
Showing posts from April, 2012

c++ - Failed to create first library. `undefined reference to `main` -

I am trying to create my first Linux based static library. I am following the instructions from this site here. This code is #ifndef _ADDNUMBERS_H #define _ADDNUMBERS_H class AddNumbers {Private: int _a; Int _b; Public: AddNumbers (); ~ AddNumbers (); Zero set A (int a); Zero set B (int b); Int getA () console; Int getB () const; Int getSum () console; }; // AddNumbers #endif // _ADDNUMBERS_H ~ / Workspace / C ++ / AddNumbers / src / AddNumbers.cpp # Include "AddNumbers.h" AddNumbers :: AddNumbers (): _a (0), _b (0) {} AddNumbers :: ~ AddNumbers () {} zero addNumbers :: setA (int a) {_a = a; } Zero AddNumbers :: setB (int b) {_b = b; } Int AddNumbers :: getA () const {return _a; } Int AddNumbers :: getB () const {return _b; } Int AddNumbers :: getSum () const {return _a + _b; } This is the makefill I am using. Header and CPP files are next to each other cc = G ++ ifeq ($ (DEBUG), yes) CSFALGS = -VAL-LDFALGS = -Vagal-G and CASFALGS = -Lal LDFALGS = -Wall endif A

c++ - DirectX 11: Runtime Assertion Failure using XMLoadFloat4X4() -

While trying to store the matrix within a strat, I have an entry failure on the runtime while calling XMFLOAT4x4 The error is received by the type of a strat by using XMLoadFloat4X4 () * . stored the value only Goes: XMFLOAT4X4 * f4x4_Scale; XMFLOAT4X4 * F4x4_ rotation; XMFLOAT4X4 * f4x4_Translate; XMFLOAT4X4 * f4x4_ObjectViewSpace; Probably loading real values ​​from the XMFLOAT4x4 * space located inside a structure. I XMLoadFloat4X4 () inside the conversion function, such as: XMMATRIX unit :: scale (float x, float y, float z ) {XMMATRIX m_Scale = XMLoadFloat4x4 (e_Asset.Asset.FileDesc.matrixTransformation .f4x4_Scale); M_Scale = XMMatrixScaling (x, y, z); Return m_Scale; } disassembly XMLoadFloat4x4 () shows a break inside the function, but I can not understand it. Is there a method / method to use I represent failure Can I redress for the XMLoadFloat () errors? (Or really good stuff on the bearing error) and / or am I doing something wrong? Up

javascript - Handling a return value of my jQuery POST in an object constructor -

Hi, I have a problem managing my return to the success of my jQuery post in my Object Constructor, I'm sure the "Return" is not in the right place, but cant find the solution. The Debug Console log shows what looks like in my methods but when I run the code it is not. Thanks for your help in this code var url = ""; Function Devices (id, examples, command classes) { = id; This example = example; This.commandClasses = Command Classes; //console.log(this.device); //console.log(this.commandClasses); this. Device update = function () {$. Ajax ({type: "post", url: "" + url + "device [" + + + "]. Example [" + + this.instances + "]. CommandClasses [" "] +" This.commandClasses + "] Receive () ", success: function (textstats) {console.log (textstats); return text status;}, datatype:" jason "}); }; this. Device data = function () {

python - How can I make py.test print stack traces for test failures / errors as they happen? -

Default behavior is to wait until the entire test suite is completed before printing all the stack traces. As per the completion of each test, I can not find an option to print stack trace -s does not help. checkout :)

java - Intermittent issue with Maven with required class missing -

When creating ActiveJDBC (I am the author of the project), it creates a Maven plugin for the first time: After installing the plugin: < P>, it is used on a separate project module (this is a multi-module project). Sometimes the build is successful and sometimes it breaks with the error message: [INFO] JavaLite - normal .............. ....... ............. Success [4.241 s] [INFO] Java Light - Instrumentation Plugin and Java Agent .... Success [2.590s] [INFO] Java Light - Active JDBC ORM Framework ...... .......... Failure [5.526 s] [INFO] Java Light - DB-Migrator Maven Plugin ... ... SKIPPED [INFO] JavaLite - DB-Migrator Integration Test ............ SKIPPED [INFO] JavaLite - GET INFORMATION Maven plugin .............. .... . SKIPPED [INFO] JavaLite - ActiveJDBC Route ......................... SKIPPED [INFO] ------------ -------- ------------------------------------------ -------- - [INFO] Build failure [INFO] --------------------------------- ------- ----------------------

security - how I can get file owners with WinAPI c++ -

Please help me How do I get a list of some file owners with WinAPI? - Administrator - Sara -System - Thanks. Hope this article will help "C ++ Finding the owner of the file object in "

wso2esb - How to create a Default Endpoint in wso2 ESB -

I have different services and related endpoint points like my WSO2 DSS such as Http: // localhost: 9764 / services / gate_tetails / http: // localhost: 9764 / services / muser_DataService / etc. Therefore, when in WSO2 I'm creating a proxy service. ESB wants to give me a default endpoint in my proxy but rather a special endpoint in DSS For this approach, Use Raptkrta list group & lt; Endpoint xmlns = "" name = "endpoint" & gt; and lieutenant name = "null_value" & gt; & Lt; Address uri = "http: // localhost: 9764 / service / null_value /" & gt; & Lt; SuspendOnFailure & gt; & Lt; ProgressionFactor & gt; 1.0 & lt; / ProgressionFactor & gt; & Lt; / SuspendOnFailure & gt; & Lt; MarkForSuspension & gt; & Lt; RetriesBeforeSuspension & gt; 0 & lt; / RetriesBeforeSuspension & gt; & Lt; RetryDelay & gt; 0 & lt; /

