mvc - MVC5 bundling issue when deploy to Azure service -

We have an MVC5 project that has many script files and styles, and we system. Use Web.Optimization.

The problem is that when the auction is deployed, we get an error similar to the following:

  The object reference is not set for an instance of an object : An uncontrolled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where the code originated from it. Exception Description: System.NullReferenceException: Object References Object is not set to an instance of Source Error: Line 4: Line 5: @ Section Scripts {Line 6: @ Scripts. Render ("~ / bundles / timeApp") Line 7: & lt; Script & gt;  

Please note that this is working normally on a local machine.

We tried to downgrade "WebGrage", but no luck

Thank you. In many instances, it was related to errors in JavaScript when I was running on this issue when / p>

Comment by loading and testing all the files, then index the sections at one time and see when you start the error and that will lead you to the root cause.


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