java - Selenium Hub incorrectly believes CLIENT_STOPPED_SESSION has happened -


I'm running a parallel automated test against a selenium grid

Sometimes, with failed With a test.

  Session [c1d99cc1-c689-4053-b68d-51c3682c13c4] Due to CLIENT_STOPPED_SESSION (org.openqa.grid.common.exception.GridException) [remote server] org.openqa.grid terminated . Internal.ActiveTestSessions ( 105: `getExistingSession 'in'  

Selenium Documentation is called;

  CLIENT_STOPPED_SESSION session A simple call usage was stopped For the client to stop / leave, why are you using it again ??  

However, I know that the client has not tried to shut down / quit I am using parallel rspec so that each thread is actually a Ruby example by itself, so there is a problem There is no test side

Also, if I query directly using http node: // {node_ip}: 5556 / wd /hub/static/resource/hub.html, I can see that the session is still open. If the quitting / stops have been issued then this session would have been removed.

It seems that this only Selenium Grid Hub believes that this session has been stopped in the session registry. There is no evidence of the session where it is being stopped anywhere.

Is there a known issue with the grid where the wrong session has been stopped?

Please follow the blog and try the step, and let us know that the link does not help


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