
Showing posts from August, 2013

javascript - Knockout unexpected identifier "." -

I am creating a new app with knockout and I am having a very strange error. I use the knockout for a while and never had this error before. Every time I try to use "$ root". Pseudoselector returns to knockout: Unwanted syntax error: Unable to parse binding Binding value: Click: .createAlarm message: Unexpected token This case In, was compulsive: & lt; Button class = 'btn' data-bind = 'click: $ root.createAlarm' & gt; New alarm & lt; / Button & gt; The same thing happened when I tried to refer to a view model function inside a foreach binding. Here is my code: View function mode () {var itself = this; Set the initial time for // data // alarm itself. Bell = helm (moment (hour) (hours); Self. Alarmminute = K. Horsele (moment (.) Minute ()); Self.alarmSecond = ko.observable (moment (.) Seconds ()); Self.chosenAlarmTrack = ko.observable (); Self.alarms = ko.observableArray (); // methods themselves .createAlarm = function ()

python - Use logged in username as field value in django -

How do I use the user's username as the default (and editable) value in the Django field? For example, let's say that I'm trying to log in to the item purchased by a team of people I am using contrib.admin because it's my I fulfill the most needs, I define the line item purchased like this: Line Line (model.Model): name = models.CharField (max_length = 40) vendor = model .ForeignKey (Seller) Buyer = & lt; Whoever logs this purchase & gt; Date_ordered = models.DateField ('date ordered', tap = true) date_delivered = models.DateField ('date distributed', zero = true) value = model. Decimal (Null = true = maximum, decimal = 9, decimal = 2) def __unicode__ (self): Returns self name I have this code & amp; Something wrong with the name of the logged-in user? PS I think there is another way in accordance with this question: where continuity of view-> database should I get the name of the user and store it? You use the user m

command prompt - Executing Teradata fastload in windows cmd -

I am trying to run the teradata database command in the Windows Command prompt, through my Java program. But the result of the code given below was given an invalid parameter " FDL2412 - " I tried to run the same Fastload command at my command prompt and it works fine Give valuable inputs. import *; Public class DOSMDI {public static zero main (string algos []) {try {string fast load = "fast load> lt; c: / users / fbnk_actrar.pld> c: / users / fbnk_sctor.process p = Runtime.gettime.exec ("cmd.exe / c" + fastload); p.waitFor (); buffredder reader = new buffed reader (neweststream reader (pg. Input inputs)); string line = reader Readline (); while (line ! = Null) {System.out.println (line); line = reader.readLine ();}} Catch (IOE EXPRESS E1) {} Catch (Interrupted Expression E2) {} System.out.printLN ("Finished ");}}

wcf - Facade Pattern for distributed application? -

We are in the process of defining a large client's structure while facing financial applications where performance and scalability are major requirements We have proposed an N-level architecture, which is the communication system between the web-level, apparatus tier (mid-tier) and data tier WCF's web-level and app level. Some stakeholders are worried that the WCF will cause performance and want to configure configurable architecture to support in-process calls and WCF. Their approach is to start with in-process calls and to convert it into WCF based communication if horizontal scalability is a concern. We are considering the following methods: An architectural approach will have to present a customer mask layer that forms a mask between web and app layers Can work in The excuse layer will easily hide the complexity of the remote call and allow easy swapping of the mask for each other, which could potentially implement a separate remote call technique (i.e. WCF) <

database - How to remove unnecessary line breaks in SQL Plus Spooling? -

I'm spooling a package to a database and get what I do: Create or picture package body "CPI". "Function as GIPI_WBOND_BASIC_PKG" get_gipi_wbond_basic (p_par_id gipi_wbond_basic.par_id% TYPE) returns gipi_wbond_basic_tab pipeline v_wbond gipi_wbond_basic_type; I started (select a.par_id, a.obligee_no, a.bond_dtl, a.inde mnity_text, a.clause_type, a.waiver_limit, a.contract_date, a.cont ract_dtl, a.prin_id, a.co_prin_sw, a. Np_no , a.coll _flag, a.plaintiff_dtl, a.defendant_dtl, where gipi_wbond_basic one a.civil_case_no a.par_id = p_par_id) and I expect it to be something like this I am: create or change package body cpi.gipi_wbond_basic_pkg function as get_gipi_wbond_basic (p_par_id gipi_wb ond_basic.par_id% type) returns gipi_wbond_basic_tab pipelined v_wbond gipi_wbond_basic_type; I start (select a.par_id, a.obligee_no, a.bond_dtl, a.indemnity_text, a.clause_type, a.waiver_limit, a.contract_date, a.contract_dtl, a.prin_id, a.co_prin_sw, a.np_no ,

How can mininet support openflow 1.3 completely? -

As we know, the minimum ISO openflow 1.3 protocol can not be fully supported. So I want to install the environment which at least supports Openflow 1.3 protocol, how can I do that? from Mininat FAQ: "Recently, option to The OpenFlow was updated to implement the implementation of the context and the CPQD version of the NOX Classic, which both support OpenFlow 1.3. "

mysql - codeigniter joining the table twice not working -

I'm not sure what I'm missing but here's the code public Function Searchfiles list ($ filter, $ rpp, $ pn, $ sort_by, $ sort) {$ arr = array (); $ This- & gt; DB- & gt; Select (name 'as' flight_id,'. 'Flight_no, airline_name as the airline_name, name as destination_name', ' as the original_name, time', incorrect); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; From ($ this- & gt; tbl_flight); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Join ($ this-> tbl_airline, ' = flight.airline_id', 'left'); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Join ($ this-> tbl_location. 'Ori', ' = flight.origin_id', in the form of 'left'); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Join ($ --- 'tbl_location.' As 'des', ' = flight.destination_id', 'left'); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; By order ($ sort_by, $ sort); $ Query = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; get receive (); $ Arr = $ query-

can i use a notify_url with paypal subscribe button -

Can I use a notify_url with a PayPal Subscribed Button? If yes, then it is reported that when payment is made? For example, if I put in this form: Will that script be called for every payment? You can use notify_url in the Subscriptions button. Every month, when you make this subscription button, PayPal will use the same notified user setup. Basically, it is not that you can not update notify_url for a subsystem button If you want to update notify_url, then cancel and subscribe to the new Notify_url There is a way to make it together.

