python - django url error in html href -

I followed the official site Django and now I am developing a new site based on Django.

My schema is:

/ Home / ---- chart

The template in my house has this code:

 < For option in code> {% Menu.options%}% lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "{% url}" & gt; & Lt; I class = '{{option.class}}' & gt; & Lt; //}}</a> & Lt; / Li & gt; {% Endfor%}  

The menu is a word: = {"options": [{"link": "", " "Icon-dashboard", "icon", "class": "icon-dashboard", "{link}": "chart", "name": "chart", "class": "chart: chart"}] < / Code> 

But I do not know why this "{% url}" does not work

Home /

  url (r '^ $', views.Home.as_view (), name = 'Home'), url (r '^ charts /', included ('charts.urls', namespace = "chart "),  

chart /

  url (r '^ $', views.IndexCharts.as_view (), name = 'chart '),  

Am I doing well or something is wrong ? If I type hardcod {% url 'chart: chart'%} then it works

error: exception value:
reverse 'for' 'with arguments () And the keyword argument '{}' was not found. 0 pattern (s) tried: []

Sorry about my poor English.

Thocks a lot < / P>


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