python 2.7 - errno 10061 no connection could be made because the target actively refused it -
I am using the following code to connect to the Twitter API using proxy. The following environment variables are set: http_proxy = https_proxy =
if self.api.proxy_url: Proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler ({'http': 'http: //% s /'% Self .api.proxy_url, 'https': 'https: //% s /'% self.api.proxy_url} Print ('Proxy:% s'% Proxy) Opener = urllib2.build_opener (Proxy) resp = opener. Open (Req) Other: resp = urllib2.urlopen (req)
Note that the user with whom I have created logon on other domains, for example, when I open a website I use a browser for this The returns and I login as Ugrdomen \ username and password.
I get an error message that the host refused.
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