html - creating an array of buttons from a query - sizing with CSS -

Note I found this issue, I thought it was not displaying just 2 words, it is not actually in CSS is. I removed all the CSS from the submit button and I'm still showing robert $ _post also Robert if I while ($ line = $ Rs-> fetch_assoc ()) Replaces {$ line ['name']. "& Lt; br & gt;"; } This shows the Robert table , when the button creates it hidden it starts falling down by the name of tables if I The name changes in the database in robert_tables , then the full name shows just a new question I will post my first attempt in CSS again and Google will post it again Has not responded to. To start with a query: $ query = "Select the name from the members where the name = active with the command = 1"; Next I am creating the column 5 column of the table, which is 100% of the page, each column is 20% resonance " fetch_assoc ()) {if ($ column == 0) {echo "<<"; } Echo " = 5) {echo " ";

c# - Entity Framework 6 Partial Stored Procedure Mapping -

उदाहरण के लिए, मेरे पास एक ऐसा वर्ग है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग कर्मचारी {public int ईद; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग का नाम; सार्वजनिक डबल वेतन; सार्वजनिक तिथि समय बीओडी; } और एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि जो कर्मचारी के लिए केवल id और वेतन स्तंभ देता है, मैं इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क (6 या 5), नीचे दिया गया है: संग्रहीत कार्यविधि को निष्पादित करें, और जटिल परिणामों का उपयोग किए बिना कर्मचारी ऑब्जेक्ट के परिणामों को मैप करें। कृपया मेरी मदद करें । ध्यान दें: कृपया ध्यान दें कि प्रक्रिया अधिक जटिल होगी, और मैं लीकक का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता और नाम या बोड का रिटर्न नहीं देता। यह मेरी परियोजना में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है nhibernate में आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं। यहाँ क्या है आपको इसकी आवश्यकता है: // दो क्लासेस सार्वजनिक वर्ग कर्मचारी बनाएं {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग का नाम; सार्वजनिक डबल वेतन; सार्वजनिक तिथि समय बीओडी; } सार्वजनिक वर्ग कर्मचारी और सीलरी {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी; सार्वजनिक डबल वेतन; } // एक्स्टेंशन फंक्शन बनाएं // हमें ऑटोमैपर एक्सटेंशन लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग करना होगा। // Nug

php - Laravel session not working on server -

On my local environment, the larval 4 sessions work perfectly but this does not happen on my server. If I do: session: put ("user_id", 1); Echo session :: get ("user_id"); It shows: 1 but if I do: session: put ("user_id", 1) ; Return Redirect: From ("Some"); Where I have: Session resonation :: get ("user_id"); It returns the undefined variable. I have found at my session.php: ... 'driver' = & gt; 'File', 'domain' = & gt; "..., ... and after a session :: put () , this is a archive / sessions The file is created, but after that, session :: find () is not available. Please help! !!

instancecontextmode - How to avoid unnecessary objects getting initialized WCF -

We have been exposed to a number of operations with a WCF service in which basic Acteepibeeding and service implementation something like this < / p> public Class Maissev (private IHandler1 _handler1 = GetHandler1 (); private IHandler2 _handler1 = GetHandler12 (); private IHandler3 _handler1 = GetHandler3 (); public void handle message (string msg) {_handler1.SomeMethod ( );} Public Zero Handle Message (String msg) {_handler1.SomeMethod ();} Public Zero Handle Message 2 (String msg) {_hand ler2.SomeMethod ();} public void handle message 2 (string msg) {_handler3.SomeMethod ();}} is But with this code I see that started all Handler are the handler 1/2/3 while we receive a request to handle the message, then I mean the client calls Handlmasesej (2) method should be Aantikrit only handler _ Hॅndlr 2. < P> Since the service is exposing the end point with basic hotpibing, which Session does not support InstanceContextMode PerCall that will create all the handlers, when

ios - Advantage / Disadvantages of having custom layout code in -[UIViewController viewDidLayoutSubviews] -

इतने सारे स्रोत क्यों सुझाते हैं - [UIViewController viewDidLayoutSubviews] over - [UIViewController viewWillLayoutSubviews ] कस्टम लेआउट को कार्यान्वित करने के लिए जीवन-चक्र पद्धति के रूप में? एप्पल प्रलेखन का उल्लेख है कि कोई भी विधि कस्टम लेआउट को कार्यान्वित करने के लिए एक अच्छा विकल्प है, हालांकि इसका यह उल्लेख नहीं है कि आप एक के ऊपर एक का उपयोग करें। मैं एक कारण इकट्ठा है कि autolayout को पहले से ही समय से सब कुछ पर जाने का मौका मिला है - [UIViewController viewDidLayoutSubviews] कहा जाता है। क्या - [UIViewController viewWillLayoutSubviews] में विचारों को बिछाने का एक सरल उदाहरण बहुत जल्द है, लेकिन - [UIViewController viewDidLayoutSubviews] में ठीक है? < / P> अगर मैं स्पष्ट रूप से ऑटोलेयआउट का उपयोग करने से बच रहा हूं (बस ऑटोोरिसिंग मास्क का प्रयोग करके जो बाधाओं में अनुवाद करता है), मैं सोच रहा हूं कि मैं - [UIViewController viewWillLayoutSubviews] , जैसे ही यह जल्दी ही होता है।

