
Showing posts from May, 2013

Ruby Array Method array.each.upcase -

लोग_नाम = ["माइक", "टॉम", "एलिसन", "जैरी", "कैम"] People_caps = people_names.each.upcase # people_caps = & gt; ['एमआईकेई', 'टॉम', 'एलिसन', 'जेरी', 'सीएएम'] मैं प्रत्येक आइटम को ऑरे लोगों के नामों में सभी कैप में बदलने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। मैं इसे इस तरह से कुछ कर सकता हूं: people_caps = people_names.each {| name | Name.upcase!} लेकिन, यह सिर्फ लोगों के नामों को सभी कैप्स में बदलता है, लेकिन केवल लोक-कैप में सभी कैप्स नाम शामिल होना चाहिए, लोग_नाम को वही रहना चाहिए। < / Div> आपका कोड भी लोग_नाम में परिवर्तन करता है, क्योंकि आप अपकेस को कॉल करते हैं! पर उस सरणी में सभी ( प्रत्येक ) तत्व। यदि आप पुराने एक उपयोग को बदलने के बजाय एक नई सरणी वापस करना चाहते हैं: People_caps = {| नाम | Name.upcase} या छोटा: लोग_ग्रेज = लोग_नाम.मैप (और: अपकेस)

android - ActivitySceneTransitionBasicSample setViewName -

Anyone has compiled ActionSceneTransitionBasicSample project, this is an error "Symbol method set can not find Vignem (string)" I do not know this method. setViewName method was deleted from the L-preview API 21 release It was felt that ActivitySceneTransitionBasicSample was setup with L-preview, but you are using API 21. See this link to show the change link, where the method was deleted:

ios - Unable to get view controller size. Swift -

I'm new to Swift and I'm trying to use the following method to create SKSpriteNode in my gamecine swift The problem is that I need to get the size of the GameScene view from the ChainsawMaker class. It is my name. Close ChainsawMaker.swift: Import Spritekit Class ChainsawMaker: SKScene {class func longChainsawCreator () -> SKSpriteNode / long chainsaw long chancesway width = size. Method / 3 occurs with error size. With / 3 which is not a member of the "Chansov Maker" type size Any recommendations? That's because you're calling without the class func longChainsawCreator () Has started an example of ChainsawMaker . According to the documentation (), size is present in the form of a variable,

android - Update download progress from Service to activity -

I'm downloading data in the Android app. Flow - Activity starts a service that downloads many files. Now I want to show progress in Activity UI How can I send progress from service to activity? My view is - when a service is downloaded by the file, the message is broadcast. In the activity, use the broadcast receiver to achieve progress. Is this approach quite good? If not, what's the best way? Just create a static method in the activity ... This Public Static Zero Update UI (String Value) {// Your Coding Argument} Then call it from your service P> like (name of your activity) .updateUI (value);

esb - Should we Migrate applications in order to host on SOA platform? -

मेरे पास एकता डिजाइन से संबंधित प्रश्न है हम जेबोस फ्यूज सर्विस वर्क्स सुइट का उपयोग करके एसओए को अपना रहे हैं। अब यह एक बड़ा सवाल उठा रहा है: जब हम एक नई सेवा / अनुप्रयोग विकसित करते हैं, तो क्या हमें इसे फ्यूज सर्विस वर्क्स पर होस्ट करना चाहिए और इसे विशेष रूप से स्विचवार्ड के आधार पर विकसित करना चाहिए? यह निर्णय सभी व्यावसायिक तर्क को जाता है स्विचवाईर्ड > वैकल्पिक रूप से, हम स्वतंत्रता प्लेटफॉर्म पर आधारित एक नई सेवा / एप्लिकेशन विकसित करते हैं (यह किसी भी खुला स्रोत ढांचे का हो सकता है जो कि आराम, SOAP सेवाओं को बेनकाब कर सकता है) यह निर्णय सेवा की ओर जाता है, इसका अपना व्यावसायिक तर्क है कोई भी विचार? एक ईएसबी को निम्नलिखित करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है: सेवाओं के बीच संदेश विनिमय के मॉनिटर और नियंत्रण रूटिंग सेवा घटकों के बीच संचार के बीच विवाद को हल करें सेवाओं के परिनियोजन और संस्करण को नियंत्रित करना अनावश्यक सेवाओं का मार्शल उपयोग इवेंट हैंडलिंग, डेटा ट्रांसफ़ॉर्मेशन और मैपिंग, संदेश और इवेंट की कतार और अनुक्रमण जैसी कमोडिटी सेवाओं के लिए प

python - garbage collection and reference counting -

It's easily weird bug that went in some time. I want to give you a snippet of code that I am working on. This code reaches some Django apis but is not particularly important on those features (I hope). Def handle_location (self): zip_code_location = Location.objects.filter (zip_code = self.cleaned_data.get ('ZIP_CODE')) Otherwise zip_code_location: forms.ValidationError lift ('invalid zip code Returned. ', Code =' invalid_zip_code ') and: zip_code_location = zip_code_location [0] city, state = map (lambda x: .. x.strip () less (), self.cleaned_data.get (' location_raw ') partition (',')) Try: map_citystate_to_location (city, state) as city_state_location = e except LocationMatchingException: logging.error (d. Message + 'location_raw: {} and ZIP_CODE: {}' format (self.cleaned_data .get ('location'), self.cleaned_data ('ZIP_CODE'), exc_info = true, stack_info = true)) forms.ValidationErro increased R ( 'Something

symfony - Disable formating in Twig -

Good day all! I am new to tweg, so my question may be stupid, but I already spent hours finding solutions to handle it. Therefore, in my tweype templates, the variable source comes in, in which some sources eg PHP, JS, HTML ... etc have been created - with Whitespace and / R / N, but the tweg rewards it all in one line I tried it forward: {% Autoescape false%} {{source}} {% endautoescape%} and {% autoescape false%} {{source | Raw}} {% endautoescape%} but not managed successfully Here is the output of {{dump (source)}}: string '$ Creator- & gt; Add ('availability', 'option', array ('option' = & gt; array ('morning' = & gt; 'morning', 'afternoon' = & gt; 'noon', 'evening' = & gt; 'Evening',), 'multi' => true,)); '(Length = 219) I would appreciate much for any help! You try to present your page as HTML (or view) HTML all additional Strips white space

