javascript - Iterate over nested objects and concatenate to string using Lodash -
I am using a lot of objects to make the object easier. I have an object with three nested objects inside. I I want to repeat through, connect all my children together in all related combinations, while using only one copy list.
My object looks like this:
{"List_1": {"1": ".cat-3", "2": ".cat-5 "," 3 ":" .cat-7 "}," list_2 ": {" 1 ":". "," 3 ":" .eyes-brown "}," list_3 ": {" 1 ":" Jazz "," 2 ":" commercial. "," 3 ":" .- hop "}}
The output I want to get is:
.cat-3.eyes-blue.jazz .cat-3 eyes- blue.commercial .cat-3.eyes-blue.hip-hop
order is not important What is important is that if only one value from each list_
object is used in the string then, for example, it will be fine:
.eyes-blue T-3 commercial -3
and some other examples:
< Code> .cat-3.eyes-brown.jazz .cat-5.eyes-brown.hip-hop .cat-7.eyes-blue.hip-hop
As an array of asset objects array:
var arrayOfArrays = []; _.each (obj, function (item, key) {var itemVals = []; _.each (item, function (item 2, key 2) {itemVals.push (item2);}); arrayOfArrays.push (itemVals) ;});
Implement the scope ()
function as described here:
Implement a function to obtain a random array element:
Function Random Element (array) {Return Array [Math.random () * array.length)];
Implement a function to select random elements from an array of arrays in the form of an align string:
function randomCombination (arrayOfArrays) {var Output = ""; _.each (arrayOfArrays, function (innerArray) {output + = randomElement (innerArray);}) Return output}
Now you can get a desired output by doing something like this:
Random Combinations (Shuffle Offerers));
Or, if you want to keep the arrayOfArrays intact:
randomCombination (shuffle (arrayOfArrays.slice (0)));
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