caching - angularjs data binding with cache factory not working -
Take a look at this (data binding name is being in list but not in movie list)
Click on a name on the list of names: Details are shown below: If you edit the data in the description, the list is updated with data binding (as expected)
Do the same with the list, click on a movie, and edit the data in the details below. The list is not updated
The only difference in 2 factories is that "name" is from a static JSN file and "movies" from the movie API.
This is my factory of movies:
app.factory ('moviesFactory', function ($ http) {var cached Data; function getData (callback) {if ( Cached data {callback (cache data);} and {$ http.get ('', {params: {quality: "3D", range: 3}}). (Get data, callback) {getData (function) {var movie = Data.filter (return entry) movie id === item id;}) [0]; callback (movie);});}};});
The only difference in the name factory is:
$ http.get ('foo.json'). Success (work (data) {...}
I do not know why the name list works and movies are not.
I have data-tied films How can I list movies? Any thoughts?
Back to the cached data Return, you will get updated data (cached data) {callback (cached data);} and {$ http.get} (android) ('http: //', {params: {quality: "3D", range: 3}}) Success (work) {cached Data = data.MovieList; callba Ck (cached data);}}} return {getAll: getData, getOne: function (item ID, callback) {getData (function (data) {var movie = data.filter (function (entry) {return entry} MovieID = == itemId;}) [0]; callback (movie);});}};});
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