iOS: Autolayout not showing correct size in iPhone -

I am creating an app, in which I have to sign down and show two buttons on login name. I have used Autolayout for this, I need to support all the iPhone devices. It's working up to the iPhone 5S and is showing the right. However its width is not expanding in the iPhone 6 signup button. I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure that my code is below. The attachment is also a screenshot. NSDermutation * View project = @ {@ "login button ": Self.loginButton}; // Define LoginButton Size NSArray * constraint_H = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat: @ "V: [loginButton (52)]" option: 0 metric: views zero: viewsDictionary]; NSArray * constraint_V = [NSLayoutConstraint Visual format with constraints: @ "H: [LoginButton (160)]" option: 0 metric: zero view: viewsDictionary]; [Self. Loginbutton add consultancy: compulsion_h]; [Self.loginButton addConstraints: constrain_V]; // Long Post POSTISTATION NSARRA * constraint_POS_V = [NSLay

node.js - Remove metadata using formidable -

Just now I'm using weak to upload photos to my node.js server. The server is working well, but for some reason, when a person uploads a photo from their iOS device and after some other person sees the same picture, then the photo is rotated by default. First of all, I Thought that the problem was picture resolution, but then, I had stored the same picture without the Metadata (Photoshop) and the picture is working properly with the same width and height. Then, my problem is with the metadata of iOS devices, does anyone know how to solve it? You can experiment with all the metadata from JPEG files: jpegtran -copy none You can do either with an on-disk file (add -outfile ) or pipe a image in your stdin And get results on stdout. In the node you do this with the child_process of spawn .

ios - Should I use 'volatile' together with '__block' qualifier when a block is executed on another thread? -

कोड के इस टुकड़े को देखते हैं: - (शून्य) addOperationAndWait: (शून्य (^) ()) ऑपरेशन {__block एनएसई एक्सप्शन * अपवाद = शून्य; [आत्म। जोड़ें जोड़ऑपरेशन विथब्लॉकः ^ {@try {ऑपरेशन (); } @ सीच (एनएसई एक्सपैशन * पूर्व) {exception = ex; }}]; [स्वयं। प्रतीक्षा करेंपरी तक सभी ऑपरेन्सअनिश्चित]; अगर (अपवाद) {@throw अपवाद; }} कोड की ये लाइनें एक थ्रेड पर निष्पादित होती हैं: __block एनएसई एक्सप्शन * exception = noil; अगर (अपवाद) {@throw अपवाद; } और कोड की यह पंक्ति दूसरे थ्रेड पर निष्पादित होती है: exception = ex; तो मुझे अपवाद वैरिएबल को volatile घोषित करना चाहिए कि चर का मान थ्रेड का उपयोग करके कैश नहीं किया जाता है यह? मुझे इस दस्तावेज के कारण संदेह है: वाष्पशील चर एक दूसरे प्रकार की स्मृति बाधा को अलग-अलग चर में लागू करते हैं संकलक अक्सर रजिस्टरों में चर के लिए मान लोड करके कोड का अनुकूलन करता है। स्थानीय चर के लिए, यह आमतौर पर कोई समस्या नहीं है यदि वेरिएबल दूसरे धागा से दिखाई दे रहा है, तो इस तरह के एक अनुकूलन दूसरे धागे को इसके किसी भी बदलाव को देखने से रोक सकत

oop - Function as an argument to a function in Javascript -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 1 9 उत्तर मैं लागू करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ एक फ़ंक्शन जो एक तर्क के रूप में दूसरे फ़ंक्शन को लेता है, और उस फ़ंक्शन का एक नया संस्करण देता है जिसे केवल एक बार कहा जा सकता है। परिणामी फ़ंक्शन को आने वाले कॉल का कोई प्रभाव नहीं होना चाहिए (और अनिर्धारित नहीं होना चाहिए)। / P> उदाहरण के लिए: लॉगऑन = एक बार (console.log) लॉगऑन ("foo") // - & gt; "फू" लॉगऑन ("बार") // - & gt; कोई प्रभाव नहीं आप ओब्जेक्ट फ़ंक्शन पर फ्लैग का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, आप तर्क के रूप में गुजर रहे हैं < / P> फ़ंक्शन एक बार (func) {रिटर्न फ़ंक्शन () {if (! Func.performed) {func.apply (यह, तर्क); Func.performed = true; }}} Var लॉगऑन = एक बार (console.log); लॉगऑन ("टेस्ट 1"); लॉगऑन ("टेस्ट 2");

sql - Getting records which have closer date to given Input date -

I have a table of data (db is mssql): input date: 01-09-2014 < Pre> ID Orders Particode Fund IDC Amount Finalized Revised 417 2144 44 9 17 A 100 31-08-2014 418 7235 11762 B5 31-08-2014 41 9 9991 60657 C 100 31-08-2014 420 99 9 2 60658 D 90 31-08- 2014 421 9993 60659 A 100 31-07-2014 422 9994 60660 B 90 31-07-2014 421 9993 60659 C00 31-07-2014 422 9994 60660 D 90 31-07-2014 I want to make a query that sets the returns on the record's return, but only the last modified To Thi which is closely below, the input went on. From the example table, I would like to get back the following information: ID orderon partcode fund IDC quantity finally modified 417 2144 44 9 17A 100 31-08- 2014 418 7235 11762 B5 31-08-2014 41 9 9991 60657 C100 31-08-2014 420 992 60658 D 90 31-08-2014 Thank you!

angularjs - angular pass current object to ng-options get undefiend -

Trying to get the current object on ng-change with ng-option and I get undefined & lt; Select class = "form-control" ng-model = "currentDrawResults" ng-option = "draw.drawDate (draw.drawDate | Date: 'MMM D, Y') draw.DrawDate draw.drawDate to draw in lot.lastDraws track" NG- Change = "change draw (draw)" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; I was trying some answers from this site but I still am not working. What's the problem change ng-change = "change scare (draw)" Ng-change = "changeDraw (currentDrawResults) var app = angular. Module ('app', []); app.controller ('fctrl', works $ Scope) {$ scope.lot = {Last date: [{Drawing: "2011-10-28 TT9: 30: 24.673Z"}, {Draw date: "2012-09-28 TT 9: 30: 24.673 S "}, {DrawDate:" 2014-05-28T09: 30: 24.673Z "},]}; $ scope.changeDraw = function (draw) {warning (draw.drawDate)}}); & lt; script src ="

unable to import .mdb into hadoop -

I stored locally. I would like to import the MDB (MS Access) file into the hop, but sadly all my efforts have failed so far. I tried it with sqoop but I do not know how to modify the import path for my local machine. <<< p>

