ui automation - UIAutomation c# textbox disappears with mouse click or losing focus -

iiuutomation to use in visual c # express 2010, i try to input text boxes in UI applicton automatically am, I need me input data succsuffully selected window but if I change or shrinks windows Forward file is changed, then what happens Apiyr data I Accessibility accesskey: "" AcceleratorKey: " "IsKeyboardFocusable:" Right "LabeledBy:" (Zero) "HelpText:" IsEnabled "State:" Right "HasKeyboardFocus:" Wrong "identity className:" Edit "ControlType:" ControlType.Edit "culture" (null) "AutomationId:" 100 "LocalizedControlType:" edit "Name:" "ProcessID:" 5172 (Winpoint) "RuntimeId:" 42 267,278 "IsPassword:" wrong "IsControlElement" right "IsContentElement" right "visibility Boundingrektengl:" (611, 286, 90, 20) "clickable point:" (null) "Aisofskrin:" false "ControlPatterns text DocumentRange text: "" length "0" Bounding rectangle: "" AnimationStyleAttribute: "(not supported)" BackgroundColorAttribute: "16,777,215" BulletStyleAttribute: "(not supported)" CapStyleAttribute: "none" CultureAttribute: "(not supported)" FontAwesomeAttribute: "400" ForegroundColorAttributions: "0" horizontal text alignment: "Left" IndentationFillineAttribute: "(not supported)" indentalisting attribute: "(not supported)" indentationtravelgate: "(supported) Is not) "IsHiddenAttribute:" (not supported) "IsItalicAttribute:" wrong "IsReadOnlyAttribute:" wrong "IsSubscriptAttribute:" (not supported) A.) "IsSuperscriptAttribute:" (not supported) "MarginBottomAttribute:" (not supported) "MarginLeadingAttribute:" (not supported) "Marjintopaetribut:" (Not) "Marjintrelingaetivet:" (not supported) "OutlineStylesAttribute:" (not supported) "OverlineColorAttribute:" (not) "OverlineStyleAttribute:" (not supported) "StrikethroughColorAttribute:" (not supported) "StrikethroughStyleAttribute:" none "TabsAttribute:" (not supported) "TextFlowDirectionsAttribute:" (not supported) "UnderlineColorAttribute:" (Not supported) "UnderlineStyleAttribute:" None "Value Value:" "IsReadOnly:" C And here the code I'm definitely using iarm targting is filed with the Automation ID of 100

  AutomationAllension first name = GetTextElement (app element, "100"); If (firstname! = Null) {log message ("OK" + environment. NewLine); Log message ("typing in the first name ..."); {ValuePattern firstnameval = firstname.GetCurrentPattern (ValuePattern.Pattern) as ValuePattern; Firstnameval.SetValue ("basem22"); // firstnameval.Text ("betam"); // var textbox = Automation element (scope, id); ValuePattern p = firstname.GetCurrentPattern (ValuePattern.Pattern) as ValuePattern; P.SetValue ("value");  

So when I run this code, the "value" is entered on the text box, but if I change the fox then it makes any ideas disappear, Trying to input and save it .. Thanks

Answer I have no one The situation was the case I used, I think a keyboard key is pressed, the text is saved and the cow It is not as if it seems like a wpf interval or some type of fixing code here,

  // adding a letter and removing the text system .indows.forms .SendKeys.SendWait ( 'a'); System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait ("{} {Home delete}");  


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