Numpy linear solver in Python -

I was using numpy.linalg.solve to solve a set of linear equations, coefficients matrix a < / P> a = [[1.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 ..., 0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00] [0.00000000e + 00 1.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 ..., 0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00] [0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 1.00000000e + 00 ..., 0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00] .. ., [0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 ..., 1.1920680 9A + 12 -1.22559480 A + 12 3.460 9 2750e + 11] [0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 .. ., -1.80896480e + 14 2.54068164e + 12 -8.65658340e + 12] [0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 0.00000000e + 00 ..., 6.92185500e + 11 4.23578160e + 12 -6.79632634e + 12]] < / Code> and B matrix [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 .................... ...... 150000] and I think it should be the output of matrix such as 0.0, 0.0] However, the actual result is non-zero value, someone help me Can the reaso

rspec to test whether ruby method returns an array -

I have a method that gives an array. I need to use it RSPC is there any way with which we can check it: def get_ids #### The subject of the IRS end .get_ids.should be_array < / Code> or results = subject .get_ids result. Should be an_instance_of (array)

arduino - How to Save and display data SD card on LCD -

I am developing the system using Arduino Nano which will detect water disruption using photodiode sensor and LED. Now, I am trying to use the SD card module to save the data sensor. I tried to use the following code in zero loop (), and it works, the file was created with the data value sensor at test.txt and Mymicro SD: count_save ++; If (count_save> 30) {count_save = 0; MyFile = ("Test.txt", FILE_WRITE); If (myfile) {lcd.clear (); Lcd.setCursor (0, 0); LCD Print ("Save Data"); MyFile.print ("Writing Data Sensor:"); MyFile.print (""); MyFile.print ("dirt ="); MyFile.print (photos); MyFile.close (); Delay (1000); } Else {lcd.clear (); Lcd.setCursor (0, 0); LCD Print ("save error"); Delay (1000); Lcd.clear (); }}} But in Myplan, I want to save the SD card from the data once I press the button, and when I press the button 2 it displays the data sensor on the LCD Will do Please, help solve this problem

Maven aggregation build uses different java than building a child module on its own -

मैंने एक अप्रत्याशित व्यवहार देखा मेरे पास एकत्रित लक्ष्य निष्पादन के प्रयोजनों के लिए एक समूह पीओएम है। जब मैं बिल्ड कार्य निष्पादित करता हूं, तो एकत्रीकरण में शामिल मॉड्यूल पीओएम में अपने जेवाडॉक उत्पन्न होते हैं। जेवाडोक पीढ़ी को माता-पिता POM में परिभाषित किया गया है (जैसे कि एकत्रीकरण POM के समान नहीं): & lt; प्लगइन & gt; & LT; ग्रुप & gt; org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / ग्रुप & gt; & LT; artifactId & gt; Maven-जावाडोक-प्लगइन & lt; / artifactId & gt; & LT; संस्करण & gt; 2.9.1 & lt; / संस्करण & gt; & LT; फांसी & gt; & LT; निष्पादन & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; देते-javadocs & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; लक्ष्यों & gt; & LT; लक्ष्य & gt; जार & lt; / लक्ष्य & gt; & Lt; / लक्ष्यों & gt; & Lt; / निष्पादन & gt; & Lt; / फांसी & gt; & Lt; / प्लगइन & gt; बाल मॉड्यूल की अपनी पीओएम है, जिसमें एक पहलू जावा प्लगइन इस तरह परिभाषित किया गया है: (इस तरह

drupal - Run individual cron jobs with Drush -

Is it possible to run personalized cron jobs through the Dash? Like I have a cron job called "Macron" In the I Esysia UI, I can run 1 job by clicking [Run]. In the Drawer, I can use the "Dryer Eilsia-Crown" command, but it will run all active cron jobs. My question: How can I run a micron (only) through a draw? Request: Make all cron jobs available in the Dush so that "Dres Elysia-cron micron" works. Here's how I am preparing my Kroon hook. 1) Call the appropriate hookcans in your module. modulename_cron is what you want. 2) Understand that when a particular variable has an effect on the move. In my case, there is a variable modulename_cron_last which runs the last cron. I have to force it to run 0. 3) Run the Dash: Dish Evil "variable_set ('modulename_cron_last', 0);" Dryer eval "modulename_cron ();" Dish Evil "variable_set ('module_con_last', time ());" <<<>> Dr

Rails - Force XML template to be downloaded instead of rendered -

My question is very similar but the answer does not work for me. I have a custom XML file that I provide by the browser I want to download instead. I have tried the send_file method as the above question, but I also get an error hash can not be converted into a string . Controller: Answer_ | Format | Format.tmx end Template: show.tmx.erb & lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; Tmx xmlns = "" version = "1.4b" & gt; & Lt; / TMX & gt; See (I want this link to download a document instead of render in the browser): & lt;% = link_to " Download ", document_path (@document, format:" tmx ")%> You can use send_file, though it is already in the other endpoint of the setup You must mention the content supply or if you do not use XML in any other context, you can use the following: format.tmx {send_data render_to_string (: show

xml - How to export KML file with JAK library or libkml -java? -

I use KML objects in Java. I want to export this object to the file. I try to write it with the JAC library, the function KML. With Marshall (), but not success I get this error: formula exception "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com / sun / xml / bind / marshaller (natives on / NamespacePrefixMapper java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1 method) JavaklangkClassLoaderkdefineClass (unknown source on on $ 100) (unknown source) (source unknown) (unknown source ) At $ (unknown source) at $ (Unknown Source) (Basic method) on Java.lang.ClassLoader.l (unknown source) OadClass de.micromata.opengis.kml.v_2_2_0.Kml at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass at sun.misc.Launcher $ AppClassLoader.loadClass (unknown source) (unknown source). C