Can JSON schema enums be case insensitive? -

JSON स्कीमा enums : {"type": {"प्रकार": "स्ट्रिंग", "एंगम": ["स्ट्रीट", "एवेन्यू"), "सरणी", "आइटम": [{"प्रकार": "संख्या"}, {"प्रकार": "स्ट्रिंग"}, , "बोलेवर्ड"]}, {"प्रकार": "स्ट्रिंग", "एंम": ["एनडब्ल्यू", "पूर्वोत्तर", "एसडब्ल्यू", "एसई"]}]} यह स्कीमा [1600, "पेंसिल्वेनिया", "एवेन्यू", "एनडब्ल्यू"] जैसे मूल्यों को मान्य करता है। समस्या क्या कोई खूबसूरत enum केस-असंवेदनशील बनाने का तरीका, ताकि दोनों एवेन्यू और एवेन्यू को सरणी में तीसरा मान के रूप में स्वीकार किया जाएगा? अन्य संभावित समाधान मैं मानों की सूची पर anyOf का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, और प्रत्येक केस-असंवेदनशील रिगेक्स के खिलाफ मान्य कर सकता हूं - लेकिन यह बोझिल, त्रुटि-प्रवण और असहनीय । मुझे डर है कि आपको इस का कोई शानदार समाधान नहीं मिलेगा। इसके लिए एक प्रस्ताव था। इसल

How to programatically enable sharding for a database and then shard the collection using node.js mongodb driver? -

मेरे पास निम्न नोडजे स्क्रिप्ट है जो वर्तमान में कुछ परीक्षण डेटाबेस बनाता है और फिर एक संग्रह बनाता है और संग्रह में एक नमूना प्रविष्टि सम्मिलित करता है । अब मैं डेटाबेस के लिए कंजिंग को सक्षम करना चाहूंगा और फिर हैशड id क्षेत्र के आधार पर संग्रह को ढंक कर दूंगा। मैं ऐसा कैसे कर सकता हूं? कोड बिंदु में होस्ट और बंदरगाह जहां मौंगोस चल रहा है। Var मोंगो क्लाइंट = आवश्यक ('मोंगोड')। मोंगो क्लाइंट; Var name = "sampledb"; फ़ंक्शन प्रारंभ () {for (var i = 4; i & lt; 20; ++ i) {var dbname = name + i; MongoClient.connect ("mongodb: //" + host + ":" + port + "/" + dbname, फ़ंक्शन (गलती, डीबी) {if (err) {console.log ("db से कनेक्ट करने में त्रुटि"); प्रक्रिया .exit (0);} db.createCollection ("संदेश", फ़ंक्शन (err_, result_) {if (err_) {console.log ("संग्रह बनाने में त्रुटि"); process.exit (0);} db.collection ("संदेश")। ({"Id": "& lt; random id & gt;"}, {w: 0}, फ

javascript - How to add tooltip for indicators plot using dojocharts -

I am creating a bar once using dojocharts and version 1.9. I add an indicator to the chart once I want to add text with html tags (such as brake tags) and also tooltip on indicator. I've added a label to get the HTML back, but it's shown as plain text only. HTML tags and tooltips are not working for the indicator here. Any suggestion that it is possible to add tooltip and HTML tags on the doorkoort indicator. Below is my code chart: "Indicator", {type: "Indicator", vertical: wrong, value: 30, offset: {y: -2, X: -50}, line stroke: {color: "green", style: "line"} ", label: true, html label: true, // start: true, // label style:" inside ", // maxBarSize : 35, fontColor: "red", // exact: 1, labelfanks: max, stroke: {color: "RGB (204, 204, 204)", height: 40, width: 25}, outline: "purple" Fill: "# 666"}); Use the tooltip plugin. For example see this Utoriyl Dojoks plugin. C

mallet - infinity value error after token regex command -

मैं कमांड - token-regex '[\ p {L} \ p { M}] + ', पाठ आयात करने के लिए सामान्य आदेशों के साथ, ताकि मैलेट जर्मन पाठ पढ़ सकता है कोई त्रुटि संदेश नहीं दिखाया गया है और एक नई फ़ाइल बनाई गई है। यह संदेह से छोटा है लेकिन फिर, किसी विषय-मॉडल को चलाने के लिए ट्रेन-विषय का उपयोग करते हुए, निम्न त्रुटि संदेश दिखाया गया है: 3 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 5 9 विषय के बाद 5 अनंत मूल्य 0 0 & lt; 350 & gt; LL / टोकन: विषय के बाद '┐ ¢ अनंत मूल्य 0 0 & lt; 360 & gt; LL / टोकन: विषय के बाद '¢ अनंत मूल्य 0 0 & lt; 370 & gt; LL / टोकन: विषय के बाद '┐ ¢ अनंत मूल्य 0 0 & lt; 380 & gt; LL / टोकन: '┐ ¢ विषय के बाद अनंत मूल्य 0 0 & lt; 390 & gt; LL / token: '¢ ¢ मैं इसे अलग-अलग टोकन regex आदेशों का उपयोग करते हुए घंटों के लिए ठीक करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं लेकिन कुछ भी काम नहीं कर रहा है, कोई मदद काफी अनुचित होगी। यदि आप Windows का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, तो कुछ ऐसा प्रयास करें: - टोकन-रेगेक्स "[\ P {L} \ p {M}] +" UPD: आप यहां

windows phone 8 - Error while storing a list of custom object in isolated storage -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रकार का एक कस्टम वर्ग है [तालिका] वर्ग MyApp {public MyApp (): बेस () {} [कॉलम (IsPrimaryKey = true, UpdateCheck = UpdateCheck.Never)] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग appCode {get; सेट; } [कॉलम (अपडेट चेक = अपडेटकैक। कभी नहीं)] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग प्रोकोड {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} मेरे पास एक अन्य वर्ग है जिसमें MyApp वस्तुओं की एक सूची है जो नीचे दी गई है: [तालिका] वर्ग ApplicationUser {public ApplicationUser (): बेस () {} [कॉलम (आईप्रामिरीके = सच, अपडेट चेक = अपडेट चेक। कभी नहीं)] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ता आईडी {प्राप्त; सेट; } [कॉलम (अपडेट चेक = अपडेटकैक। कभी नहीं)] सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; MyApp & gt; ApplicationList {get; सेट; }} मेरे डेटासीन्टेक्स वर्ग में CreateDatabase () विधि को बुलाते समय मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: 'System.Collections के लिए एसक्यूएल प्रकार निर्धारित करने में असमर्थ P> असल में आपको EntityRef & lt; T & gt; और EntitySet & lt; T & gt; वर्गों और एसोसिएशन का उपयोग करके उन संस्थाओं के बीच संबंध को सही ढ - Single Sign On IIS 7 migration -

