- edit two database from different sites with same form with ASP -

I am writing some ASP pages for the following purpose.

I have two websites related to each other. In the first one, I have a form in which I put some information. Those information is stored in the first site's database.

Since I am making the field of database of another site similar to the table that I want to edit, there is a way to send data to other sites and after they have been stored in the database first. Insert in another database?

Database Connection

  Set = Server.Creative Object ("ADODB.Connection") Con.Open "Driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)}; DBQ = "& amp; Server.MapPath ("/ writable / mdb-database / mydb.mdb")  

Just open a new connection on the second database server and insert the same data. Use questions (or linq expression or etc) with new connections only. I do not know how to connect with you before, but you can connect with the same method to another, just change the address.


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