c# - Client for SOAP (ASMX) web-service without proxy -

I have two clients that are auto-generated proxy for the first time:

  [ System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute ("System.Web.Services", "4.0.30319.18408")] [System.Diagnostics. Contributing through Debugger Phase ()] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute ("Code")] [System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute (name = "Service1", Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/") ] Public Partial Service Service1: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol {[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute ("http://tempuri.org/Get", RequestNamespace = "http://tempuri.org/ ", Answer Namespace =" http: //tempuri.org/ ", Use = Systems.Web Services.Description Swapboarding Article Parameter Staley = System.web Services.protocol.SopPamerator Style, Closed)] Form on data [] get (int x) {Object [] result = this.Invoke ( "InMotion_Wholesaler_FromTimestampAdv", new Object [] {login, password, timestamp}); Return ((InmWholeser []) (Results [0])); }  

This works and returns the list of data with elements.

The second one:

  [communication of service] [WebServiceBinding (name = "service1", namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")] Public Interface Iissis 1 ([Operation Contract] [Soap Document Meth ("http://tempuri.org/Get", RequestNamespace = "http: // Tempuri.org/", ResponseNamePass = "http://tempuri.org/ "Uses = System Web Services Description Spebbing Uses Litteral, ParameterStyle = SopamPerator Style, Closed)] Data [] Go (Int x);} Private IISIS 1 Service 1 {Receive {var soap12 binding = New Firm Timbanding (new text message encodingbetting element (spacing 12, encoding.utf8) {Readercots = new XMLApplicationRedderCotata {MaxArereLange = Int. MaxValuue, MaxBytesPearRad = Int. MaxValuue, MaxDep = Int. MaxValue, MaxNameTableCashcount = Int.MaxValue, Maxstring content lang = int.MaxValue},}, new HTTP transportbanding element {MaximizeAvcemeMessies = Int. Maxwell}); Var ChannelFeature = New Channel Factory & lt; IService1 & gt; (Soap12 Binding, New Endpoint Address (URL)); Return Channel Factory.CreateChannel (); }}  

and this customer returns the empty list (not empty).

Can I create clients by ChannelFactory? What's my fault


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