I have two web applications on the old server with IIS 6 with SSO and it works right. Now there is a new server with my IIS 7 and after the migration web applications, the SSO has stopped working - when I try to go to the second app, the login page is shown again ... Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or do not know? Here's the first web. Config & lt; Authentication mode = "form" & gt; & Lt; Forms loginUrl = "LoginR.aspx" timeout = "20" /> & Lt; / Authentication & gt; & Lt; machineKey decryption = "AES" decryptionKey = "6A6F8E0BCFF28507DDF6316D4BE0CB2AEA85501D0BED1282" validation = "SHA1" validationKey = "01D0AECBA272DA4662076316AF00F9F2C8F07E12349D1725587612769C9A7B8048AD26BC2298AB2A0D18D2CAF2FC22762E1A3737CFA7EE0E46771DDAAE5B6E1C" / & gt; And another web. Config & lt; Authentication mode = "form" & gt; & Lt; Forms loginUrl = "http:

html5 - How to align floated element at the bottom -

एक शुरुआती तत्व को संरेखित करने का पसंदीदा तरीका क्या है & lt; div & gt; & LT; बटन & gt; गोटो & lt; / बटन & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; शीर्षक & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; निम्न सीएसएस के साथ: बटन {फ्लोट: सही; } मैं कुछ ऐसा क्यों लंबवत-संरेखित करें: नीचे का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता हूं? मैंने एक बहुत बड़ा लाइन-ऊँचाई परिभाषित करने वाला समाधान देखा है लेकिन यह मुझे एक हैक की तरह लगता है। क्या कोई सीएसएस 3 समाधान है? < मजबूत> मॉड्यूल, या फ्लेक्सबॉक्स के लिए। यह एक उम्मीदवार की सिफारिश है, हालांकि, यह अभी भी जटिलताओं मिल गया है इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर पर जल्द से जल्द समर्थन IE10 है, लेकिन यह स्पेके के वर्तमान संस्करण की तुलना में एक अलग सिंटैक्स के साथ विनिर्देशन के पुराने संस्करण का समर्थन करता है और -एमएमएस उपसर्ग की आवश्यकता होती है। यह IE10 मोबाइल के लिए भी सही है, जो 2012 में तैयार किए गए विनिर्देश के अंतरिम संस्करण से सिंटैक्स का समर्थन करता है। IE11 हालांकि नवीनतम विनिर्देश का समर्थन करता है unprefixed एंड्रॉइड

hadoop - How to Push Sensor Data to HDFS -

I have an Android application that transfers GPS coordination of devices to a particular port, to push data to me Is required directly for HDFS in real time so that I can do smart ad analysis. Which device do I need to use for it ?? And is there any tutorial available for pushing machine data directly to HDFS?

objective c - Define instance Variables without property -

I know that it is possible to define a frequency variable without having a property in Objective-C when I curly braces on top I use interface or implementation but when I do this, what is the use of it? Most profitable This variable is actually private / protected / public members according to the keyword (@ personal / @ Secure / public) you set Take a look at this

What's the right way to write custom checks for SonarQube 4.5 -

What is currently the best way to write Sonakubbec 4.5 check: Bytecode analysis < Unfortunately, an up-to-date web page providing a clear explanation to me could not be found, and I think many dislike the current check Use sections and methods, use "bridge" to leave, checks are routinely removed from the codebase. Requirement (such as XPath rules). I would like to make sure that the checks I want to write will be well written and durable. Then ... Should I use BaseTreeVisitor to analyze the source code? What is the replacement for org.sonar.api.rules.RuleRepository ? What is the replacement for org.sonar.api.resources.Java ? what is the replacement for org.sonar.api.rules.AnnotationRuleParser ? How can I write XPath like the rules ( BaseTreeVisitor is using SSLR and if I am not wrong then SonarCube is getting away from SSLR / Saraxpath Check is part of the SSL Squid bridge.) What else should I know? Thank you in advance for your hel

angularjs - How access the nested json data using ng-repeat or angular.forEach -

I have the following json file. I'm unable to get the data dynamically. Please help me solve this problem I need to see the URL value based on the submodule i need; Snom || Id. If I'm accessing the snake as Chapter 1, then I need to get all the vid -> url values ​​present for that module. [[" "name": "Introduction - About PMP credentials", "all 1": [{"snom": "Introduction to PMP", "ID": "1 "," Vid ": [{" url ":" "}, {" url ":" "}, {" url ":" "}}} , {"Sname": "Chapter 1", "id": "2", "vid": [{"url": ""}, {"url": "" }}}, {"Snom": "justification", "id": "3", "wed": [{"url": ""}, {"url": "

HTML 5 & Javascript desktop application and acces to project files -

I am preparing a small application written in HTML and Javascript for desktop PC, but obtaining file list from my application There is a big problem in the Directory (most of the jpegs list from the Gallery folder) to not hardcode all the names inside HTML / Javascript. Currently I'm testing the app in Chrome kiosk mode. And there is no server or online access. This application will work offline on dedicated PC machine. What is the easiest way to get access to reading files from the application directory? Do I have to pack my app in something like Chrome app, APJs, avasaminam to solve this app? You ignored: chrome.runtime GetPackageDirectoryEntry (function callback) gives a directoryEntry to your app In the root of the folder you can get the required file list from that directoryinter . For information on what to look for, and what to do with the object received. Ignore warnings about abandoned standards: Chrome intends to continue supporting this A

javascript - Embed flash object loads with border but then border dissapears -

The limit is initially loaded, but after (almost immediately) it disappears. I am using embed tag This is happening only to the Explorer 9 -11 (i.e. 8 or oddly no problem with other browsers). I need to hide the border when it is first loaded. Copy the code below into your .js file or your own. Enter a .js file in the html file theObjects = document.getElementsByTagName ("object"); For (var i = 0; i & lt; theObjects.length; i ++) {objects [i] .outerHTML = theObjects [i] .outerHTML; } HTML: The .js file has been put in its html file by inserting the code below

c# - Move image over another image in WPF -

After I want to move the image to another image in WPF. But when I move Image1, this Image2 is displaying Image2 instead of the bottom Mainwindow.xaml & lt; Image X: Name = "imgPattern1" HorizontalAlignment = "left" height = "170" margin = "523,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment = "top" width = "248" PreviewMouseDown = "imgPattern_PreviewMouseDown" PreviewMouseUp = "imgPattern_PreviewMouseUp" PreviewMouseMove = "imgPattern_PreviewMouseMove "& Gt; & Lt; Image.Style & gt; & Lt; Style TargetType = "Image" & gt; & Lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Trigger Property = "EzineABl" value = "False" & gt; & Lt; Setter Property = "Opacity" value = "0.5" /> & Lt; / Catalyst & gt; & Lt; /Style.Triggers> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /Image.Style> & Lt; / Image & gt; & Lt; Image