c++ - Print the binary format of a char -

I wrote a function to print binary format months ago, this is how it And it worked well: zero prnCharbit (four x) {int i, mask; For (i = CHAR_BIT; i> = 1; i--) {mask = (1 <- (i-1)) and; Putchar ((mask == 0 '0': '1'); } Cursed ('\ n'); } And today I want to use this function so I wrote almost the same as a function on it: zero PrnCharBit (char c) { Int i; Four mask = 0; // printf ("% d \ n", CHAR_MAX); For (i = size (character) * CHAR_BIT-1; i> = 0; i--) {mask = 1 & lt; & Lt; I; If (Mask & C == 0) Tutor ('0'); And fever ('1'); } Cursed ('\ n'); } However, the second function does not work. I do not understand, because the two functions are almost identical! Why does the second task not produce the same results? Equality operator ( Before Operator Bitular Operation ( & amp; Code> == ). The Clang gives this warning; & amp; Less than == is preferred; == will be evaluated fir

hp quality center - Getting Attachments from QC -

Is there any device available that can export attachments from QC? I already have a tool to export test cases from QC to Excel, but this does not solve the problem of attachment problem. Depending on how your repository is ready, you can log in to the file system and file I can usually find the name of the file, I am usually trying and checking the exact date / time of the file. After QC10 everything went to the hard drive, before you can set the attachment to the database to store if you choose your project in the Site Projects tab (Saddamman area) and Look at the right, if you see a path to the repository there you can see it there (or you will see it will be saved in the database). However, I do not know that you can put it in Excel as an object (if you specifically search for it ).

Scrapy no such host crawler -

I am using this crawler as my crawler This 404 error is to catch the domain Designed to and save them. I wanted to modify it a bit and wanted to find it "no such host" error, which is error 12002. However, with this code, scrappy is not receiving any response (because there is not a host back to a response) and when scrapi gives it such a domain encounter. > not found: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed. How can I not find this error and save the domain name? Exception, and method, through the request and reaction objects, during processing of a request Is controlled. All exceptions to the following (where IgnoreRequest has been raised) will be logged in the log file class ExceptionLog (object): def process_exception , Request, exception, spider): with open ('exceptions.log', 'a'): f.write (str (exception) + "\ n") always To use the signals to call it, extend it to spider_opened for better file handling, or for settings

Where is Assert defined in C# .NET 3.5? -

I have found lots of content to use the content, but it is not that using XXX YYY.ZZZ; Instructions I should use even not on MSDN pages ... I am getting the error: "In the current context the name 'shelter' Does not exist " < " text "> Since it seems that there is a lot of confusion on apprehension to use, and how, by using your example here, a completely working example (should be compiled properly, Etc.) Comments (one! = Mr.) Comments : using system; Using System.Diagnostics; Classroom Program {Static Zero Main () {int a = 5, b = 10; Console.WriteLine ("Hello"); Debug. Asset (a! = B); // should go before this console. WrightLine ("world"); B = 5; Debug. Asset (a! = B); // should fail in debug mode}} Note that this claims regular runtime, no special / arbitrary test framework. Note that because of the debug Attrace is a [Conditional ("DEBUG")] method, it will not be brought to the release b

javascript - Angular applications powered by Requirejs - Argument '(contoller)' is not a function, got undefined? -

I am trying to work on an angular application driven by RequireJS, but I am not able to split control files I'm having an error of logic (contoller) 'is not a function, it has been undefined. Any ideas what I have done? ap / main.js, need.config ({baseUrl: "", // alias library path. Angle 'path: {' domReady ':' bower_components 'Bower_components / angle / angle', 'angular-way': 'bower_components / angle path / angle-way', 'jquery': 'bower_components / jquery / district / jquery' / requirejs-domready / domReady ',' angular ' }, // Add angular module does not support outside the AMD box, put it in a shim Shim: {'angular': {export: 'angular'} 'angular path': {export: 'angular'}}, // Kickstart App Deposit: ['App / Bootstrap']}); Define app / app.js, (['angular', 'angular path', 'jquery'], function (ng, ngrut) ), $) {'Stric

Return in a function - PHP -

Even if I understand what everything is doing, then I argue that < Code> Returns $ toggle below the working code: I do my work and call it back by repeating it, but what happens in that return $ totaal function? I never called it, but without that return I get an empty place. I should have lost some kind of logic in my mind .... return gives the word itself (returns back) something. In this case either $ var1 + $ var2 or $ var1 - $ var2 . The variables inside a function can not be reached generally outside of it. with return but you can get something from within the function to get it Keep in mind that the execution of a return function will end.

How to add field into search widget in adempiere -

I want to add new fields to the search widget in adempiere. As an example, my search widget already has name and description fields. Besides, I want to add the address_id field. I do not know how to do this. If anyone knows how to do this? Please help me .. Let me see that I have got your rights. You have a table, and when you press the Search button, display "name" and "description" field of search window. You add "address_id" as an additional search criteria, as a system administrator, you "table and column" , search your table and then go to the "Columns" tab and find the "address_id" column there "selection Column " sign. HIH

Set Combobox Item from C# using Value in WPF -

My XML is a combobox in the window, I have a statistic that has two columns ID, name . I can force that data in the Cambodox items using the code below. cbox.SelectedValuePath = "ID"; CBox.DisplayMemberPath = "name"; CBox.ItemsSource = dtable.DefaultView; What do I want, I want to choose specific item from c # by using id (not name) , then it's the first element of the combobox Select cobox.SelectedIndex = 0/1/2/3 / ...; If I use the code, it will pick any item in the combobox, but I use the Cambodia item use the ID CBox.Text = dtable.Rows [1] [1] .ostring (); You must use the selectedValue property. / P> Try below cbox.SlectedValue = dtable.Rows [1] [0]. Ostring (); You can download samples working from here.