sqlite - How to achieve the following in Realm for android -

In my applications, I usually have a loader that loads from SQL data and then send it to activity or volume It is attached, from where it is set in the AbelistView adapter, which presents it to the user Since the actual says how to get it from the UI thread without calling any DB can go? (Which feels the apple because I beat DB in a good amount) In addition to 3, - & amp; , DB is operated many times in the UI thread. Is not there a heavy consumption of database in IE thread in Android? Quoted with docs - You are right, currently it is not possible To load items on the background thread and then parse it on the UI thread. It's on the roadmap, though, here: The area is very fast, however, by then, you can not leave the frame for the small amount of data even if you load the data on the UI thread We do.

geotools - Neo4j Spatial over REST through the JAVA API not working (for me) -

"itemprop =" text "> I'm working on Neo4J on a Grails application which I also want to export as a GIS database. Given the example for using neo4j in GeoServer / uDig, it seems that spatial integration is only through the embedded neo4j database. Does anyone know if it is possible to establish these things, so that my Neo4J is available on REST, so that I can interface it from different places? At first glance, it seems that it should be possible: // works with the embedded database / Diif Graph DB = new Grafdetabesficr (). NewEmbeddedDatabase ("/ tmp / foo.db"); // This rest database does not work with GrabDB = new restgraph database ("http: // localhost: 7474 / db / data"); Transaction tx graphDb.beginTx () SpatialDatabaseService spatialService = new SpatialDatabaseService (graphDb) SimplePointLayer layer = spatialService.createSimplePointLayer ( "points") = designed with an embedded database, spatial index OK goes .

javascript - Do not show default value of the input field -

मेरे पास एक इनपुट फ़ील्ड है & lt; input id = 'spe_count' type = " पाठ "प्लेसहोल्डर =" संख्या "वर्ग =" फ़ॉर्म-नियंत्रण "डेटा-मूल-शीर्षक =" "शीर्षक =" "& gt; और जैसा कि मुझे इसकी आवश्यकता है -1 मूल के साथ मैं इसे jQuery के साथ असाइन कर रहा हूं $ ("# spe_count")। Val ( '-1'); और मुझे यह इनपुट फ़ील्ड मिलता है और यह मान 1 को अंदर देखता हूं, लेकिन मुझे क्या चाहिए कि यह इनपुट मान -1 के साथ है, लेकिन पृष्ठ पर यह खाली या खाली होगा प्लेसहोल्डर। और जब मैं मूल्य बदलता हूं, तो मैं ऐसा करना चाहता हूं, कि बॉक्स को खाली करना, मान हटाना, इसका मतलब है कि यह डिफ़ॉल्ट मान -1 है (शून्य से एक टाइपिंग नहीं, बल्कि सभी मानों को हटाना भी इसका मतलब शून्य है) क्या यह संभव है? # ("# spe_count") क्लिक करें। (Function () {var value = $ (this) .val (); अगर (value.length & lt; 1) {$ (this) .attr ("value", -1);}}); उपरोक्त कोड आपके उद्देश्य की पूर्ति करेगा।

Outlook addin delay during load using add-in express -

I have created an Outlook Adine using Add-in Express. This is a COM Addin. There is a time delay of about 35 seconds, while Custom Edin loads into Outlook's memory, initially thought it might be inside the code, but when I comment on the code in EdinMDUD () Constructor, it still takes 35 seconds. Although I tried to do more analysis in the log file, I could see, there is no log for this period, log details below "00:18:46 3880 4572 'shadow copy' is enabled. 3880 4572 Creating a new application domain 00:18:46 3880 4572 Success 00:19:21 3880 4572 Opening a managed class 00:19:21 3880 4572 success. "Any help is appreciated. solution. Upgrading to NET version. I updated my profile in 4.5. This is suggested by the add-in express that around 25 seconds has improved, which is a big difference. Meanwhile on the code side, I changed some links code to ensure that everything loads asynchronously .

Tesseract Api OCR Delimeters -

I am using Tessaract AP, but I do not know which functionality is, I want to change the delimiter and Use the colomn line instead of tab, we have a separate column page, and we want to insert the tessrake into the new line, when it finds the column line, spas help < P>

.net - Finding parent records with children in LINQ -

I have several foreign key related tables from 1 and I'm wondering how to query a SQL Server in an entity framework What can be the only LINQ query to find the original archived archives? SELECT p.ParentId, p.ParentName FROM Parent p. JOIN Child C. p.ParentId = c.ParentId GROUP BY p.ParentId, P.ParentName Hosting COUNT (c.ParentId) & gt; Internal entries already limit their resultset to those lines where both parents and children are present, then do some work as follows: Children with different parents = (parent- Parents should join the parents on the parents in the parents. Parents are equal to the child. Parents, new parents (parent) RentId, parent.ParentName}). Specific ();

android - Why cannot I inflate and add a ViewGroup as a child view in constructor of another ViewGroup? -