c - What's wrong with my algorithm code? -

The question I am trying to solve is: Rectangular cake, represented as an R × C grid. Each cell has a bad strawberry, or is empty. For example, a 3 × 4 cake can look like this: The cacinninator is eating cakes! Every time he eats, he chooses a line or a column that does not contain any of the worst strawberries and contains at least one cake cell that is not eaten before, and all the cakes eat the cells there. He can decide to eat at any time. Please produce the maximum number of cake cells that the seminometer can eat. In the first row of the input, two integers represent r and c (2 ≤ r, c ≤ 10), the number of rows and the number of cake columns. The next R lines have each letter in each - the J-th letter of the line-line shows the contents of the cell in line I and column J, and one of them is: '.' The character shows a cake cell with no evil strawberry; The 'S' character shows a cake cell with a bad strawberry. > 3 4S ... should produc

c# - textEntry.Text output is Gtk.Entry (mono) -

I try to get the text of an entry with this code: This.myEntry .text (); I have also tried: this.myEntry.Text.ToString (); This.myEntry.ToString (); But what I get is Gtk.Entry and not text from the login. How can I fix this? I think you should use string text = This.myEntry.Text;

ios - Popover in CollectionView -

I am using UICollectionView , when I click on the cell, a popup will appear In that popup I have a UITextView which is programmatically created. I've given that TextView frame ... Self. MyTextView.frame = CGRectMake (50, 62, 200, 321); ! [Enter image details here] [1] When I click on Textview then the popup is running like this ... Please help .... Use an autoresizing mask for you Can simplicity: self.myTextView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;

c# - How to get registry keys and values in listview -

How to get all the registry strings and values ​​in the list view? Example: Registry Key Key = Registry Local. OpenSubUKI (@ "Software \ Microsoft \ Windows Current Version / Run"); (Int i = 0; i & lt; key.ValueCount; i ++) {string [] arr2 = {key.GetSubKeyNames (), ""}; ListViewItem Item = New ListViewItem (arr2); ListView1.Items.Add (item); } Registry location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows CurrentVersion \ Run listView1.View = see.nude; ListView1.Columns.Add ("name", 150); ListView1.Columns.Add ("Data", 300); Registry key key = Registry. OpenSubUKI (@ "Software \ Microsoft \ Windows Current Version / Run"); Foreach (string key name key.GetValueNames ()) {listView1.Items.Add (New ListViewItem (new string [] {keyName, key.GetValue (keyName). ToString ()})); }

javascript - Angular.js : prettyPhoto URL redirected to defualt page mentioned in angular route -

When I click on any image companion with the prettyPhoto plugin, the URL of the browser / # / prettyPhoto [residential1] / 0 / and . Otherwise ({.}} app.config (['$ routeProvider', function ($ route provider) {$ routeProvider. When ('/ home', {title: 'Home', templateUrl: 'partials / home.html', Controller: 'PageCtrl'}) Otherwise ({redirectTo: '/ home'});}]); I can do something like I have described below, anything like: / prettyPhoto ******* should be redirected to / projects : . When in the document ('/ prettyPhoto [* anyArray *] / * anyNumber * /', {redirectTo: '/ projects'}) , It says: root Th (matched with $ location.) path). If $ location.path contains unnecessary trailing slashes or is unavailable, the path will still be mailed and $ location.path will be updated to add or drop the follow-up slash to match the root definition. In the path, there may be named groups starting

Accessing nested JavaScript objects with variables -

I want to use (get / set) a nested JS object with a variable. For example, static will look like this: $ obj.children.12.children.32.Name; // Returns "Foo" Now I have a "root" array (or whatever is easy, it also handles): [ "Children", 12, "children", 32, "name"] and want to get the value of the object. As I read on staxover, there is a very easy way of doing this (solution 2). But, now I want to change the value for the key / path passed. Edit: I can use jQuery / Anglo-FEATURES, if it helps me , we can make a waiter from Triveni: function getFromPath (obj, pathArray) {var res = obj; For (var i = 0; i & lt; pathArray.length; i ++) {res = res [PathAre [i]]; } Return Ridge; } We call it with getFromPath ($ obj, ["children", 12, "children", 32, "name"]); . Since you want to convert this eclipse function into setter, you want to set a property on the second-to-last obj

wix - How to use properties to set the installation path? -

I want to know how to set the installation path of copied files using properties. So, please explain the answer to someone. If you are using a bootstrapper, you get a variable such as: < Pre> & lt; Variable name = "INSTALLFOLDER" child: overdrabile = "yes" type = "string" value = "[program fileflorld]" /> The programfile folder in this variable is in the form of default, but it can be overwritten. You can also set it in the process. As the parameter (when bootstrapper is called by an xe) - if you have programmed a GUI on your bootstrap - you set the variable in GUI-code. In MsiPackage, you have to set the variable to MsiProperty INSTALLLOCATION, which you define in the product.wxs of MSI-project. Hope this will help you. & lt; MsiPackage Id = 'SetupPackage' SourceFile = '. Resources \ Setup.msi 'Permanent =' No 'cache =' Yes' DisplayInternalUI = 'No' Important = 'Yes&

How to bind charts dynamically using json in jQuery using chart.js -

I'm using chart for creating bar charts. I want to make a dynamic chart I want to use Jasonson with the JSON chart How to install dynamic dataset for a chart.js bar chart Here is my code in aspx.cs [WebMethod] Public static string BindItemStatusMasterChart (long longCustomerID) {list & lt; TollPlus.TBOS.ServiceDataContract.Retailer.Response.RetailerDashBoard & gt; ObjItemStatusList = null; Stringbuilder sb = null; & Lt; TollPlus.TBOS.ServiceDataContract.Retailer.Response.RetailerItemsByItemStatusResponse & gt; Objcommonlist = null; Retailer service Message Object Response object objResponseObjectMaster = null; (Serviceclant & lt; IRetailerService & gt; objRetailerServiceClient = new ServiceClient & lt; IRetailerService & gt; (System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["Retailer Service"])) {objResponseObjectMaster = objRetailerServiceClient.Proxy.Get (TollPlus.TBOS .Enums.ServiceActivityType.GetItemStatusCountMas

jsf 2 - To pass JSF(primefaces) managed bean variable to javascript function -

I have JSF / Primase managed bin. I'm trying to run the Managed Bean variable in the Javascript function within the same Managed Bean. I'm not successful, someone can help me get this job done. My Managed Bean Code Snippet reportName = report [0]; Url = "http: //cvgapp42q/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx ItemPath =% 2fLPSR% 2f?" + ReportName; {RequestContext.getCurrentInstance () try Execute (" ('# {repBean.url}')"); } Grip (Exception E) {// TODO Auto generated blocking block e.printStackTrace (); } url is the variable that I refer to in the javascript function () to use expression # {repBean.url} I am trying to Thank you in advance Just put your javascript code into your page Panel on: & lt; H: Panel Group id = "ScriptPanel" & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; ('# {repBean.url}'); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / H: panelGroup & gt; and update this panel afte

