7e27098ad530884664a98a6f93ab3796f97b "); BackString.append ("& lt; key"; PellVersion & lt; / key & gt;); BackString.append ("& lt; integer> gt; 1 & lt; / integer & gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; / dict> "); Return String.toString (); }  

Can you really copy the piece of text to be essential ? As I remember using the Kiosk App Configuration Profile (vs. MDM command).

Generally the payloadUUID is a unique identifier that identifies a payload. If you want to install a configuration on the device, you install the configuration profile (you can think of it as a bundle of payload) Each configuration profile contains some meta information and contains one or several payloads Are there. Each payload has some configurations (for example, WiFi network settings or some additional metadata including VPN settings and payloadUID).

Update 1

In such cases when certain payloads are required to be referenced and where the payload UID comes in play.

Update 1

I misunderstood your question. If you need to create a configuration profile and need to insert the payloadUID, you can put any unique string in it. See this link:

It says: "PayloadUIID, string, a worldwide unique identifier for profiles. The real content is insignificant, but it should be unique globally. In OS X, you can use the UUID to generate the appropriate UUID. "


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