c# - Pass the table and column dynamically in dynamic LINQ -

I searched a lot, but I could not find what I was looking at. This can be very easy, usually in LINQ, we write selected queries in this way: var entityModel = new student entities; Var dept = (In an institution Model.STUDENT where a.NAME! = Select tap section.) Undoubtedly (). Orderbiz (w = & gt; w); // Student-Table, Name-column name, Department-column name How to write the same question using dynamic LINQ? Here the table name and column name names will be selected from either Win Win Control (Text Box / Cumblox) or String. Try it: var dept = "(in the unit modell." + TableName + "where a." + Cbo1.Text.ToString + "! = Zero." + Cbo2 Text .toString + "). Specific (). Commandbiz (w = & gt; w)"; This is not working Can you tell me in the right direction? You can not do this You need to create your dynamic SQL and run it on your database. There, but this is not as dynamic as you want.

sql server - how to create a table name dynamically based on the week -

After I have a backup table called pipelinebackupWk ## , where is trying to create Am ## The current calendar is viewed from a fiscal calendar table. For example: Backup table this week will be called pipelineback10, next week it will be called pipelinebackup 12. . I need weeks to manually change it every week so that my SSIS package runs automatically to change I am currently using this: in selection * < Where is the ACTUAL_DATE = convert (Datetime, Convert (nvarchar (20)), from pre-> (select 'Pipelinebackup' + 'WK' + RIGHT (CAST (AS VARCHAR (2)), 2 WEEK_OF_QUARTER [dbo] [Fiscal_calendar] Text "itemprop =" text "> getdate () - 5101)) table12 to

JavaScript - AngularJS HTML interpreter -

I have an array like content and HTML tags: for (in cars Car .Parking [0]} {content.push (' But my HTML, when I do: My stuff: {{myContent}} Displays this: Text text text text I hope , such as in my console: text lesson text text How can I fix it? Thank you! You need to use ng-bing-html directive if You want to add html to look like below & lt; P ng-bind-html = "myContent" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; and you must add angular-sanitize.js and define dependencies as angular.module ('yourModule', ['ngSanitize']) Inorder to do this

angularjs - element not set with try catch in protractor? -

I am writing a launcher test for my angular JS webpage. There is a jsonfile that I am using to fill data on the page. The statement of the attempt will discover the element in which the property of the model is: var data = {name: 'James', address: '11 Sussex Street'}; (Key in data) {try {var el = element (by.model ('name')); If (el.isElementPresent ()) {el.clear () SendKeys (data [key]); }} Hold (error) {console.log ('error occurred', mistake); }} When I run the trial, I get an error: Type error: the property can not be read 'Elements Override' Undefined Has an element of the name but is not set? Try it instead var el = element (by Model ('name')); El.isPresent (). Then (function (present) {if (elongated) {el.clear (.) SendKeys ('James');}}) Catch (err) {console.log ('error occured', err); }

java - AngularJS - File Download through AJAX -

I created an angular JS program to download a file from the server, the code is followed here HTML code & lt; a download = "FullListkcsv" Anji- href = "{{fullListUrl}}" type = "button" class = "btn btn- success Bitian-XS Akgik-batch export" NG-Click = "Sisbiblack (Bacakssi)" & Gt; & Lt; Span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-ok" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; Export as CSV & lt; / A & gt; AngularJS controller $ scope.exportCSVBulk = function () {var page = "../importExportService/exportBulkCSV/ "+; $ Http.get (page) Ksuccess (function (response) {$ scope.fullListUrl = 'data: text / CSV; charset = UTF-8' + escape (response);}); } What am I doing here when a user links to export CSV function as exportCSVBulk fire and that function URL value (Fullistuarel) sets but it is an Ajax request, so when a user clicks on the URL link, the response time is a litt

c# - The specified value cannot be assigned to the collection -

edit This will update my bug for almost one year and add reward to me. I have a custom control, which has the dependency property public class graph: control {public list & lt; Figure & gt; Get the stats {return (list (list (lt; figure & gt;) GetValue (dataproperty);} set {set valley (statistics property, value);}} public static read only dependency property statistics property = dependency property. Statistics ", typef (list & lt; Figure & gt;), typef (graph), new property matadata ((D, E) = & gt; (graph) d) illegal valid ())); ...} Figure is the base class for all the data: public abstract class shape {...} Public class linefigure: Figure {...} Public class XGridFigure: Figure {...} Public class YGridFigure: Figure {...} ... Now look at the screenshot below problem See: Sometimes (after making changes in xaml to second place) the designer goes crazy about it and throwing an exception, compiles the code and runs without problems . I

ibeacon - can Estimote Android SDK see iPhone Estimote Virtual Beacon? -

Still waiting for beacon to come from esteemot. Meanwhile, I can not get an Android SDK to view the iPhone virtual beacon (Estimote). Any thoughts? I am using the Github Android SDK, should I replace / replace the available UUID? Private static final string ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID = "B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D"; Assessment of Virtual Beacon Broadcast with UUID of 8492E75F-4FD6-469D Do B132-043FE94921D8 .

r - split dataframe twice and merge based on columns -

Is I have a sampleID, chromosomes, start and stop, and the score indicates. I want to start each score for each sampleID in each sample, with all possible combinations of start.pos and end.pos in all sampleIDs. Therefore p> input, and all sampleIDs add $ mean score for each combination Snpland Chrome Startkpos Andkpos Meankl 1.1 00l2l02_a0l 1 0 11194349 1 1,4 00l2l02_a0l 1 11,194,349 11,492,125 0 1.5 00l2l02_a0l 1 11,492,125 71,442,329 1 1,9 00l2l02_a0l 1 71,442,329 249 250 621 1 1 , 13 0012102_A02 1 0 65493011 1 1,92 0012102_A02 1 65493011 66164733 1 1,102 0012102_A02 1 66,164,733 121,347,754 1 1.52 0012102_A02 1 121347754 249250621 0 1,14 0012102_A03 1 56384956 1 1,83 0012102_A03 1 56384956 106266297 1 1,73 0012102_A03 1 106266297 249250621 0 1,15 0012102_A04 1 0 51484139 1 1,27 0012102_A04 1 51484139 249250621 0 2,1 0012102_A01 2 50000001 1 2,2 0012102_A01 2 50000001 250000001 1 2,3 0012102_A02 2 500000 01 0 2.7 0012102_A02 2 50000020 270000001 0 2.18 0012102_A03 2 0 5000

