sprite kit - setFillColor with patternImage cocos2d not working -

I am trying to fill SKShapeNode with an image. I've tried a lot but it can not get the game load to work, but nothing appears on the screen. Here is my recent code.

  self.circle = [[SShipNode Alloc] init]; UIBezierPath * bezier = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithArcCenter: CGPointMake (size.width / 2.0, 220.0) Radius: 8.0Startangle: 0.0Andangle: 2.0 * MOPI clockwise direction: yes]; [Self. Criccle Setpeth: Bezier CGPith]; [Self.circle setFillColor: [SKColor colorWithPatternImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "raceCar.png"]]] ;; [Self.circle setStrokeColor: [SKColor blueColor]]; [Self. Criccle Set Status: CGPointMake (0.0, 0.0)]; [Self. Cclecle set-up: 1000.0]; SKF PhysicsBody * Circle Physics = [Sack Physics Body with Polygon Fraum Path: Bijier. CGPath]; [Divisional Physics Set Country Mask: 16]; [Circle physical set settingbit mask: 0]; [Set Documentary ParticipantContextTitBit Mask: 2]; [Circle Physics Setennik: No]; [Circle Physics Set: Precise Colise Dissection: Yes]; [Self.circle setPhysicsBody: The Chancellor]; [Self-linked: self.circle];  

Thanks I appreciate any help

Sprite Color patterns are not supported in the kit.

At least it will not work in 7.0 and 7.1 I have not tried 8.0 yet, but have not heard any report on the contrary.


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