field--field-this-field.tpl.php will not be used by Drupal -

I have field 'field_this_field' in my Drupal installation. For this field I have a template 'Area - this field-field.tpl.php'. In addition I have copied the field.PLPPP to my template folder. I have not had any such problem at times because there is nothing special in it. Can I see anything? I have a template for node type that works. But no field template

python read a file on web to get variable -

I have a file on my web server and I would like to read this python script to this file so that Variables from this file can be imported as, but I tried to use urlparse but I was not able to work at all. My code: Urlib.parse import urlparse moregc = urlparse (' from ..... ') If cde == seccode: ... from moregc import cde I was using this code to read it from a local file and it was right in the job : - reg import CD if CD == Securecode: The issue is that keeping this file safe without using any permission Will be in the form of online configuration. How about, instead of downloading a module that you import, you read the page directly ? data = urllib.urlopen (" Moregc"). Read () if the data in "Permission": Continue with #Program: Print "Sorry, you are no longer authorized to run this script" Then you can only send your moregc The word "permission" on the

javascript - jquery validation not required with custom method -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 जवाब यह JQuery सत्यापन प्लगइन के बारे में । मेरे पास इस तरह की एक कस्टम विधि है। $। Validator.addMethod ("USphoneCheck", फ़ंक्शन (मान, तत्व) {var PhoneNumberPattern = / ^ \ (? (\ D {3}) \)? [-]? (\ D {3}) [-]? (\ D {4}) $ /; वापस फ़ोननम्बरपरटाइनटाईस्ट (मान);}, "कृपया वैध यूएस फोन नंबर दर्ज करें।"); यह मेरा फ़ंक्शन कॉल है cus_phone: {आवश्यक: गलत, मीनलाइन: 12, यूएसफोन जांच: सही}, जब मैं कोड को बिना किसी मूल्य के चलाता हूं, तो "कृपया एक वैध यूएस फोन नंबर दर्ज करें" संदेश प्राप्त होता है। यह क्षेत्र की जरुरत नहीं है, लेकिन जब कोई एक मान दर्ज करता है तो मैं मान्य करना चाहता हूँ। क्या मुझसे कुछ गलत हो रही है? आपकी सहायता की सराहना करें। धन्यवाद रिक्त उस रेगेक्स के साथ मान्य नहीं होगा एक और बयान जोड़ने का प्रयास करने का प्रयास करने के लिए कहें कि क्या इसकी रिक्त कार्य नहीं चलती है या संपूर्ण regex को () में लपेटते हैं और रख देते हैं? अंत में। (/ ^ \ (? (\ D {3}))? [-]? (\ D {3}

datagridview - How can I total a calculated column in a datatable using VB.NET, in such a way that the total updates whenever the underlying columns change? -

I am developing a request for quote form in VB.NET. It contains header information and a datagrid view that holds line items. DGV is bound to a datat dtRfqLines, where the column value value is calculated to be calculated from the column: dtRfqLines.Columns ("PriceTotal"). Expression = "[quantity] * [PriceEach]" I get the value in a total column summarized and the result is put in a variable, which is linked to the text box. : DblRfqTotal = dtRfqLines.Compute ("SUM (PriceTotal)", "") Now I want this Great Total PriceEach or Quantity values Update one of those, which in turn turns PriceTotal. If I do this then that button works, but is very crappy - I want to update any incident of Datasheet or DGV. The problem is that whichever event I choose is calculated before the total calculation of value, so it is wrong. The incidents that I have tried have been changed for DTV and columns for DTV. If someone has any idea how can I calculat

Why does Word VBA tell me that a dialog box is open? -

I am trying to copy a document to a selection and have been exporting it to PDF, but I am getting an error that I can not solve the line on . False being told I ActiveWindow.Close Run-time error '5479': You can not close Microsoft Word, Because a dialogue box is open. Click OK, switch to the word and then close the dialog box. While exporting to PDF operation is firing up a dialogue, I do not know what open dialogue. Can anyone leave some light? . Thank you '** Copy select * Create a new document' Selection.Copy Documents.Add blueprint copy paste text in "** *" = "Normal", NewTemplate: = False , DocumentType: = 0 '** paste text *' Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdUseDestinationStylesRecovery) ChangeFileOpenDirectory copied OpenDirectory '** change the file open directory * place' ** PDF * to export the document to 'ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat Output filename: = _ Open Directory & amp; "\ ZENworks.pd

HTML - CSS Link Order -

I came to the CSS link order in the html file from codecademy. I just can not get the logic linking of CSS files. Why do we have to link files according to this order below? Is it related to any programming, where we first have to define the header file in which the functions are included before using them? Does this argument apply to the addition of a CSS file? Can anyone provide a comprehensive explanation for this question? : D & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "main.css" & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; What is the order of the elements inside the link element? For example & lt; Link href = "" rel = "" &

php - Guzzle 422 Unprocessable Entity error -

Code> curl - u "username: password" -h "content-type: application / jason" -h "accept: application / jason" -d '{"browsers": [{"OS": "windows", "OS_version": "7", "browser_version": "8.0", "browser": "i.e."}], "url": ""} ' / Screenshots However, when I try to call the same call with ghazal , Then I get a 422 unassailable unit error. $ client = New GuzzleHttp \ Client (); $ Request = $ client- & gt; Post ('', ['headers' => [[Content-Type] => Applications / Jason '],' Ath '= & gt; [' Username ',' password ']]); $ Data = ['browser' = & gt; ['OS' = & gt; 'Windows', 'os_version' = & gt; '7', 'Browser_Version' = & gt;

c# - LINQ querying same table -

I am trying to find all the rows where the invoice numbers are the same, but there are different cities. When I run into a code, 'System.collections' Generic I can not convert INNMerebal actually to 'Bull' error. From to DataRowView i dv (where from DataRowView to DV in i.Row ["InvoiceNo"] == s.Row ["InvoiceNo"] and i.Row ["City "]! = S.Row [" City "] Select s) Selection i; So I only want a set of data like {123, Seattle, ...}, {123, Seattle, ...}, {123, Portland, ...} I'm one (in this case) to return {123, Portland, ...}. I'm not sure what I'm doing ... < Code> Where needs to be followed indicates whether the item should be included or not. You have provided a sequence of rows, this where does not tell whether an item should be included in it or not. You are clearly trying to connect to yourself in this table, on which you apply the filter to join , and then the associated result: var