java - Design Patterns: Callback as a method parameter -

I was thinking that defining callback for operation in a method parameter defines in the object and the setters, design patterns in the subject. I'm not sure there is a design pattern about callback creation. For example, suppose there is some class A, and I want to execute a method M with some callb. Public category A {public interface callback {void onEvent (); } Public static method M (...) {// ...}} I can do this: public static zero method M (Callback C) {C.onEvent (); } // ... A.method (this); // The caller class is the callback! Instead of : public static zero set callback (callback callback) {this.callback = callback; } Public static zero method M () {this.callback.onEvent (); } // ... asset callback (this); // The caller class is the callback! A ritual (); Keep in mind that the fact of the method is stable, it is easy to understand just the scenario. So, can I use the first approach as a legitimate design? The reason for using the first scenario i

c# - Unity: Conditional resolving -

Based on the specific data I received, I am looking to use Unity to solve the types of runtime. My code (as shown below) currently registers a type in a bootstrap class on start-up and then it is decided on the basis of any kind of need within the main flow. What am I going to do that changes the code lines which use the keyword 'new' with the resolver, although this code is outside of my bootstrapper, I'm not sure how to do it May be .. I am new in unity so please be easy. // in bootstrapper square resolver Registration Type & lt; IDataType1, datatype 1 & gt; (); Resolver Registration Type & lt; IDataType2, datatype2 & gt; (); Resolver Registration Type & lt; IDataType3, datatype3 & gt; (); // Main Stream ... Output Bootstrap (Detector Type) {Case Detector Type Datatype 1: Datatype 1 DT1 = New Datatype 1 (); Dt1.ProcessData (); break; Case Detector Type Data Type 2: Datatype 2 DT2 = New Datatype 2 (); Dt2.ProcessData (); break; Case Detecto

html - I can use footer tag from HTML5 in IE8 -

I found something weird in my website ... I used HTML5 and this script to use in the old browser I am & lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; When I & lt; Article & gt ;, & lt; Section & gt; , but when I & lt; Footer & gt; , use T. I do not know the reason for this. Other tags have open tags and close tags .... this is the html code header: Footer code & lt; Footer class = "pie" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; A href = "mywebsite.html" title = "myWeb" target = "_ blank" & gt; Web site & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Footer & gt; Thanks for all the responses! I got the problem ... I see my settings in IE and I have scripting disabled ... I am active and working! Thanks for all!

java - How to use Mule's XML-to-Object transformer? -

What steps have been taken? What should be in the driver class? How should I map XML to create a POO? How do I configure transformer? You can use a driver class such as XPPNDR such as The flow will look like this & Lt; Mulexml: xml-to-object-transformer doc: name = "XML object" driverClass = "" & gt; & Lt; Mulexml: alias name = "abc" square = "" /> & Lt; / Mulexml: XML-to-Object Transformer & gt; & Lt; Component class = "test1" doctor: name = "java" /> & Lt; / Flow & gt; http request http: // localhost: 8082 / XmlToObj header content type type / xml Post data & lt; ABC & gt; & Lt; Def & gt; Ggggg & lt; / DF & gt; & Lt; Ghi; Gt; Hhhhh & lt; / Ghhi & gt; & Lt; / Abc & gt; ABC class package a.b.c.Abc; Import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; @ XmlRootElemen

xcode - How to implement Static CGRect and CGFloat -

I'm looking at the net but I can not find an obvious answer. Make things stable? CGRact ScreenTrack = [[USScreen Main Screen] border]; CGFloat screenwidth = screenRect.size.width; CGFloat Screenshite = 64; I need to call them multiple times in my UIView class and it can not understand how it can be implemented in clean and elegant? Example of the actual code - (ID) InitializeNetworkCount: (NSString *) Search Message {CGRect ScreenTrack = [USScreen Main Screen] Border]; CGFloat screenwidth = screenRect.size.width; CGFloat Screenshite = 64; Networkview = [auto initwithframe: CGRactack (0, -220, screenwidth, screenhit)]; If (NetworkView) {networkView.backgroundColor = BCKNETWORKVIEW; LabelNetwork = [[UILabel alloc] init]; [Label Network Set Frame: CGRactam (0, 4, 320, 30)]; [Label network set font: [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize: 11]]; [Label network setback color: [UIColor clearColor]]; [Label Network Set Reader: [UIColor whiteColor]]; [LabelSetset Network Set FontSizeTo

html - How to add lines using command line -

I have an HTML document in which I want to insert an image automatically after the body tag immediately: Html: & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div class = "indexHeader" & gt; & Lt; A href = "allclasses-frame.html" target = "package-frames" & gt; All classes & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; .... and simply & lt; Body & gt; After the tag I want to use the command lines to an image, and the result will be: & Lt; Div class = "indexHeader" & gt; & Lt; A href = "allclasses-frame.html" target = "packageframe" & gt; All classes & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; How can I get it in command lines? Note: I'm using Windows . This is my endeavor: try first: awk -v image = '& lt; Img src = "Resources / logo_small.png" alt = "My image" height = "80" /> '1; Try another: / P> sed '

