javascript - How can I pause a jQuery .each() loop, while waiting for user input? -
Before I continue to get a jQuery .each loop
to wait for user input There is a problem in repeatedly repeating This is my code (I have commented on what I would like to do):
& lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "common_components.css" /> & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "slider.css" & gt; & Lt ;? Php include_once 'common_components.php'; $ Query = $ dbh- & gt; Queries ("SELECT movies_dir FROM settings"); $ Line = $ query- & gt; Obtain (PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC); Date_default_timezone_set ('UTC'); Echo "& lt; title & gt; movie scanner & lt; / title & gt;"; ? & Gt; & Lt; Script src = "jquery.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Var revolve = "not done"; Function EnterManually () {Warning ("Entering Data Manually"); // data has been entered manually so that the exit function & amp; Move the next index to the loop on the loop in the document. Retval = "done"; } Function insertIntoDB (id, path) {var request = $ Ajax ({url: "update_movie.php? Id =" + id + "& path =" + path, type: "received", data type: "html"}); Request.done (data (if data == 0) {Warning ("Movie successfully inserted"); // data has been entered successfully (please update Movie Return 0). The next index on the loop in the search_file function & document; Retval = "done";} and if (data == 1) {warnings ("Unable to insert movie!"); //update_movie.php returns error (1 return), so exit this function but exit the search_file function Do not do - wait to click on the second set of user details. Retval = "not done";}}); } Var file = & lt ;? Php echo json_encode (preg_grep ('/^([^.])/', scanderer (genuine path ($ line ["movies_rd"]))))? & Gt ;; Function search_file (path) {var xmlhttp; Xmlhttp = New XMLHttpRequest (); ("GET", "? Search_file.php path =" + path, false); // load file_file.php with xmlhttp.send (); // $ Send off the file ('#come'). Blank (); // Clear design of the content document. GetElementById ("Results"). InnerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; // in the load output page} & lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "result" & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ .each (files, functions (key, value) {search_file ("& lt ;? php adds echo (actual path ($ line [" movies_dir "]))? Gt; "+" \\ "+ value); // Repeat the next item in the array and run the search_file function});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;
Basically, the 'file' variable contains a JSON array of file paths. For each index in the array, the Search_file function
is run on that path, which should display the list of search results for that file - Calling & amp; Displaying search_file.php
When the user clicks on any of the results from the list displayed, then he should try to insert ( InsertIntoDB
function, which is update_movie.php
file) has a record in the database
if that is successful in joining ( if the inserting process is not successful (hence , then nothing should be done - At the moment, I can not wait for the update_movie
0 returns) (or the EnterManually
function is triggered ) Then the function should exit all, and
1 will come back). .each
should not increase in the loop. Instead, we should wait for the user to click on another result. .each
loop until the user has clicked on the result, it only grows up to the last item in the loop .
You can just go through the files at a time.
var index = 0; $ ("# Results") ("Click", function () {search_file ("& lt ;? php adds buzz (actual path ($ line [" movies_dir "]))? & Gt;" + "\ +" + files [index]) ; Index ++;});
This idea every time you click on the result's div, it will load the next file. I did not include the code to check the boundary, and things like.
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