ios - UIAlertController disables all Touch events on screen -

I have to show a view using the UIAlertController with a picker, canceled and made button here. :

  UIAlertController * alertController = [UIAlertController WarningControllerWithTitle: @ "" Message: @ "" Favorites: Style: UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; UILArtactation * Alert Action = [UILArtaction Action Vitalality: @ "" Style: UIAlartActionStyle Default Handler: Nile]; [Add WarningAdministrator: Alert Action]; [AlertController.view addSubview: pickerView]; [AlertController.view addSubview: cancelBtn]; [AlertController.view addSubview: doneBtn]; [AlertController.view Setbowns: CGRactMake (0, 180, Self v. Euphr. Size.width, 400)];  

And so on, I call current view controller method:

  UIPopoverPresentationController * popover = alertController.popoverPresentationController; If (popover) {popover.sourceRect = CGRectMake (0, 0, 320, 550); Popover.permittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny; } [Self-present ViewController: Animated Alert Controller: Yes Completed: Zero];  

After the warning control is present on the screen screen, I am unable to tap the cancellation and made buttons on the screen anywhere and also. Please help me solve this problem.

No conversions are canceled and buttons displayed in the bottom of the page are displayed: Enter image details here

Whenever I set the limit for the elite controller, I am able to see a proper view, but I will not be able to choose anything:

I would bet that your limitations Are not correct. Then this line:

[alertController.viewSetBounts: CGRactMake (0, 180, Self v.U.E.EEEEEEE, 400)]

Setting your view limit to start with 180.

Edit: Based on the comments below If you want to set the button position, then you should modify your button frame, the alert limit No.

Remember the frame According to the Parent View coordination system, the visual position is bounds, the visual limitations related to its coordinate system.


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