ios - Resize UICollectionViewCell on rotation -
I have takes a UICollectionView entire screen UICollectionView
in cells UICollectionView < / Code>, and I use paging.
Adjust I want cells their shape on device rotation to the new UICollectionView
I present size isAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:
- (minus) Vilanmetroteshntointrfesorianteshn: (UIInterfaceOrientation) Seintrfesopreshn period: (NSTimeInterval) term {{super Vilaanmetroteshntointrfesorianteshn: ToInterfaceOrientation period: period]; [_collectionView Set Calling Quote Layout: [Self-Storage ViewFlowLayoutForOrientation: ToInterfaceOrientation] Animated: Yes]; }
The collectionViewFlowLayoutForOrientation: being
is as follows:
- (UICollectionViewFlowLayout *) collectionViewFlowLayoutForOrientation: (UIInterfaceOrientation) Orientation {CGSize screenSize = [[UIScreen main screen] border]. Shape; CGFloat width = UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape (Orientation)? Max (Screensized.width, screen size. Height): MIN (Screen Size. Width, Screen Size. High); CGFlot height = UINTERFERSITY INDANDANDANDScape (Orientation)? Min (Screensized.width, screen size.heat): maximum (screenized width, screen size.); UICollectionViewFlowLayout * Collections ViewFlowLayout = [[UICollectionViewFlowLayout alloc] init]; [Set CollectionViewFlowLayoutColorline: UICollectionViewScrollDirectionHorizontal]; [Collections viewflowout setIt sizeSize: CGSizeMake (width, height)]; [CollectionViewFlowLayoutSeterminlineline spacing: 0.0f]; [Set CollectionViewFlowLayoutSyninesSet: UIEdgeInsetsZero]; [CollectionViewFlowLayoutSetminentInternSpacing: 0.0F]; Return Collection ViewFlowLayout; }
This does not work as a purpose
is not defined by the behavior of UICollectionViewFlowLayout because: Item: Most First, I demonstrate that I am probably not completely valid at some height receiving a message in the console UICollectionView should be less than the height of zero section insets up and down values
This is a proper message, like to rotate the animation, screen / UICollectionView
is still the frame for the old orientation I want to follow it < / P>
Second, after the rotation, the contentoffset
is incorrect because it does not get recalculated again.
I have seen other solutions which invalidate the willRotateToInterfaceOrientation layout in: Duration:
, but this does not recalculate contentOffset
either. (Zero) willRotateToInterfaceOrientation -
: I changing contentOffset
and contentSize
is as follows, but the results are not perfect either by post : (UIInterfaceOrientation) toInterfaceOrientation period: (NSTimeInterval) period {CGSize fromCollectionViewSize = [self-collectionViewSizeForOrientation: [self-interfaceOrientation]]; CGSize toCollectionViewSize = [Self View ViewSizeForOrientation: toInterfaceOrientation]; CGFloat current page = [_collectionView content offset] .x / [_collectionView limit]. Shape. Width; NSInteger ItemCount = [_collectionView numberOfItemsInSection: 0]; UICollectionViewFlowLayoutInvalidationContext * InvalidContact = [[UICollectionViewFlowLayoutInvalidationContext alloc] init]; [Inwalidshankntest Setkantentsijedjustment: Kgsizemake ((Toklekshnviawsizekvidth - Fromkallekshnviawsizekvidth) * Itemcount, Toklekshnviawsizekhait - Fromkallekshnviawsizekhait)]; [Invalid control set offset adjustment: CGPointMake (current page * toCollectionViewSize.width - [_collectionView content offsets] .x, 0)]; [[_collectionView Collection ViewLayout] Invalid LateAutocontax: Invalidization Containbox]; [Super Vyratoria Interface: Two Interface Orientation Period: Duration]; }
So, my question is: Does the solution result in the result?
Try adding the [_collectionView invalidateIntrinsicContentSize] line before setting your layout This should be the reason for re-calculating the layout, and, you should get rid of the warning message.
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