ios - Accessing UITableViewCell subview via tag? -
I am adding a UI display view for table cells:
UITableViewCell * cell = [ VideoTable CellForArendexpath: [NSINXXPath IndexPathfire: (Long) Topic in VideoOndex: 0]]; UIProgressView * prg = [[UIProgressView alloc] initWithProgressViewStyle: UIProgressViewStyleDefault]; Prg.tag = (long) video index + 1000; [Cell ads sbueview: prg];
I am trying to use this progress bar later (in AppDelegate.m):
UITableView * table = (UITableView *) [Self.videosTableController.viewView DescriptionTags: 8888]; UITableViewCell * cell = [table cellform and endpath: [NSINX XPath IndexPathForRO: Index Injection: 0]]; UIProgressView * progressBar = (UIProgressView *) [cell view: tags: index + 1000]; Progress of return; // It's always zero .....
What's going on? I've verified that the table
and cell
are not returning to zero, but the UIProgressView does not appear in the cell. I have stopped through the reviews of the cell, but can not see the progress bar.
You get the Prg.tag = (long) video index + 1000;
Table view: CellphoneVerify and PayPal:
This is because [table cellForRowAtIndexPath:]
In some cases tableView: CellForRowAtIndexPath: can return a new cell instance from
So, you should know what type of cell (progress or no) you need in. TableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath:
, make a suitable, configure it and return Please.
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