perl - Regex: extract a number from a string and place it in a new string -
I want to replace a part of the text in PDF using - Search and replace all PDF pages. This device requires two regex strings: replacement and what a replacement code is. Here's the code I'd like to change:
if (this.hostContainer) {try {this.hostContainer.postMessage (['newpage', 'pp_322', 1525 9]); } Hold (e) {console.println (e); }};
part pp_322
is different and number 322 is an example. After (s) the character (s) of PP_
is an Arabic numeral (0-9), only the regex should match.
I would like to extract this number and put it in this code:
this.zoomType = zoomtype.pref; This.pageNum = ExtractedNumber-16;
I think I'm a bit closer this code works but maybe it's small.
(? & Lt; = pp_) \ d + (?: \ '\ D +)?
I want that number to be found (possibly buggy code), but how to keep this extractedNumber?
this.pageNum = ExtractedNumber-16;
Thanks for the help.
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