jquery - Same code with different values on the same page, when scrolltop -

I am not showing the whole code, it is integrated with the CMS custom tag, but here is the basic problem. I have the following scroll code: $ (function () {$ (window) .scroll (function () {var top = $ (document) .scrollTop (); if (top & Lt; 174) css ({top: '0', position: 'relative'}), $ ("# cssmenu> gtc: ul ul # cm-cur") AddClass (" Cm ("top ':' 0px ', position:' fixed '}), $ (" # cssmenu> gt; ul ul # cm-cur "). RemoveClass (" cm-cur "); // dropdown ul while scrolling Hide the menu}};}); and the next one: $ ("#cssmenu gt gt # activate # drop") .mouseout (Function () {t = SetTimeout (function {$ ("li.cur-page # drop"). CSS ({background: '# EDF1F7'});}, 2000);}); and I Trying to paste the code twice a second, using different values: $ (function () {$ (window) .scroll (function () {var top = $ (Document) .scrollTop (); if (top & lt; 174) $ (". Nav-w

matlab - Format each line in plot(x,y) where x is a matrix -

I want to format each row in a plot so that I can choose the color given for each row. Although my x values ​​are in matrix form so i can not use the plot (x, y, 'b', x, y, 'r', ...) style format thanks a lot. I would recommend doing it in a loop, but there is probably another way to do this. Define your colors in a matrix cmap = hsv (10)% ii = 1: 10 plot (x (ii,), y (ii,: ), 'Color', Semep (ii, :)) end create cmap , as you like, though it is a nlines x 3 should be of size.

c# - Entity Framework Virtual ICollection How to Query -

After the First of all, I'm new to trying out the outline of the unit and trying to find some things. I have a model like this: Public class EventInstance {[column ("EVENT_INSTANCE_ID")] Public Integer EventInstanceID {Get; Set; } [Column ("CUSTOMER_ID")] Get Public Inter Customer ID { Set; } [Column ("EVCIDID")] Public Event Event Id {Received; Set; } [Columns ("START_DATE_TIME")] Public System Datetime start date {received; Set; } Received Public Virtual Event Event { Set; }} I need to use a property in the table named EventTimeEventInstances but this table is not included in the model. I have two questions. If I add: public virtual icon & lt; Event Time Event Instance & gt; Event TimeInstance {Received; Set; } Will that effect affect other areas of our application Secondly, how do I use the property from ICollection in such a question: < Previous> Public IQueryable & lt; EventInstance & gt; Get

android - Errors after importing appcompact v7 -

After uploading an app compact v7, even after creating another workspace, I still have many errors like this: / P> - Error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android: actionModeShareDrawable' Let me work with my projects , Because now I have to work with my projects, which now throw a red exclamation mark Aehaparmpet Build check target your project and Aepkanpalp_vin Library Project. It should be similar, if your project has less build target than this error and you will not be able to create it. To fix the problem in Eclipse, go to Project-> Properties-> Android (Project Build Target) and select the equivalent of your Epipatam Library Project.

ANTLR4 - multiple code blocks in lexer rule -

It was possible to add multi-code blocks in a laser rule in ATLR v3, but it is not allowed in version 4. What's the best way to change it? Tags: '{' (~ ('}')) * '}' {setText (getText) Substring (1, getText () .length () - 1)); } | '{! ('Option (greedy = wrong;):.) *'}!} '{SetText (getText). Substring (3, getText (). Length () - 3)); }; This functionality should [be] available if it is not working do you want it.

MS SQL Store Procedure Optimizing -

I have attached my query results. How can I optimize this SP? Do I Need to Customize? I can get more results in 0.2 or in some case. Client Execution Time 18:18:18 18:18:08 18:17:49 18:17:24 18:13:18 Number of Query Profile Statistics, Deletion, and Update Statements 281 281 281 50 0 178.6000 Row impressions by insert, delete or update statement 235 235 235 44 0 149.8000 SELECT statements 4870 4870 4870 741 13 3072.8000 Select rows Return from statement 3653 3653 3653 598 37 2318.8000 Number of transactions 281 281 281 50 0 Number of 178.6000 Network Statistics Number of Server Roundtrips Customer 1 1 3 3 1,8000 TDS Packet Server 119 110 90 898 78 259,0000 Bytes Sent From 1 1 3 3 1,8000 TDS Packets Sent From Customer 138 138 284 288 197,2000 Bytes Server 327491 327491 327491 2861601 197860 808386,8000 Time Statistics Customer Processing Time 2755 3793 2364 908 332 2030,4000 Total Execution Time 3225 On Server 4294 2825 2095 1375 2762.8000 Waiting Time Answer 470 501 461 1187 104

c# - Difference between string.GetHashCode and IEqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode -

मैं अपने डेटा के साथ distinct () का उपयोग करना चाहूंगा, जिसे IEnumerable & lt; KeyValuePair & lt; IdentType, स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; । इस मामले में, मुझे अपना खुद का IEqualityComparer लागू करना होगा और मेरा प्रश्न है: क्या लागूकरणों के बीच में कोई अंतर है? सार्वजनिक Int GetHashCode (कीवालपेअर & lt; पहचान प्रकार, स्ट्रिंग & gt; obj) {वापसी समानता कम्परियर & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; डीफॉल्ट.गेटहाशकोड (obj.Value); } और सार्वजनिक int GetHashCode (KeyValuePair & lt; IdentType, string & gt; obj) {return obj.Value.GetHashCode (); } आपके दो विधियों में केवल एक छोटा सा अंतर है। < पी> क्लास इम्प्रेशमेंट IEquateable & lt; T & gt; (जो स्ट्रिंग करता है) प्रकार की एक श्रेणी वापस करेगा। इसलिए कि GetHashCode (obj.Value) को कॉल किया जाता है सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड इंट होशकोड (टी ओबीजे) {if (obj == null) 0; वापसी obj.GetHashCode (); } जो आप obj.Value.GetHashCode (); को कॉल करने के समान है, सीधे इस तथ्य को छोड़कर कि यदि आपके पास

python - Utilizing Logging checker when logger is an object attribute -

I'm trying to check PyLint to use PyLint 1.3.1. In the Trac project we have issues in which there is a feature of the logger object. For example, there is an environment object and later the logger is used through the call. PyLint has no success to find examples of string interpolation when I run on pylint --disable = all --enable = logging --logging-modules = self.env.log trac / wiki / Has found . PyLint does not have any problem finding the following case: trac.log from logger_factory log = logger_factory () ('deleted version% Page% s'% (version, D

