Convert twitter api example from objective-c to swift -

I'm new to Objective C and fast , and I I have chosen the Fast Way I am trying to change this objective example fast and fail.

Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?

// obj-c

  - (zero) doneTapButton {[[Digital Share Sharing} with certification: ^ (Digitization * Session, nsERR * error) {if (session) {// inspecting session / error objects}  

// fast

  @ ebbc func LoginTouched (From: AnyObject) {var dg = digits.sharedInstance () dg.authenticatewithCompletion {(session: digitization !, error: NSError!) // code}}  

I am doing something completely wrong, and appreciate any help here is the error

2014-10-28 00: 29: 11.754 Testin [49 9 47: 180 9207] - [testign.ViewController login touch]: Unknown message sent to example 0x7fba9a542190 2014-10-28 00 : 29: 11.757 [49 9 47: 180 9 207] *** 'NSI Validation Agreement Exception' due to the cancellation of 'FIS' without any exception, reason: '- [testign.ViewController loginTouched]: For example, the unknown selector 0x7fba9a542190 '

Try it

  @IBAction func loginTouched (From: AnyObject) {var dg = figures.sharedInstance () Dg.authenticatewithCompletion ({(Sat : Dijiteshn! Error: Ansiarar!) - & gt; Zero // code}}}  


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