मेरे पास RelativeLayout नामित LabelMenuButton से एक वर्ग विस्तारित है। इसके कंस्ट्रक्टर के अंदर, मैं कर रहा हूं: सार्वजनिक लेबलमेनबु बटन (संदर्भ संदर्भ, एट्रिबेटसेट एटर्स) {सुपर (संदर्भ, एटर्स); TypedArray a = context.getTheme ()। प्राप्त स्टाइल गुण (attrs, R.styleable.LabelMenuButton, 0, 0); स्ट्रिंग हेडिंग टेक्स्ट; अक्षर मूल्य पाठ; {HeadingText = a.getString (R.styleable.LabelMenuButton_headingText) का प्रयास करें; ValueText = a.getString (R.styleable.LabelMenuButton_valueText); } अंत में {a.recycle (); } एडव्यू (फुटेज (getContext (), आर। लय आउट.दृश्य_लैब_मेनू_बटन, यह)); TVHeading = (TextView) findViewById (; TvValue = (TextView) ढूंढें ViewById (; setHeadingText (headingText); setValueText (valueText); } मैं एक गतिविधि के XML लेआउट में LabelMenuButton वर्ग का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: & lt; com.blah.blah blah.LabelMenuButton एंड्रॉयड: layout_width = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉयड: layout_height = "wrap_co

how to add mobile number fetching of database insert into array -

I have a table with 2 calories, "id" and "mobile", I get all the mobile numbers of the database Insert this array in array like ['to'] = array ("mobile_number1", "mobile_number2", "mobile_number3", ..., "in the previous database in the mobile database"); How to change this code for my request: DBConnect (); // connect function $ result = DB_Select ("SELECT * fROM bs_Content"); $ Num_rows = mysqli_num_rows ($ result); While ($ line = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ result)) {$ i = $ row ['id']; $ Id [$ i] = $ line ['mobile']; } ($ I = 1; $ i & lt; = $ num_rows; $ i ++) {print_r ($ id [$ i]); } DB_Disconnect (); // Total I like the array ("938000 9 0010", "9380002020", "930002021"); Try it .. $ numbers []; While ($ line = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ result)) {$ numbers [] = $ line ['mobile']; }

c# - How can I get the CurrentSite object in Orchard? -

What I'm trying to do, ultimately, is reaching CacheSettingsPart so that I'm programmatic I can do it var settings = Services.WorkContext.CurrentSite.As & lt; CacheSettingsPart & gt; ( ); Settings.IgnoredUrls = Model IgnoredUrls; I need something similar to my own method, but when I try IOrchardServices , then WorkContext is null , which means that I do not have access to current site . Suggestion to get me from an alternative perspective or, ideally, to modify IgnoredUrls current site / . Edit var query = Services.ContentManager.Query & lt; CacheSettingsPart & gt; (); Var cacheSettingsPart = query.List (). first (); Above me, what I need, I will now test whether the ignoredUrls is being modified. Workbench, as far as I can see, is not running due to migration. You are suggesting that you can get the settings part before - except for the existing site it is probably not used for anything, although you have many tenants, I

How can I find UIElement in WPF? -

How do I get the first element (grid element) in each window? I need window kids But I do not want to use "Visualstate Heller". Thanks for your help. This is a solution that will do all this statically, you can call it from anywhere . using System.Windows; ... /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// goes to the child & lt; See cref = "System.Windows.Grid" /> Examples of all windows that they have in the form of first child /// & lt; / Summary & gt; /// & lt; Returns & gt; A count of Tuples connecting window instances with the hair grid. & Lt; / Returns> Public stable IEnumerable & lt; Tuple & LT; Window, grid & gt; & Gt; GetAllGrids () {foreach (var windows in the application window. Current world) {grid grid = it. Content in the form of grids; // The grid will be zero if the first grid is not the first grid (grid! = Null) {yield returns tupal.create (window, grid); }}}

unit testing - PhpSpec expected call exact -

I have a way for my Laravel5 application, I am trying to test in PhpSpec but this is the following error Throwing: App / Heders / Recurring 37! It should return the recurrence collection method call: double \ church repository interface \ P6-> Expected calls are: MatchChurchTimeZone (exact (1)) The method has passed an array, and I want to duplicate that The model's childprimazion system gives a timezone. method: public function __ composition (rule $ rules, arrrtransformer $ simplified conversion, church registry entry interface $ church) {$ this- & gt; Rule = $ rule; $ This- & gt; Array Tranceformer = $ arrayTransformer; $ This- & gt; Church = $ Church; } Public event getRecurrenceCollection ($ schedule) {$ timezone = $ this- & gt; Church- & gt; GetChurchTimezone ($ schedule ['church_id']); // more code} In my other specs, I often use the $ double-> Method ('someArgument') - gt; I am talking like willReturn ('blah&#

ruby on rails - Mongoid Alize - alize does not work with default scope -

मेरे पास मॉडल संरचना है जैसे: क्लास उपयोगकर्ता में मोनोगाईड :: दस्तावेज़ शामिल हैं मोंगॉयड :: अलाइज फ़ील्ड: नाम फ़ील्ड: दृश्यमान, प्रकार: मोगुएड :: बूलियन डिफ़ॉल्ट_सस्कोप - & gt; {Where (visible: true)} has_many: posts end class post में शामिल हैं मोनोगाईड :: दस्तावेज मोंगॉयड :: अलाइज फ़ील्ड: दृश्यमान, प्रकार: मोंगिएड :: बूलियन डिफॉल्ट_स्कॉप - & gt; {जहां (दृश्यमान: सच है, 'user_fields.lookable' = & gt; सच)} belong_to: उपयोगकर्ता alize: user,: visible end जब मैं पोस्ट और उपयोगकर्ता को दिखाई देता है: यह सच है काम करता है, लेकिन denormalization काम नहीं करता है जब मैं दिखाई देता है: पोस्ट उदाहरण में गलत। मैं 'अनसॉक्ड' के माध्यम से काम करने के लिए कैसे अलविदा कह सकता हूं? अनुलेख मेरे बुरे अंग्रेजी के लिए क्षमा करें।

