ios8 - XML Parser issue in iOS 8 -
I'm working on XML parser, I am at the same time I bring many URL data server iOS 6 and iOS 7 Its work is fine, but parsons have been blocked in iOS 8. Please see screenshots.
I'm using dispatch_queue_t (app.forgroundQueue).
code here check Up
AppDelegate * app = (app delegate *) [[Uaiapisikrn Seyranupryog] delegate]; App.isSerialQueueRunning = Yes; Dispatch_Associate (app.forgroundQueue, ^ {[self setDelegate: aDelegate]; self.responseArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; NSURLRequest * request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [url stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]]; NSURLSession * session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration: [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration] representatives: self delegateQueue: nil]; NSURLSessionDataTask * work = [session dataTaskWithRequest: request completionHandler: ^ (NSData * data, NSURLResponse * reaction, NSError * error) {if (error!) { } other {if ([_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector (ConnectionMessage :)]) {[_delegate ConnectionMessage: @ "W Rsing failed Please check the Internet connection or refresh again "];}} Ansaksmelpirs * parser = [[Ansaksmel parser Elok] Initvethdeta data] [parser set Diliaget: self]; [Parsrs Setsuldarsoelviiaksaaraantiattitis: No]; [Parser pars]; Self.allocate = @ "No"; }]; [Resume work]; });
I have a similar problem, try to make sure that Pars
message main queue has been sent:
// start main thread on dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), ^ {[parser pars];});
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