How doing dropdown menu in Wordpress? -

How do I dropdown menus for pages and child pages on WordPress 4.0, but wp_page_menu is not working, Wp_list_pages ('title_li =')?> Show the menu but do not show the child page Please help?

Try it out: {list-list: Nobody is out; Padding: 0; Margins: 0 10px; Swim left; Font size: 13px;} ul.Menu Li {float: left; Margin: 0; Padding: 0-15px 0 0; Status: Relative; } Ul.Menu Li a {padding: 9px 5px; Color: RGB (255, 255, 255); Display area; Text-decoration: None; Swim left; Exhibit: Block;} U.Menu Lee: Hover {Background: # A6CB1B; } .Court-Cat {background: # 8BBF47; } li span {width: 11px; Height: 10px; Swim left; Background: URL (write '/ * url or color color * * /' of your background) -561px -78px No-repeat; Margin: 11px 0 0 0;} li ul.children {z-index: 99; List style: None is out; Status: Completed; Left: 0; Top: 31px; Background: Any repeatable scrolls 0% 0% RGB (51, 51, 51); Margin: 0; Padding: 0; display none; Swim left; Width: 170px; Border bottom: 1 px solid # F8C92D;} ul.Menu Li Ul Child Li {margin: 0; Padding: 0; Clean both; Width: 170px; Border-top: 1px solid # f8c92d;} html li ul.children li a {float: left; Width: 145px; Background: url ('images / narga-sprites.png') -578px-16x px no-ripit # a6cb1b; Padding-left: 20px; } Html li ul.children li a: hover {background: url ('/ * url of your background or' * * 'as an anme described above) -578px -162px No-repeat # 7BAF36; }  

Note : This code is unplugged. Be sure to make the necessary changes as per your requirements.


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