PHP Regex: Pattern to match "url()" -

यह Regex: $ pattern = '/ url \ (([^)] +) \) / '; url (...) में सीएसएस फ़ाइलों के बीच सब कुछ मेल खाता है। समस्या: यदि उद्धरण हैं, तो इस तरह: url ('...') , वे लौटे हुए वाक्यांशों में भी होते हैं। उद्धरण चिह्नों के बिना एक वाक्यांश कैसे वापस जाना , यदि कोई हो? url \ (['']] ([^] ] +?) [']]? \) इसे आपके लिए करना चाहिए। बनाओ ' या ' वैकल्पिक। देखें डेमो।

c++ - foreach: invalid conversion from 'QGraphicsItem*' to 'QGraphicsItemGroup* -

I am implementing Copy Operation in Graphics for various organizations like point, oval, circle, etc. in Qt, but one Error getting error: invalid conversion for 'QGraphicsItemGroup *' from 'QGraphicsItem *' to copy operation in cadgraphicsview.cpp The code is: zero CadGraphicsScene :: copy () {selectedItems.clear (); Foreign currency (QGraphicsItemGroup * items, item lists) {QString str; If (item-> is selected ()) {if (item-> gt; type () == point :: type) {point * pointItem = (point *) item; Str = QString ("point% 1% 2") .arg (pointItem-> Seixos (.) ()) .arg (pointItem-> Seixos (.) Y ()); }}}} in cadgraphicsscene.h #ifndef CADGRAPHICSSCENE_H #define CADGRAPHICSSCENE_H #include & lt; QGraphicsScene & gt; # Include & lt; QXmlStreamWriter & gt; # Include & lt; Quodostack & gt; # Include & lt; QLabel & gt; # Include & lt; QFrame & gt; #include "cadcommandadd.h" #include "cadcomma

scala - MongoDB update a document when exists already with ReactiveMongo -

I am writing a Scala web application that uses MongoDibby as a database and as a reactive Mongo as a driver . There is a collection named I Recommendation Correlation in which I had saved the relationship between a product and a category. A document contains the following form: I am now writing a method as the following: < Calculation of df calculation: future [boolean] = {calculation of df (category: string, tag: string, likeness: list [likeness]): future [(double, int)] = {println ("+ + Calculate the relationship of + + + + + + + + + tag ") Val Value = Equality. Fold Lift (0.0, 0) ((R, C)) = & gt; (C.tag1Name.split (":") (0) == category and c.tag2Name == tag) (r._1 + c.eq, r._2 + 1) other R) // tag value addition = Value ._1 va l calculation = value ._2 value result = if (count> 0) (zodiac / counting, counting) and (0.0, 0) future {result}} play.logger.debug ("start interaction ") Similarity: all.tostlestatmat {tag match => V

AngularJs ng-repeat 2D array in table, each subarray one column -

I have an array and I have to put that array in the table. First of all: ['value': '1_1', 'rolle': 'one1'}, {'value': '2_1', 'rolle': ' Two {'value': '3' ',' rolle ':' three1 '}]}, {' second ': [{' value ':' 1_2 ',' raul ':' a2 '} , {'Value': '2_2', 'rolle': 'two2'}, {'value': '3_2', 'rolle': 'three2'}]}]; The result table should consist of 4 columns, each one must be one (or two) column (s). Like this: 1 1_1 | A 2 1-2 two 1 2_1 | Two 2 2_2 three 1 3_1 | 3 2 3_2 So far I got it only for the first time: & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TDI ng-repeat = "test in test" & gt; & Lt; Tr ng-repeat = "test.first" & gt; In T1 & LT; TD & gt; {{T1.rolle}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; {{T1.value}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR &a

Transpose a table using Oracle SQL -

I have some data in a table that I want to use SQL Here sample data is table test_pivot (name varchar2 (100), department varar2 (50), dipty varchar2 (50), dippy varchar2 (50), section varchar2 (50)); All Entry (name, DeptA, DeptB, DeptC, DeptD) values ​​('ashpul', 'y', 'null') in test_pivot (name, department, DPTB, DPTC, DPTD) values ​​('devimalia') , Tap, tap). (Name, department, department, DPTC, DTT, NALL, Y, Knol, department) value (name, department, DPTB, DPTC, DPTA) value ('Rangan', zero, zero, 'Y', null) Select '1' from Dual to 'Santanu', tap, zero, zero, 'Y'); I want the data to show below. I have a hard time finding it, please tell me. Here is a SELECT statement without PIVOT and UNPIVOT. As you can see, it is much more complicated: Selection department, NVL (max (case when name = 'impossible' then dept_val end), 'n') asfakul, nvl ( Max (in case when the name = 'deba

Android display permissions with description and sections -

I want to display the Apk list with sections in my app like Google Play store i have one of the permissions And how can I show details instead of "android.permission ...." to increase the user? thank you in advanced! < / Html>

c++ - Ogre Stereo Rendering -

I want to add stereo rendering for my monstrous application. I found a plugin for the early version of Ogre. This plugin was for VS 2008 and OGrey 1.6 and is not compiled in my Ogre version (VS 12 + Oggre 1.9 64bit). I tried to add code directly to my project but when I intrude the stereo manager, I get an error " No compositor constructor, StereoManager :: StereoManager. CPP) " What is another way of stereoering in Ogre? Was anyone able to do stereoindering for 1.9 and could offer a short tutorial? Thank you very much for your help!

android - I can't insert the image into the sdcard because it shows the error like -

