php - Laravel limit with (not globally) -
I have the following query, which I want to execute with supernatural
. (['User name']) with the
$ restaurant = restaurant :: (['user' = & gt; function ($ query) {$ query}; // this $ query-> where the condition ('confirmation');}]) - & gt; Search ($ ID); I want to get a restaurant
and it is related to user
(they are related), but user usernames
I $ hidden
to the user
model I can add to it, but then they will hide for every query (in the array / JSN form). But I only want to narrow it a bit more for this query.
If I add (wrapping it in or without the array), I get the following result:
{'id': 1, 'user': Null}
However, if I remove that selection then I will not be able to enter the full user
{'id': 1, 'user': {.. json user data}}
exists and the username
is not empty How can I go about this?
The output can be found here.
Edit: When I change the value of something that does not exist in that database, I see an error, and with that I have decided that the query is correct, but none of me Do not get the output. (I see when using an invalid column 'test').
Select `test` from` user`, where `user` .` deleted_at` is zero and` users`. (`) And` User` .` User_type '= Restaurant and `condition` = Confirmation in` userable_id`)
$ restaurant = restaurant :: with (['user' = & gt; function ($ query) {$ query- & Gt; where position ('confirmation') - & gt; lists ('username');}]))) - & gt; Find ($ ID); It seems that both methods will work but you need to fulfill one condition - you need to include foreign_ column in the lists. /Choose. I do not know what your connection is but for example, suppose you have the user
table restaurant_id
column in which you have to use the following code: < (['Username', 'restaurant_id']) with the option of (['user' => function ($ query) {$ query- & gt; Gt; where position ('confirmation');}]) -> & gt; Search ($ ID); (['User' => function ($ query) {$ query- & gt; with <= code>
$ restaurant = restaurant :: ; Where position ('confirmation') - & gt; lists ('username', 'restaurant_id');}]) - & gt; Find ($ ID);
I do not know that it is possible for n: n relationship. You should also consider that it can be a bit dangerous (there may be some problems) so that you should only play with it, if you have strong reason for catching the selected columns.
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