shell - How to launch a mouse click button with PowerShell? -

Good morning, I am starting with PowerShell scripting and I am trying to create a PowerShell script. The goal is to automatically set up the Google search engine in the internet web browser. Link here for the add-on:

Google's URL that asks the user if he wants to add Google as the default web browser Is:

I like to have my script click on "Ok" on the question "Report Google About Google." Which basically means "update your web browser with Google, here's the beginning of my script."

 "lang-PS prettyprint-override">  $ pathURL = "http: / / Com / search? Q = & amp; Sourceid = ie7 & amp; Rls = & amp; I.e. = & amp; Oe = "$ i.e. = new object-comobject InternetExplorer.Application $ ie.visible = $ true $ ie.silent = $ true $ ie.Navigate ($ pathURL)  

Does anyone know How to get started to click on "Ok"?

I got this type of code in another subject, but I do not know how to use it for my script:

  #while ($ ie.busy) {start-sleep1} # $ SecLink = $ ie.Document.getElementsByTagName ('a') | where-object { $ _. InnerText-eq 'Gagnez du temps avec Google.Mettez and reprint for the letter that Interpretation is. '} # $ ()  

Thanks, Michael


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