[2013-01-23 22:49:52 - ddms] हस्तांतरण त्रुटि: केवल-पढ़ने के लिए फ़ाइल सिस्टम [2013-01-23 22:49:52] चयन को पुश करने में विफल: केवल-पढ़ने के लिए फ़ाइल सिस्टम बस सी: \ दस्तावेज़ और सेटिंग्स \ & lt; adminstrator & gt; \। Android \ avd पर जाएं 'गुण लें आपके एवीडी फ़ोल्डर का ' (प्रत्येक एवीडी के लिए एक फ़ोल्डर है) अनचेक ' केवल पढ़ें ' -> ठीक या आप इस कमांड को सीएमडी में भी आज़मा सकते हैं, यह आपके एसडीकार्ड को रीमाउंट करेगा। c: \ android-sdk \ प्लेटफ़ॉर्म-टूल्स \ & gt; एडीबी रिमार्उंट या एसडी कार्ड तक पहुंचने के लिए एंड्रॉइड मेनिफेस्ट फाइल में इन अनुमतियों को जोड़ें। & lt; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" / & gt; & Lt; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" / & gt;

javascript - Loop through vector in as3 to left and to right -

O people, I'm stuck here ... I have a vector with 6 elements. All the elements are hidden and if I showed it then the element is same on position 3: for (var i: int = 0; i All good, but ... I've added events for two arrows (left and right): leftArrow.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK , GoLeft); RightArrow.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, goRight); The GoLeft and goRight functions require the element in position 3 and if I show the random array [3]-1 to the random array [1] and the random array [3] from the random array 1 + [5] . I need to tell that my array has been altered !!! I have tried: Personal function goRight (e: MouseEvent): zero {for (var i: int = 0; i & lt; 6; i ++) {randomizedexchange [i] .alpha = 0; } Var toRight: number = 3; ToRight ++; Detection (toRight); Random word [toRight] .alpha = 1; } I know that the coR is not good every time the goRight function is added to var is set to true 3 :(. Once again, if I was not clear .. I go

php - Open XML Files With ASP Extension -

I have a problem. I can not access an XML file with ASP Explorer from PSAP. Does anyone who knows how to get XML files with different extensions from php? XML file address: Thank you anyway ... I have solved my problem. I said that I used curls. The solution comes from the curl again I never tried to add the useragent parameter for the curl. When I added that parameter as an existing Google Chrome browser, my problem ended. Thanks to all the people who have read my problem too.

linux - *** No rule to make target `module_netcdf_io.o', needed by `driver.exe'. Stop. Error -

I am trying to run on a no-no-mp However, I keep this error. < .o .FU contains user_build_options oBJS = module_sf_noohmplusMO \ modules_model_stants.o \ module_sf_myjsfc.o \ module_sf_sfclay.o \ module_sf_noahlsm.o \ \ module_netcdf_io.o \ module_io.o \ kwm_date_utilities o \ module_sf_noahutl.o \ driver .o CMD = driver.exe FFLAGS = $ (FREESOURCE) $ (F90FLAGS) All: $ (CMD) driver.exe: $ (OBJS) $ (COMPILERF90) -o $ (@) $ (objs) $ (ntcdfliib). FO: $ (RM) $ (*). F 90 $ (CPP) $ (CPPMAROS) $ (NITCDDINC) $ (*). F & gt; $ (*) F90 $ (COMPILERF90) -k $ (FFLAGS) $ (NITCDDINC) $ (*). F $ 90 (RM) $ (*). F 90 Clear: $ (rm) $ (obd) $ (CMD) * Modern * ~ driver.exe: driver.o driver.exe: module_sf_noahmplsm.o driver.exe: module_sf_noahutl.o driver.exe: module_io.o module_io. O: module_ascii_io.o module_io.o: module_netcdf_io.o: module_sate_utilities.o module_sf_noahmplsm.o: module_sf_myjsfc.o module_sf_sfclay.o module_sf_noahlsm.o module_sf_myjsfc.o: module_m

delegates - IOS Xcode 6 protocol warning makes no sense -

Text after " In PSPoemsViewController.h I have declared a protocol as: @protocol PSPoemsViewControllerDelegate & LT; NSObject & gt; - (Zero) Save POM: (Poem *) Text with POM: (PSTSTStorage *) Text; @end and .m file in my declaration: - (zero) savePoem: (poem *) thePoem withText: (PSTextStorage * ) This lesson; {...} I have PSVersionViewController.h in: @interface PSVersionViewController: UIPageViewController & LT; PSPoemsViewControllerDelegate, UIPageViewControllerDataSource & gt; When I compile this compiler warns: / users / Keith / document / my projects / poem shade / poem shade / PSVersionViewController.m: 28: 17: Method 'savePoem: withText:' Protocol does not apply 'PSPoemsViewControllerDelegate' The code executes the code and finds the method that disappears. But there is a strange problem - it sometimes breaks down on the method even if no breaks are set, and then it crashes. It suggests some sort of corruption I h

preg split - PHP, identify dates and week days in strings -

I am trying to identify some strings and date of the day and put the data in another array . My problem is that the data comes in the array but not in regular order. Example of data structure # 1: in Array ([3] = & gt; ziua de deminica 26.10.2014 Deminica 27.10.2013 // in the same line Notes of both dates [4] = & gt; Consum D Energy Electrics [5] => Mediu 6168 5407 [6] => Maxim 7233 6552) Data structure Example # 2: Array ([3] => ziua de miercuri 15.10.2014 // Note There are some more words in the first row [4] => Mercury 16.10.2013 [5] = & gt; Consum D Energy Electica [6] => Mediu 6573 6747 [7] => Maxim 7771 7892) Example of data structure # 3: array ([4] => Marty 14.10.2014 [6] => Marty 15.10.2013 [7] => Consum de energie electrica [8] = & gt; Mediu 6453 6754 [9] => Maxim 7551 7860) Example of data structure # 4: Array ([4] = & gt; Gt; Duminica 04.05.2014 [6] = & gt; Due Minaca // Just note the line with th

mysql - How to execute PowerShell script on Task Scheduler? -

I'm trying to execute my PowerShell script every 5 minutes to run. I tried to use Windows 7 Task Scheduler to run it but instead it opens my script on Notepad and does not include anything in my database Below is my PowerHail V-2.0 script I do not believe that I have something wrong with my code (which I suspect) or there is no way that I can include it in my script to run it every 5 minutes, which Runs from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Here's how I've scheduled it: Normal -------- Run only when the user is logged on the trigger - ------ Trigger: every day at 8h56am - Description: After every trigger, every 5 minutes again indefinable status: active actions ------- Action: Start the details of a program: Path to the script Thanks in advance! POWERSHELL (Excluding connection): function ping_getUser {# Get online information about local hard drives only when you are online at the computer {$ workstation_list $ workstation in foreign currency ) {$ Command = $ connection.

