Failing to see how ambassador pattern enhances modularity / simplicty of container architecture in Docker -

I have not been able to see how implementing ambassador patterns allows us to simplify / modularize the design of our container architecture. Will help.

Assume that I have database container db on host A and is used by a program db-client which sits on host B , Which is connected through the ambassador containers on a network DB-Ambassador and DB-Foreign-Ambassador :

  [Host A (DB) - & gt; (DB-Ambassador)] & lt; - ... - & gt; [Host B (DB-Foam-AMBSDR) - & gt; (DB-Client)]  

Connection between the container in the same machine, e.g. From db to db-ambassador , and db-foreign-ambassador to db-client of the Dock - Link parameter while talking on DB-Ambassador and DB-Foreign-Ambassador network.

However, - link is a great way to insert IP addresses, ports, and other information from one container to another when a container fails, then the other container Is linked, it is not informed, nor will it be known to the new IP address of the crashing container when it restarts. In essence, if a container that is linked to another, then it is dead.

To consider my example, you can say that db is crashed and restart also restarting DB-Ambassador for a different IP So that the links between them can be updated ... except you should not. If the db-ambassador is restarted, then the IP will also change, and foreign-DB-ambassador will not know where to reach the new IP address.

When you need to revise your consumer to talk to a different radis server, then you can restart only the red-ambassador container Can be connected to the consumer.

This pattern allows the user to transfer a different Doker host transparently.

It seems that it is okay to try to solve this problem which, as far as I understand, it was not completely. If you consider the - link , then it is not useful unless there is a linked container accident. The option to start a crashing node on your previous IP was a good solution for at least one small / medium sized architecture.

Am I clarifying something?

There was some good slide in Jerome (11- 33) How the Ambassador can do another service discovery (i.e. DNS , Key-value stores, bind-mount config files, etc.). They have some suggestions on how to solve the problem, I think that you are mentioning, especially looks promising.


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