Less files not converted to css when publishing the project in ASP.NET -
Unable to compile my problem. I installed random package using Newsgate in Viewed Studio 2010. It works well at the local level
MyProjectFolder / Content / Styles? V = "rel =" stylesheet ">
and no content is displayed when clicking on the above link, because the file has not been generated.
Anyone can help me in solving this issue.
Update 1: The mention of the approach by which fewer files are calling
Bundle of the following files is being used in the config.cs file using the following code: -
Bundle Include (New Style Bundle ("~ / Content / General"). ("~ / Content / General. Unless"));
In the header section in my HTML page I call it
using @ styles.Render ("~ / content / common")
Importing into my normal file. There are also two other files using reference, so common would like a file: -
@import "variables.less"; @import url (http://fonts.googleapis.com/ Css? Family = Roboto); Body {background color: @ body-bg;}
.. and similarly
It does not look that you have to compile less files Bundle transformers are added.
Please refer to the documentation under "Low, Coffee Script, SCSS, SaaS Bundling".
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