java - Pagination and Sorting with javamail -

getMessages (प्रारंभ, समाप्ति) विधि P> हो सकता है। लेकिन इस पद्धति को getSortedMessages (सॉर्टटर्म टर्म) विधि के रूप में मापदंडों के रूप में सॉर्ट टर्म नहीं लेते हैं, भी प्राप्त करेंरेटेड मेसेज विधि पैरामीटर के रूप में श्रेणी संख्याओं को नहीं लेती। < / P> तो मैं कैसे पृष्ठांकन और दोनों एक साथ छँटाई को लागू कर सकते हैं। मैं सभी संदेशों को प्राप्त नहीं करना चाहता और फिर उन्हें सॉर्ट करना नहीं चाहता, इससे मेरे आवेदन में खराब प्रदर्शन हो जाएगा। कोई भी मदद कृपया ... getMessages विधि और getSortedMessages विधि नहीं है संदेश के लिए डेटा वापस लौटाते हैं, वे केवल सर्वर से संदेश संख्या वापस करते हैं, इसलिए लौटाए गए डेटा की मात्रा बहुत छोटी है। यह तब तक नहीं है जब तक आप लौटा संदेश ऑब्जेक्ट्स का उपयोग करते हुए डाटा तक पहुंच नहीं पाते हैं जो डेटा सर्वर से प्राप्त होता है। आप Folder.fetch विधि का उपयोग करके ओवरहेड को कम करने के लिए थोक में बहुत अधिक डेटा भी पहले से कर सकते हैं।

java - Hibernate add custom prefix to the catalogs -

After I am using Hibernate 4.3.6 and I need to add custom prefix to my list on the basis of the environment is. I used this code in 4.2.3 Personal Static SessionFactory buildSessionFactory () {configuration config = new configuration (try) {version; Config.configure ("db.cfg.xml"); Config.buildMappings (); ServiceRegistry Registry = New StandardServiceRegistryBuilder () .applySettings (config.getProperties ()) .build (); If (prefix! = Null & amp; prefix; isitit ()) {eiter & lt; Table & gt; Iterator = config.getTableMappings (); While (iterator.hasNext ()) {table table = (table) (); Table.setCatalog (prefix + table tag) ()); }} // Back New Annotation Configuration () BuildSessionFactory (Registry); Session factory factory = config.buildSessionFactory (Registry); Return factory; } Catch (pre-throttle) {// Make sure you log exception, because this system. Er Can swallow print (ex); New ExceptionInInitializerError (ex) Throw; }} but now these e

SAS : Eliminate duplicates if a condition is satisfied -

I want to eliminate the duplicate from the database based on an identifier, one order and one condition. More accurate, I have data with many comments. I sometimes have a condition that I want to keep that observation anyway (to fix it condition = 1 ), but keep an observation with the same identifier even if it does not Be ( condition = 0 ). But if I have many observations for an identifier, where condition = 0 then I want to end the duplicates, together with the highest criteria order . I can do this without condition proc sort data =; Identifier descending order; Run; Proc sud nudopkey data = is; By identifier; Run; But how should my position be included in it? Edit 1: Add a database example: data test; Input identifier $ order status; Datalines; 1023 1 0 1023 2 0 1064 2 0 1064 1 0 10 9 1 1 10 9 1 1; Then I 1023 2 keep 1064 2 0 1098 1 0 > 10 9 1 1 Edit 2: Tried to make my conditions accurate I think that you want to end duplicates,

actionscript 3 - Flex ItemRender Not Updating Data Source -

First of all, the mass and horrible coding of code, it's been a while since I have done AS3 / Flex And I miss that I can not remember how to get an Item Renderer inside the motherrander to update item source. For example, GymButton2.mxml adds a button with data that is clicked smoothly, when a button is clicked and it updates the original data source activation, but ..Isn't it and I think this is because the binding is not working as expected? The main. Mxml & lt; Fx: script & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [Import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; Import; [BinDable] Public Works Active Gym: Jim 2; ]] & Gt; & Lt; / Fx: script & gt; & Lt; S: Data group x = "33" y = "56" width = "200" height = "200" datataprador = "{activeGym.sets}" itemRenderer = "GymSetRenderer" & gt; & Lt; S: layout & gt; & Lt; S: Vertical layout / & gt; & Lt; / S: Layout & gt;

html onsubmit doesn't start Javascript function -

I have a javascript population collection of cacheable items, and a text box that has an id is user. I want to submit the form to redirect the user to the JSON response from the rest of the call on the form. The remaining URL works when I go directly to the browser but transfer the HTML and JS is killing me Nothing does nothing when submitting the form on submission My form - & lt; Form id = "query" action = "get" onsubmit = "return restLink ();" & Gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "Selectable Etym Type" & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Choose a cache worthy item type & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Cacheable Item ID: & lt; Input type = "text" id = "cacheableId" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; The type of the cache item is populated here - window.onload = functi

actionscript 3 - Flex ScriptTimeLimit 15 Seconds -

I have a flex project where people can add some things (pictures, forms, text, ...) and PDF Finally you can create. I am using a pure PDF library to create PDFs. My problem is that when I create a PDF, a point where the PDF library needs more than the default 15 seconds script time to create a page. I always get the following error message: Error: Error # 1502: A script has been executed for more than 15 seconds of the default timeout period. Add -default-script-limits 1000 60 to the compiler options I tried to add more to scriptTimeLimit = "60" and also But it is still at the default of 15 seconds. I have already tried to isolate the creation of PDF chunks, but it is as small as I can go. Can anyone help me expand the default script time? Thanks guys! Thank you for your help! You are right, we should not leave the app hanging for that long time Finally, there was a solution with the help of an action script worker. I gave an employee full PDF and showed