How to send email in regional language use codeigniter -

I want to send emails in our Regional Language Use CODINETER. I am using the following script to send email: $ this-> Load-> Library ('email'); $ This- & gt; Email-> Set_newline ("\ r \ n"); / * For some reason * / $ this- & gt; Email-> From ('no-rpli@', 'test'); $ This- & gt; Email-> For ($ email); $ This- & gt; Email-> Subject ('Registration complete successfully'); $ This- & gt; Email-> Message ('welcome message'); If ($ the-> Email-> Send ()) {Echo 'Success'; } Else {echo 'sorry', does not send mail '; } Thanks a long time ago. Languages ​​in CodeIgniter to use differently, you can do these two things: 1) Create a language converter in your website 2) Store the user's preference in the session, and on the e-mail creation, load the related language file $ This-> lang- & gt; Load ('my_email_file', $ this- & gt;

angularjs - Angular resources doesn't fill scope -

I have a simple controller with a service as a dependency. When the promise is made to resources , then I am trying to fill the scope. When I console.log () scope shows it correctly with the data, but my ng-repeat does not work. Besides, I have an extension of chrome I am using and (post) on that radius does not show any data what am I missing? Controller: Function Timeline Controller ($ Scope, Timeline Service) {$ scope.posts = []; $ Scope.getPosts = function (wall_type, wall_id) {timeline service. Tags (wall-type, wall_id). $ Promise Then (function (result) {$ scope.posts = result.response; console.log ($ scope.posts); // shows data correctly on this console}}}}} service timeline service ($ resource) {var resource = $ resource ('/ timeline /: post id', {postId: "@ id"}); return {getPosts: Function (unit, id) {// / timeline? Entity = user & amp; id = 3 (example url) return resource.get ({unit: entity, id: id});}}} < / Pre> The response

Spring prototype following prototype design pattern -

After "div class =" text "itemprop =" text "> Spring provides a" prototype "as the scope of the scope. This means that whenever the bean is required in the application, the spring container will make a fresh / new example of bean. Is prototype design pattern also followed? Does it make the object in the request only once and at the time the call clone () method on the object created to create the new object? Anyone can provide examples of prototype in JDK, Spring, Hibernate or any other J2EE framework, if additionally. Below is the code snippet taken from AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean () function: // create sample examples. If (mbd.isSingleton ()) {sharedInstance = getSingleton (beanName, New ObjectFactory & lt; Object & gt; () {@Override Public Object GetObject () throws BeansException {try {return createBean (beanName, MBD, args);} Grab (BeansException East) {Clearly remove example from singleton cache //: It may have b

Why is the random number I'm generating not changing within a loop? C -

Here's my current code I'm trying to create a game from which the computer generates a random number and the user thinks Is that it is more or less than the number shown. Although I can not get a random number to change it. Always How can I get to change the random number so that the user is guessed rather than trapped in a loop: high or less than 6? More than 0 or less than 6? 0 #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {int rdmnum; Int rdm2; Int estimate; Int x = 1; Srand (time (faucet)); Rdmnum = rand ()% 9; Printf ("Enter 1 to make more estimation, enter lower number. \ N"); Printf ("more or less than% d? \ N", rdmnum); Scanf ("% d", and estimates); Do {if (estimate == 1 & amp;; & amp;; = = rdmnum) {printf ("% d or greater than? \", Rdmnum); Scanf ("% d", and estimates); X = 1; } And {x = 0; } If (Estimate == 0 & amp; amp; & amp; amp; estimated & lt; = rdmnum) {printf ("more or less t

c# - Using ReactiveUI InvokeCommand Extension with Changing Targets -

The code below works, I do not know that this is the best practice, I am thinking that I am more on the situation I am thinking. Status: The code below is in my main view model manufacturer. ViewModel has MessageHandler which has Reactive Commands property on which it is called Receivemessage . ViewModel has a property with a RawMessage with another property ScannerViewModel . I would like to use the Reactive UI code. Invoic Commands () Extension Method for Pipe RawMessage to Receivemessage I want it to check for .CENExecute Although MessageHandler (or even getmessage potentially possible) may change, as well as with ScannerViewModel . this.WhenAnyValue (t = & gt; t.MessageHandler.ReceiveMessage). Select (CMD => this when any value (T => TSCNR Videodel.Romesses). Invoke Commands (CMD). Scan (, (ACC, N) => ACC. Dies (); Return n;}). Subscribe (); then seems to work up. I am not sure whether I need to dispose of the last incocomma

Javascript reset ul list -

I am making a list of requests based on results from an AJAX call. I want to search for specific requests so that the list can be recreated from search results, but once it is created, I can not get rid of the list How can I do this? onload = function () {initRequestList (URL); Click on $ ("#SearchSearch_btn") (function {document.getElementById ("requestList") innerHTML = ""; FillSearchParameters (); initRequestList (status)}). }; Function fillSearchParameters () {status = $ ("# status_txt"). Val (); }; Function initRequestList (if (s! == null) URL = "http: // localhost: 58510 / api / request /" + status; var requestList = document.getElementById ("requestList"); = true; $ .ajax ({url: url, type: 'received', datatype: 'json', success: function (data, textStatus, XHR) {//console.log(data); $ .Each ($ (data) , Function (key, value) {var request = value; requestListItem = document.create