javascript - Angular + Requirejs - how to return multiple modules? -

How can I return several angle modules in the requirejs environment? Define this my app.js, <, ("harsh use"; console.log ($ ('h1') (['angle', 'angular path', 'jquery' ], Function (ng, ngrut, $) length); return ng module ('myApp', ['ngRoute']);}); And I need some more modules to come back, ng.module ('myAppModule1', ['ngRoute']); Ng.module ('myAppModule2', ['NGRUT']]; Ng.module ('myAppModule3', ['ngRoute']); For example, define an example of a controller app.js , define (['app'], function (app) {var myAppModule = angular.module ( 'MyAppModule3'); myAppModule.controller ('welcomecountry', ['$ scope', function ($ radius) {// your missoff controller $ scope.message = "message from the WelcomeController";}]));}); You app.js to return an item Define ('[angle'] 'angular', 'jquery'], function (ng,

opendir - Reading and selecting files using dirent.h in C -

I am new to programming microcontrollers, and I have a problem. I am trying to make a device that runs music from USB, I can read from the USB, but I have no idea how to choose a certain file. I am using dirent . My code is still: while (true) {USBHostMSD msd ("usb"); // Setup PWM hardware for a Class D-style audio output PWMout.period (1.0 / 400000.0); // Wait until connecting to a USB device (! Msd.connect ()) {Thread :: wait (500); } FILE * wave_file; Lcd.cls (); Lcd.locate (0.3); DIR * Dyer; Struct dirent * ent; Int i = 0; Int stevilo_datotek = 0; Dir = opendir ("/ usb /"); If (dir! = Null) {while (at = reddir (dir) = = null) {lcd.printf ("% s \ n", att-> d_nn [0]); }} Now this code shows on USB how do I navigate through files on USB using the buttons on the device? I want to know that there is a way to assign a certain number of fixed songs to which I can navigate. I've read dirent.h for the file for so long, and I do not know

python - Remove plot in kivy graph -

ग्राफ़ विजेट से कोई भूखंड निकालने का प्रयास करते समय इसे _plot_area कैनवास से ठीक से हटा दिया जाता है लेकिन यह जब तक मैं खिड़की का आकार बदल नहीं जाता तब तक हटाया नहीं जाता I मैंने _redraw कॉल करने की कोशिश की और _redraw_all ग्राफ वर्ग से ट्रिगर किया लेकिन वे काम नहीं करते। मैं एक भूखंड कैसे हटाऊं और मिल सकता हूं इसे सीधे हटाने के लिए? एक उदाहरण: graph = Graph () plot = MeshLinePlot (मोड = 'लाइन_स्ट्रिप', रंग = [1, 0, 0, 1]) plot.points = [(x / 10 , Xrange (-0, 101)] में x के लिए पाप (x / 50.)) graph.add_plot (plot) graph.remove_plot (plot) भूखंड हटा दिया गया है लेकिन यह जीत गया जब तक मैं खिड़की का आकार बदल नहीं सकता ठीक है, मुझे एक समाधान मिला है कॉल करने के बाद graph.remove_plot (plot) , डाल graph._clear_buffer () । जैसा कि ऐसा लगता है कि एक बग (यह स्वचालित रूप से करना चाहिए, अगर यह एक छिपी हुई विधि है), तो मैंने एक सबमिट किया है।

python - PyQt, when button is pressed to connect to a method of different class, code never exits __init__ -

I am currently implementing a model view structure for my PyQt GUI, here is a simple, but currently my code The representative version is. class model (QtGui.QWidget): def __init __ (self): super (model, self) .__ init__ () self.openDir = '/ some / file / dir /' Def openfile itself): openFileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName (none, "Open file",, "AllFiles (*. *)") OpenFile = Open (openFileName, 'r') ... View Category ( QtGui.QWidget): Def__init __ (self): Super (see, self) .__ init__ () ... self.button = QtGui.QPushButton ("Open") ... self.button.clicked.connect (models (). Openfile) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QtGui.QApplication (sys.argv) mainWindow = see () () sys.exit (app.exec_ ()) So when I click on the "open" button, I can see the model class < Code> openfile method, but when I click it, it goes in the model.__init__ but this is actually openFile does not

excel - VBA, copy and paste lots of rows in another worksheet with a criteria -

OK, I'm a newbie in VBA so I'm seeking some help. So I have a file with an experiment with lots of data basically, I have 21 steps of measurement and N points are entered for each stage. Each stage is on a worksheet and I can search them with the word "step" for each step I want to copy the N points and send it to another sheet, I wrote a macro but to create a new sheet Nothing has happened except for nothing. You can take a look at the code given below: sub-mymacro () worksheet (" Laos "). Active dim n long dim as I dim byte dim LastRow Long Dim WS worksheet set as WS as as = Sheets. Add Worksheets ("Laos") with LastRow =. Calls (.Ray. Counts, "A"). End (XLEEP). RO end for N = 1 with last row with worksheets ("Laos") If (n, 1) = "step" for that then i = 1 to 9763 'n digits have been recorded. Rove (i) .copy destination: = ws range ("a" and. / Code> < You should do this if I send your

pushing back data into 2d vector in c++ -

वेक्टर & lt; int & gt; col (0); वेक्टर के & lt; वेक्टर & LT; पूर्णांक & gt; & Gt; पंक्ति (0); के लिए (i = 0; i & lt; 10; i ++) col.push_back (कुछ पूर्णांक); row.push_back (col); col.clear (); क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि यहाँ क्या गलत है? कर्नल [] वेक्टर में, कोई त्रुटि नहीं है, लेकिन जब मैं पिछली पंक्ति से पहले लाइन पर डीबग द्वारा अगले अनुदेश पर जाता हूं, तो बस पंक्ति [] के आकार का परिवर्तन 0 से 1 के लिए, लेकिन मैं उन मानों को नहीं देख सकता जिन्हें इसे col [] vector से लेना चाहिए? संपादित करें: मैंने स्क्रीन को स्क्रीन डिबग करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन निश्चित रूप से आपके कोड में कोई समस्या नहीं है: < कोड> # शामिल करें & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; vector & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int main () {वेक्टर & lt; Int & gt; col (0); वेक्टर के & lt; वेक्टर के & lt; int & gt; & Gt; पंक्ति (0); के लिए (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; 10; i ++) col.push_back (i); row.push_back (col); col.clea

jquery - Tablesorter - can pager be automatically disabled when sorting? -

We are using thickly programmed tables for a good time and now the user has asked us to pager Can be disabled automatically when any column helps the user If you click on the following link, you will see a demo table. Press "Disable Pager" to see all 50 rows. Then sort according to the "Major" column, you will see that it automatically returns back into the pageview with 10 rows Now I know that the third button was destroyed to get the pager around it But I like to stop pager from pager by default after sorting. Is it possible ?? The reason for this is that we use only one button that turns pager on / off in our application. The pager was not set up on the disabled page, but with a slight code, Can zoom in for the requirements () I have added this button inside the pager container and used this code: var $ table = $ ('table'), $ pager = $ ('. Pager'), PagerDisabled = false, saved page size = 10, disabled page size = 9999; $ Ta