php - Wrong part of if statement being executed -

When I delete a record from the table, I have 8 columns in the table and if more than 8 are entered So it should be shown that nothing was destroyed, although every number I give, I get a single response "Successfully deleted" This is my code: $ query = "Remove from order where order id = '$ _POST [ID]'"; $ Result = mysql_query ($ query); If (! $ Result) {echo ("$ _POST [ID] has not been deleted! $ result will be a valid result, even Use mysql_affected_rows () to check that your query will not affect any rows if you have deleted anything. $ result = mysql_query ($ query); If (mysql_affected_rows () == 0) {echo ("$ _POST [ID] was not deleted! Side note: mysql _ * functions dislikes do not use them to write new codes, especially when you are learning mysqli _ * or PDO.

comments - Stata delimit in command line -

I am working on a .do file created by somebody else. This person used a semicolon delimiter in the entire file. I am trying to go through this file and see what is happening. I have to do this by selecting a portion of the code and by hitting the "select execution" button. However, the delimiter looks messy on this. Is there any work for me? Suppose your file-file looks like this: #delimit; Set Obes 10; Gene X = _n; General y = x ^ 2; Gene Z = X ^ 3; Any time you highlight a selection and press "Execute" (press), Stat creates a temporary, self contained file, in which cr And runs it: "When a file file execution starts, the delimiter is automatically set to the carriage return, even if it is called from another file that Sets the delimiter in a semicolon. " This command does not allow those commands to run sequentially, therefore, if you select the first 2 commands in the above-do-file, then in the temporary do-file Call #delimit , w

hash - Does android app's signature change if I haven't changed the keystore? -

I have created a keystore for my app and is always signing it with an app to check in the app That key hash has changed (this means that the app has been redirected to someone else) However today when I exported the app with Eclipse and installed it, the key hash has changed. Since I have never done anything in keystore, I think I should not change. I know how I get the hash. Thanks in advance. If you are using the same keystore, your fingerprint (or hash) Will not change. If there is a change in fingerprint, the Play Store will also refuse to update your app. Double check that you are using the same keystore and the same key from that keystore. In this way, a common source of an issue is using debug keystore instead of accidentally released Castor.

angularjs - UI Router redirect on form success -

I use the UI router in my AngularJS app when the form is posted, then I want to load another page . I have tried the code below. The console.lag (data) works fine, but nothing happens with $ state.go ('brand') There is no error. $ http ({... .vivet (function) {console.log (data); $ state.go ('brand');}) Update! Solution . The form submission was done in a model and was not hidden when a new page was loaded: $ ('# Confirm_delete'). ('Hide'); $ ('# confirm_delete'). ('Hidden.b.s.model', work (e) {$ state.go ("brand");}) This scenario should work. Against < Code> UI-Router states. I made an example Or app.config (['$ stateProvider', function ($ state provider) {$ stateProvider .state ('main', {Url: '/', templateUrl} : "Tpl.main.html", Controller: 'Maincounting',}) .state ('Brand', {url: '/ Brand', Template: " Lt; / p & gt;"

angularjs - Angularfire $save array -

I am trying to save the collection of data after updating an entry in the array. // Edit a post $ scope.editMe = function (message) {if ($ scope.textBoxMessage = "What did you do today?") {$ Scope.textBoxMessage = "here You can edit your post by entering a new message and pressing the "+" edit on the affected post. \ N \ n "+" Your post: "+" \ n "+; } And {$ = "hello"; //$scope.newMessage $ scope.messages. $ Save (2); }} A user has entered some text in the textfield, I want to replace it with already stored data. It's written on with some time. Since I have read data like this: var list = fbutil.syncArray ('posts /' + user.uid); I also tried to say just this: = $ scope.newMessage; List $ Save () None of these two methods work, but I'm sure this is a minor mistake ed: According to the Accident of the Accident, Go to: list [2] .p

spring - j_spring_security_check resulted in 401 (Android) -

I am trying to login my API through the Spring Protection with the rest of the template. I'm able to successfully login to my web project, but not with the Android app. I am trying to solve this issue for a long time but could not figure it out. Web Code: @ etowire restamplate rest template; Multivellomap & lt; String, string & gt; LoginMap = New Link Value Value Validation & lt; String, string & gt; (); LoginMap.add ("j_username", j_username); LoginMap.add ("j_password", j_password); HttpEntity & LT ;? & Gt; UserEntity = New HttpEntity & lt; Object & gt; (Loginmap, new HTTP header ()); RestTemplate.postForObject (path + "/ j_spring_security_check", userEntity, String.class); Android code: relaxation rest templates = new restaurants (); Multivellomap & lt; String, string & gt; LoginMap = New Link Value Value Validation & lt; String, string & gt; (); LoginMap.add ("j_username", thi

osx mavericks - MongoDB : Failed to connect to, reason: errno:61 Connection refused -

My problem is similar to other inputs and suggestions on this site, but no one does help me after installing Mongodebi , Has not started because the database is not running. Try to run the moto first and I answered: Mac-Pro-D-User: ~ User $ Mongo Mongodi shell version: 2.6.4 Connect Do: Testing 2014-10-28 T 10: 47: 08713-0700 Warning: Failed to connect to, Reason: errno: 61 Connection refused 2014-10-28 T10: 47: 08713-0700 Error: ( Could not connect to server. Failed connection failure on Src / mongo / shell / mongo.js: 146 exception: connect failed Then try checking mongod and I answered: Mac-Pro-Day-User: ~ User $ Mongode Mongode - Options for Help and Startup Options 2014-10-28 T 10: 59: 34,485-0700 [initandlisten] MongoDB Start: PID = 926 port = 27017 dbpath = / data / db host = 64-bit Mac Pro-de-Ernesto.local 2014-10-28T10: 59: 34,485-0700 [initandlisten] 2014-10-28 T 10: 59: 34485-0700 [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Soft vacanci

javascript - Search for Track using Spotify API add in Album name and Artist name -

