wordpress - Apache config problems for Roots.io/Bedrock + Capistrano -

I'm new with Rutsioo / Bidrok, so please ask forgive me if im stupid so present in my Using Bedrock + Capistrano to deploy WordPress site. The Capistrain part is working fine. My only problem is Apache config.

How should I define DocumentRoot to do bedroom work?

Directory structure:

  / var / www /mydomain.com/teszt/current - & gt; /war/www/meedomankcom/teszt/releases/20l4l028ll5909 /war/www/meedomankcom/teszt/releases/war/www/meedomankcom/teszt/repo /war/www/meedomankcom/teszt/ravisions .log /var/www/mydomain.com/teszt/shared  

My current Vhost file:

  & lt; VirtualHost *: 81 & gt; SuPHP_Engine at suPHP_ConfigPath /etc/php5/vhosts/mydomain.com/ suPHP_UserGroup devsunnywebhu vhostusers addHandler x-httpd-php .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .html suPHP_AddHandler x-httpd-php Server's name mydomain.com serverAlive www.mydomain com Srhwaradmin Support@mydomain.com AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 Dastavejhrut /var/www/mydomain.com/teszt/current/web & lt; Directory /var/www/mydomain.com/teszt/current/web> Option -index + follow-up links + ExecCGI -MultiViews + Allow SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Allow all commands, Allow all orders & lt; / Directory & gt; SetEnvIf REMOTE_ADDR "127 \ .0 \ .0 \ .1" REMOTE_ADDR SetEnvIf "localhost" REMOTE_ADDR SetEnvIf loopback loopback ":: 1" loopback SetEnvIf REMOTE_ADDR "ip6- localhost" The loopback LogLevel warn Errorlog / var / log / apache2 / Mydomain.com -error.log Custom Login /var/log/apache2/mydomain.com-access.log Combined env =! Loopback server switches off & lt; / VirtualHost & gt;  

and getting the following error from Apache:

  file "/var/www/mydomain.com/teszt/releases/20141028115909/web/index .php /var/www/mydomain.com/teszt/current "vhost the document is not at the root" " 

text after

is facing any one problem, due to its suPHP error. To resolve this, you can use the check_vhost_docroot in the /etc/suphp.conf file.

  check_vhost_docroot = false   


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