android - Building LibVLC for x86 -

I am trying to use Libweck for Android and I followed the instructions and it was completely for ARM Got to work from However, when trying to compile it in x86, I set:

export ANDROID_ABI = x86

and then it has been compiled similarly, but now I There is a problem because it fails to compile. Here is a shortened log:

  ~ / vlc- android $ sh VLC source found Building Tools You are ready for VLC and its contribution. EGL to generate PKG-config file Creating contribs for GLESv2 pkg-config file estimate creation system ... Creating x86_64-linux-gnu configuration file ... config.mak bootstrap completed. ... config.status: execute libtool commands Type "make; install" to install and install Speex cd speexdsp & amp; Amp; Install [1]: Creating libspeexdsp in creating `/ home / user / vlc-android / vlc / contrib / contrib-android-i686-linux-android / speexdsp 'in directory: [2]: Directory / Home / User / Vlc-android / vlc / contrib / contrib-android-i686-linux-android / speexdsp / libspeexdsp 'resample.c: 104: 0: resample_neon.h: 142: 21 in CC resample.lo file included: Error:' Inner_product_single's stable inline float inner_product_single (constant float * A, conaf float * b, unsigned int lane) are included. Resample.c: 100: 0: resample_sse.h: 40: 21 in the file: The previous definition of 'Inner_product_single' here is the inline float inner_product_using (constant float * a, cut float * b, unsigned int lane) ^ Make [2]: *** [resample.lo] making error 1 [2]: Directory / `Exclude home / user / vlc- android / vlc / contrib / contrib-android-i686-linux-android / speexdsp / Libspeexdsp 'create [1]: *** [install-recursive] making error 1 [1]: directory / `home / user / vlc-a droid / vlc / contrib / contrib-android-i686-linux-an Droid / speexdsp 'make: *** [.speexdsp] error 2  

As far as I can tell, in that project, both the ARM header and the SSE headers should be included for some reasons. There may be a redefinition error, from which. However, I do not know why or why to try to fix it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Autoconf that does not look perfect, x86 build has nothing to do with Neon Instruction set, There should not be resample_neon.h I have not found the original reason yet, but for a quick solution, under resample.c ../vlc-android/vlc/contrib/contrib-android-i686-linux- Android / Speexdsp / libspeexdsp and delete the following lines:

  ... #ifdef_USE_NEON #include "resample_neon.h" #endif ...  

Then run again, you should get an APK for your x86 emulator / device.


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