Working on Quick Project to discover a music track in Spotify ... you can track your track name in the text field Add and Produce A list of matching track IDs with artist name and album name + artwork ... The example below is an example of the code that I have worked so far ... album name / album image and artist Getting the name stuck ... Example - I use I was doing: Track: All of my results should be Artist: John Legend Track ID is correct: 3U4isOIWM3VvDubwSI3y7a Shows as before .... Apart from this (this bit has been updated ...) {{name}} - {{}} is trying to add code for the handler. JS to get the artist name from JSN data ... For the first example .... Using the correct JS / Handlar.JS and HTML ... .... any help would be great ... try {{artists .name}} but nothing is happening ... & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Search for a track - Spotify & lt; / H1> & Lt; Form id = "search-form&quo

Serving png from java servlet doesn't show up -

I want to return the canvas data as you want to upload an HTML canvas in Java servlet am and PNG image. My problem is that the response to the servlet is not correct and it is not presented as an image. Saving the file works well on the disk. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to install more headers? Content-length? public void doPost (Acteepisaarlet request, Actiteepisrvet response response) throws IOException {BufferedImage bfi = null; OutputStream Out = Null; PrintWriter htmlOut = null; Try {response.setContentType ("image / png"); String img64 = (string) request.getParameter ("base64image"); Byte [] Decodedbytes = DataType Converter. PRBABBase 64 Binary (IMG64); Bfi = (new bytereinputstream (decodedbits)); Out = response.getoutputstream (); ImageIO.write (BFI, "PNG", outside); // save on the disk file outputfile = new file ("webpage / saved penda"); ImageIO.write (BFI, "PNG", Output File); } Hold (Exception e) {

jquery value of input field within class -

मेरे पास वर्ग के साथ कई div हैं .girrow प्रत्येक .girrow में agrPrice नाम के साथ एक इनपुट फ़ील्ड है। मुझे उस क्षेत्र के मान को .girrow के प्रत्येक संस्करण के लिए प्राप्त करना है। । $ ( "। AgrRow") प्रत्येक (function () {// इस क्षेत्र एल.पी. = parseFloat के लिए मूल्य प्राप्त ($ ( "इनपुट [type = ': मैं की तरह कुछ की कोशिश की है Text '] [name =' agrPrice '] ")। Val ());}); लेकिन यह है कि केवल कभी मुझे .agrRow वर्ग के पहले उदाहरण में agrPrice का मूल्य देता है। मुझे यकीन है कि मैं शामिल करने की जरूरत है कर रहा हूँ "इस" लेकिन मैं मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि कैसे। सही सिंटैक्स क्या है? आपको चाहिए वर्तमान तनाव के संदर्भ में इनपुट तत्व ढूंढें आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं। $ ( "। agrRow") प्रत्येक (function () {// इस क्षेत्र एल.पी. = parseFloat ($ (this) .find ( '[नाम के लिए मूल्य प्राप्त = AgrPrice] ')। Val ());}); उन सभी को सरणी में प्राप्त करने के लिए: $ ("। AgrRow [name = agrPrice]")। नक्शा (फ़ंक्शन

javascript - how to get data from post request in express\nodeJS and redirect user to html file after submit -

मैं सिर्फ यह लाल मेरा व्यक्त कोड है var व्यक्त = आवश्यकता ('एक्सप्रेस'); Var ऐप = एक्सप्रेस (); Var पथ = आवश्यकता ('पथ'); App.use (express.static (path.join (__ dirname, 'public'))) // एक ही रास्ता सर्वर फ़ाइल //app.use(express.static (__dirname, '/public')); App.get ('/', फ़ंक्शन (अनुरोध, प्रतिक्रिया) {response.send ("responde send");}) app.get ('/ userName', फ़ंक्शन (अनुरोध, प्रतिक्रिया) {response.send (request.query ["उपयोगकर्ता नाम"]);}) एप पोस्ट ('/ उपयोगकर्ता नाम 1', फ़ंक्शन (अनुरोध, प्रतिक्रिया) {response.send (request.body.userName); console.log (request.body ['userName']); }) Var server = app.listen (3001, फ़ंक्शन) {var host = server.address ()। Address var port = server.address ()। Port console.log ("listening" + port + "port जबकि मेजबान" एचटीएमएल & lt; form action = "/ userName" method = "get" इस कोड का इस्तेमाल करते हुए अनुरोध प्राप्त क

uitableview - iOS 7 incorrect calculation of UITableViewCell height on first pass -

I am trying to calculate the height of my UITableViewCell subclasses in iOS 7 and I feel that, for the first time On passing, the calculation is wrong. However, if I reload the table view after each other, the calculation is actually correct on the other pass here. Here's how I am calculating cell height: if (_prototypeHeader == Zero) {_prototypeHeader = [[[NSBundle mainBundle]] loadNibNamed: NSStringFromClass ([DDStatusTableViewCell class]) Owner: option no equal: 0] last object]; } [_prototypeHeader setFrame: CGRectMake (0, 0, CGRectGetWidth (tableView.frame), 0)]; [_Propo otype headerconfiguremenmenu: self Restaurants on the menu: self Restaurant]; [_prototypeHeader setNeedsLayout]; [_Pro otyPhider LayerInzid]; CGSize size = [_prototypeHeader.contentView systemLayoutSizeFittingSize: UILayoutFittingCompressedSize]; NSLog (NSStringFromCGSize (size)); Return size. Hate + 1; The log statement size goes into entering this: 2014-10-28 10: 15: 45.492 MyApp [39.225: 613] {3