jsf - primefaces commandbutton oncomplete not fired -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: एक्सएचटीएमएल: & lt ; Ui: रचना xmlns = "" xmlns: ui = " फ़ोलेस" xmlns: h = "http: // जावा / jsf / html "xmlns: f =" "xmlns: p =" "टेम्पलेट =" / template.xhtml "& gt; & Lt; ui: परिभाषित करें नाम = "सामग्री" & gt; & Lt; h: form id = "serviceForm" & gt; & Lt; h3 वर्ग = "शीर्षक" & gt; सेवाएं & lt; / h3 & gt; & Lt; p: गुदूल आईडी = "msg" showDetail = "true" life = "3000" autoUpdate = "true" / & gt; & Lt; h: पैनल ग्रिड चौड़ाई = "100%" & gt; .... कुछ कोड .... & lt; p: पंक्ति & gt; & Lt; p: स्तंभ colspan = "4" & gt; & Lt; p: डेटाटैबल आईडी = "खोज" var = "सेवा" मान = "# {}" संपादन योग्य =

Mixing up of Scala library supplied akka-actors.jar and application specific version -

The following SOF states that why the unauthorized method can not be found: TL; DR Scala boot loader, Skylab library version Akka Although removing scala library version in favor of custom other issues Causes: 14/10/28 09:30:23 Spark information Security Manager: Security Manager: Authentication disabled; Ui ACL disabled; User with visual permissions: set (steve); Users with modified permissions: set (steve) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.typesafe.config.Config.getDuration (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / util / concurrent / TimeUnit;) at akka.util.Helpers $ ConfigOps $ .kka $ util $ helpers $ ConfigOps $$ getDuration $ extension (helpers scala: 125) So it is not clear what is the right way to handle custom extra-actor jar. The solution for this is a bit surprising. Scala interpreter no < / Em> is the way to go back to the Java Interpreter (yes Scala!) Program instead (drum roll ..) The reason for this is that the Scala interpreter adds to various t

jsp - Retrieving input value of innerHTML in JavaScript doesn't work properly in IE 9 and above -

I ran into an issue with my JSP web application between ISE version 9 and above. In the IE version below IE version 7, 8, and Quirks mode 9, when I update the value of an input text field in a table and I see the inside HTML of the table in Javascript, I can see that the input Value has been updated for the inner inner field, assuming that I entered the page though, when I entered the input text field for IE 9 and above Sees Acelmel value of Level I, the values ​​remain the same when the page loads. Either way the internal HTML value is not updated in IE 9 and above but it is less than IE 9, and I was thinking that there is no specific reason for the difference between the browser version. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> value properties to current < / Em> value, while attribute represents the value default value. This bug was corrected in recent versions of IE, Quirks mode emulates that older versions suffer from older versions.

java - How is the ArrayList referenced in a getElementAt() method -

यह जावा में है। ठीक है, इसलिए मैं अमूर्त विधि getElementAt (int ) । मैं इस विधि को ओवरराइड चाहता हूं ताकि यह किसी अर्रेइस्ट के भीतर किसी विशिष्ट अनुक्रमणिका पर एक तत्व पा सकता है चूंकि मैं वास्तव में विधि में एक ArrayList नहीं गुजर रहा हूं, मुझे नहीं पता कि यह कैसे संदर्भित है। someArrayList.getElementAt (int n); सार्वजनिक वर्ग ListEngine AbstractListModel का विस्तार करता है और मैं वर्ग को ओवरराइड कर रहा हूँ getElementAt (int n) अच्छा सारलस्टमोडेल करता है नहीं आइटम कैसे जमा किए जाते हैं, आदि पर एक कार्यान्वयन प्रदान करता है। < P> आप को ऐसा करने की ज़रूरत है जो सूची ऑब्जेक्ट (या शायद कुछ प्रकार का संग्रह ) का उपयोग / कार्यान्वित करती है और फिर इसे "रीडायरेक्ट" कॉल करती है: उदाहरण ( ArrayList के साथ): सार्वजनिक वर्ग ListEngine & lt; T & gt; ऐबस्ट्रेलिस्टमॉडल {निजी फाइनल एरेएलआईटी & lt; T & gt; आंतरिकडेटा = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; T & gt; (); पब्लिक लिस्टएन्जिइन () {} @ ओवरराइड पब्लिक टी मिलएलिमेंटएट (इं

symbolic math - Matlab 2012b too slow when solving a system of two equations on mupadmex(statement) -

I am trying to solve a system of two non-linear equations for loop in matlab. I know that the program may be the reason for slow down the loop, but it takes about an hour to solve a solution right now. Upon debugging the code, I realized that the program is hung from this line: [res, status] = mupadmex (statement); If I terminate the program, I get the following: During the Muppadengin / Evelyn (line 97), the user will get the Mupdengine / 150)) [S, mistake] = Aquilin (engine, STMT); Solution (line 160) sol = eng.feval ('symobj :: solutionful', eqns, vars); In Algorithm 2 (line 139) Answer = Solution (F, G); where line 97 refers to the same line of code. Here is the part of my code where I call the solve function: sys ro1 t_prime1 value (t_prime1> 0) i = 1: 1: length (n1ps) n1p = n1ps ( 1, i); N2P = N2 SPS (1, I); W1 = (ro1 / theta_p) * (1-exp ((- 1) * theta_p * t_prime1);; W2 = exp ((- 1) * theta_p * t_prime1); W3 = (ro1 / theta_p) * (1-exp ((1) * theta_p

uitableview - Swift: Can't access IBOutlet in custom UITableViewCell -

I create a custom UITableViewCell subclass with a @IBOutlet property 'Label' is, but this is not equal to when I do viewDidLoad . TableViewController.swift TableViewController use it to import UIKit class: UITableViewController {viewDidLoad () {super.viewDidLoad () var cell = TableViewCell function overrides (style: UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseIdentifier: zero) println (cell.label) // null}} Tabilwusiel. Skift Import UIKit Classes Table Selection Seal: UITABLE VISUAL {@IBOOTLET WEIGHT Labels: UILABLE! } Main.storyboard & lt; tableViewCell contentMode = "scaleToFill" selectionStyle = "default" indentationWidth = "10" reuseIdentifier = "TableViewCell" id = "CNV-ZQ-OVR" customClass = "TableViewCell" customModule = "SimpleTable" customModuleProvider = "target" & gt; & Lt; Autoresizing mask key = "autoresizingmask" /> & Lt; tableViewCell